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[HH1.0] Iron Hands Tactics

Noctus Cornix

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So another apocalypse game is on the horizon, and I have enough predators now to attempts am armoured breakthrough RoW, a yet dream for most Iron Hands players.

Here's what I am thinking of fielding, in light of recent updates. Keep in mind that my group uses a flat 25% points allowance of LoW choices. I am more tanks than infantry models.


The goal is to be able to neutralize enemy armour while my allies deal with the more "fleshy" elements of the opposing force.

Armoured Breakthrough 5,000 points.

Orth (rides the laser destroyer vindicator squad)

2x Legion Predator
Autocannon, lascannon sponsons, multi melta pintle, dozer blades

2x Legion Predator
Autocannon, lascannon sponsons, multi melta pintle, dozer blades

2x Legion Predator
Autocannon, lascannon sponsons, multi melta pintle, dozer blades

10 Gorgon Terminators
4 Chainfists, 2 heavy flamers

Flare shield, dozer blade, armoured ceramite, multi melta, BASimulacra

Sicaran Battle Tank
Lascannons, multi melta, dozerblade

Sicaran Battle Tank
Lascannons, multi melta, dozerblade

Heavy Support
3 Malcadors
Lascannons, battle cannon, demolisher cannon, multi melta,armoured ceramite, dozer blade, BASimulacra, command tank

3 Laser Destroyer Vindicators
Dozer blades, multi melta

Sicaran Venator
Armoured ceramite, dozer blade

Lords of War
Ferrus Manus, Executive BAMF of the Board.

Cerberus Tank Destroyer
Lascannons, multi melta, armoured ceramite, dozer blade, BASimulacra

Edited by Wolf_Pack
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It's beautiful, but on a technicality, needs a small change; You need someone/thing with Master of the Legion to take Armoured Breakthrough.


Fortunately you have an easy option: You can take a Sicaran or single Predator as an HQ choice. This 'Company Command Vehicle' counts as having Master of the Legion for this Rite of War. It doesn't have to be the Warlord though, so you can still have Orth as well. In fact, you could put Orth IN this tank if you wanted, but it would be a shame to lose the extra free +1BS it gets.

Simply put. Make one of the Sicaran's an HQ choice. It gets BS5 and Master of the Legion. Your army is now legal!

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How does he have Ferrus and the Cerberus? You can't use a Rite of War along with one of the alt. FoC's that has multiple LoW slots, and you can't mix a Primarch into a Super-heavy Detachment.


If he's playing Apocalypse and forgoing FoC's in general, then that's a different matter, but it isn't clear as the post says they're using a Rite of War.



The Predators that are Troops, Flint, must have Autocannons as turrets. That's the only restriction.

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The restriction prevents you from changing the predator cannon, nothing else.


As for Ferrus and the Cerberus, as mentioned, we use a flat 25% LoW cap with no slot limitations. This makes the smaller super heavies very attractive for those who like to smack faces with a Primarch.


I am not too sure on the malcadors as they run so expensive, but I think they will be doing lots of work upfield with a command tank.

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The Predators that are Troops, Flint, must have Autocannons as turrets. That's the only restriction.

Ah, "...armed with predator cannon turret and sponson weapons only..."


Shame they can't toss on one of those sweet, cheaper pintle meltas, but that's pretty awesome.

Edited by Flint13
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I'd drop the multi-meltas from the laser destroyers too and grab a pair of Javelins.


It's up for debate on the preds - it does strictly use the word ONLY...


Until there is an official verdict i'm holding off on my Blood Angels Assault Cannon Boats...


Predator Cannon + 2 Assault Cannons is still solid.  I guess they are trying to limit the HS-level firepower you're now getting as fast scoring units?

Edited by Terminus
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Vehicle upgrades aren't restricted. The wording is "armed with Predator cannon turret and sponson weapons only". Having a pintle-mounted weapon probably counts as being "armed", but I still feel like pintle-mounted weapons are a grey area. They are a vehicle upgrade, so shouldn't be restricted, but they are still a weapon.
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So... Now that the mastodon is out, who is dreaming of fielding that fatty in an armoured breakthrough or Head of the Gorgon as a pimp mobile for Ferrus? Orth, Void shields, Simulacrae and IWND on that turtle ought to be downright... glorious.

Add in a Techmarine with max # of Servitors for 2+ Repair Rolls to keep it going after Ferrus Hops out to Hammer Time.


"Oh, I just lost 4 HP?" Welp 2+ Repair, 5+ IWND, 6+ BAS and then 5+ Void Shield Regen."

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