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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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"A thousand fears has the weak, bloated carcass of humanity. First among them is the implacability of their doom."





" We are the weapon they tried to murder when we grew too keen, too dangerous and they grew terrified."




"We are the immortal iron of their nightmares. That which is indomitable and ruthless, that which exists only to scour their last vestiges from the corners of the galaxy."




"With each slaughter we wreak upon them, the worthlessness of resistance is laid bare at their feet in all its butchered glory."




"With axe and blade, we rend the lies of their faith."




"With bolt and plasma, we cleanse the weakness of their existence."




"When the horror of the futility of the Imperial Truth is torn howling from the throat of their high lords, we will be the instrument of their screams. Let the invertebrates of the great and noble Imperium know that we come for them..."




"...that we are clad in the steel of blackest night... and we are invincible."


~ Vaugun Wreave -- Chaplain of the Atrementar Veterans the "Ironclad Midnight," 28th Company 

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Fuuuu, will you have them enough :D And I thought that my 15 -20 old metal ones are maybe too much :D

Joking aside your presentation of models is great, you really know how

I have to admit that I am not a fan of  Cataphractii version of TDA, it would be great if they update those old "bug" armors.

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Response time!


@ Heinrich - Haha, yeah. I guess someone at forgeworld checks out my netflix list...


@ Chickenleg - Thanks! I get bored painting a ton of the same thing. So I try to individualize each a bit to keep me going.


@ Kol - Thanks! I've also got some indominus and tartaros scattered in there as well.


@ nhaunter - I'm on the fence about Cataphractii TDA. I have a love affair going with any type of terminators (and topknots, but that's a different story) and I found I loved Cataphract plate just as much as the others when I saw the awesome one in Massacre painted in NL colors.



Now the fun part... I've got 25 more terminators to assemble... 5 grey knights, 10 vanilla chaos and 10 wolf terminators all to be Nightlorded up for the full might of the Ironclad Midnight...

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Oh wow! I love it when I update, then come back a little bit later and there are already half a dozen responses. Thanks guys happy.png

I had a quick question, then I'll get some responses going.

Ok, now that I've admitted to my terminator obsession, what is the consensus on my Tartaros lightning claw conversion? You can barely see them in the lower left corner of what I've taken to calling my "terminator wall" pic.



and two


and comparison with a normal-ish tartaros


Unfortunately when I got them, they came with just left handed power fists and combi-bolters, so this was my way of getting a few without buying one of those religion-challengingly expensive upgrade packs. They are undeniably bulkier than the original variant, but I kinda like the more hulking profile. Thoughts?


@ Chaptermasterdemon - You totally should! The Blood Guardians are looking badass. Some awesome quotes to help establish their personal acts of valor should be next on your to do list.

@ Chickenleg - tell me about it, right? totally better than dat a$$

@ Tanith Ghost - I *love* Zhufor's helmet. Best terminator or terminator themed accessory to ever come out of forgeworld! But I feel you, I felt like I had to do something to spruce up the Cataphractii plate. To me, the vanilla Cataphract armor doesn't seem very "Nightlordy." It seems much more like something the Iron Warriors, Sons of Horus or the Imperial Fists would use.

@ Chaplain - Totally better than a hangover, right? happy.png

@ deathspectersgt - I'll do my darndest. I like painting terminators more than normal rank and file, at least. To me, they are so much more individual and interesting.

@ Noserenda - Haha, I'll run it past a Mod if one happens to stop in. Thanks! And a thought occurs.... you're the same gent whose PH Alpha Legion Log I've been reading through the last couple of days. Great looking stuff there!

@ forte - Well... yeah... I mean, it'd be a little weird if you stopped in and there were just Emperor's Children everywhere wouldn't it? happy.png

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In my opinion, I feel that the left shoulder pad (viewer's left) seems tacked on. The other side looks great, and the converted arm smoothly transitions into the rest of the body. I think why the shoulder pad feels tacked on is because there is a large gap where one can see the unarmored shoulder.




Also, the guy on the right has his shoulder lower than the guy on his left.


To me the claws themselves are fine, I like the hulking look too. Its very intimidating, which I'm sure that Night Lord appreciates ;)

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Morning Folks!

@ Deathspectersgt - Thanks!

@ Kol - Yeah, that's part of what is bugging me, I think. I suppose I could just argue it's where they store the power cells for the claws happy.png

@ Jasp - Haha, good to hear. I hear it takes a lot to impress a Deathguard.

@ Vazzy - Doing my best with all the post holiday craziness.

@ Tanith - I do like those legs... they have a nice pre-heresy vibe to them. The thing that bugs me is that they are a tiny bit smaller than "generic" GW terminator legs.

@ Basswave - I think that may have been what is bugging me. I knew I wanted a "lopsided" look to the shoulder pads, like gladiator armor. I think I'll have to pull the pad off and shave down the shoulder a bit.

@ nhaunter - Same here! I love the huge variations you can build into a Chaos Marine force. You can go for a really ramshackle force, or one rife with mutation, or one that is almost loyalist in appearance. I'm pretty sure that's what attracted me to the army in the first place... of course I *almost* ended up as a XX Legionnaire...

@ Recon - Depends on if you meant the chain axe of the Cataphact chaplain, or the power axe of the Tartaros sgt, which would be the Cataphractii power axe sprue, or the Tartaros power axe sprue respectively. They both come in sprues of 10 for about $15 or so from FW.

@ Barabbas - I do my best. If we're counting up un-built terminators as well, I've got fifty-six all told.

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