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Savage Midnight: Armored Up an Rolling Heavy for ETL-Pg.109


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There is a certain coldness that you have managed to achieve with your Knights. That steely and hard atmosphere that just jumps right into your bones when you see them.


The cool (read temperature) colours that you bring to the table manages to completely change the way your eye looks at that red... and the results are fantastic.


Even the gem choice hits that winter chill theme home, as does your choice of cloth colours.


Very impressive how you have taken a beloved and staple successor, and just made it completely into your own, and with style.

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@Flint: "We are the Flintamnesis. Resistance is futile. We will take your creative distinctiveness and add it to our own. Then we will crush your world, kill your men, and leave your children crying in the smoking ruins of your cities."
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Point Taken Flint-Sama-Senpai


That said, I think you actually did the Metallic Blue UM greave better than your Alpha Legion dude :x It looks smoother if anything.

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"Imry is another inductee of a broken chapter. A sole survivor of an action of Imperial ignorance, delivered to the wayward sons of the Angel. The galaxy holds no tender mercies."


"Among the Secundii, he stands as the most likely to achieve his ascension to true Knighthood within the decade. The most well rounded of bolter, blade or tactical acumen surely, but the truest to the Consanguinity?"


"Exigency is the architect of contrivance, or so the librarius servitors continue to inscribe within the data stacks. Maybe this inventive nature is the aspect of Imry that ushers a young Secundii to the Knighthood so expeditiously? It certainly paid its dividends against the guerrilla attacks of the fifth legion on Chadren VI. Even sons of the Khan will dismount from their beloved steeds after the first implodes in quite an impressive display."



@ Recon - Yep, all brush work for me. The red is Khorne, washed with Army painter purple tone, relayered with Khorne and edge high lighted with Wazdakka.

@ Candles - Wow, a really thought out reply like that means a lot. I really appreciate it. I try not to obsess over it too hard, but that cold theme is exactly what I'm going for, so I'm super happy to hear it works just like I intended.

Also, glad to see you back at it!

@ Kol - Haha, that certainly works. Now I just need my own flagship to match the Vengeful Spirit!

@ DimDim - Glad to hear it!

@ BCK - Yay! Yeah, it is a bit of an odd color scheme, but it seems to be coming together acceptably.

@ Slipstreams - Ah, see the Alpha was a mix of three different washes over top of a metallic base coat. This Ultramarine greave is several blues (Blue Angels, French and French/Ice) mixed with metallic medium, then layered with each other to high light.

Actually something Forte suggested a while back. I am hella glad I picked up a thingie of metal medium. I've been playing around with it for a ton of different things recently.

@ Recon - Yep! He's actually my fav for the March of Legions event so far. I like his fluff biggrin.png

@ Slipstreams x2 - Yep, that's the one!

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Secundii Imry Tarn and Blade-Sovereign Thael Drogan



@ Slipstreams - Just a nine man squad. Maybe a 5 man death company as I just accidentally (on purpose) bought one from the Shield of Baal set biggrin.png

@ BCK - True that!

@ Kol - I can't just tell you what chapter he's from. That'd be lame.

That's a decently accurate summation. So far as I've established for myself, I've treated the Consanguinity as the original Knights of Blood who broke from the Imperium, treated as a sort of council of elders. The (Savage) Knighthood is what they refer to themselves as collectively, such as the Blood Angels might call themselves the Sanguine Host, mostly for thematic purposes. The Secundii are essentially squires. Recuits, initiates and cast offs from other chapters who have joined the Knights of Blood, but have not yet achieved their own place in the Knighthood.

Does that clear up my thoughts a bit?

@ Augustus - Thanks! That is exactly what they've had to do. The Knights have access to all the remaining relics and chapter equipment that is still available, while the Secundii squires have to make due with patchwork suits, repurposed and captured equipment scrounged from whatever they can find. Once they are accepted into the Knighthood proper, they are granted their own armor and weapons from the Chapter armory.

Sort of like how a teenager gets a crap-box car until they can prove they can take care of a legit one biggrin.png

@ Dantay - YES! I'm glad it's totally recognizable as a White Scar guantlet. I was a little worried changing the traditional yellow for black would be too much of a departure, but I thought yellow would clash with his armor a little too hard.

@ Midnight - I certainly hope they will.

No worries, only two more to go until a class photo msn-wink.gif

That's one reason I keep the fluff bits short. They don't each get a personal story, but enough of a fluffy tidbit to hopefully keep it interesting.

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His hearts beat a slow, staccato rhythm within his chest, his breath even and measured through vents of his beaked warhelm. Sevok Fel crouched atop the arming gantry within the hanger bay like a predatory vulturi of old Terra. He knew the attack was coming. He knew how the hunters worked. He had trained in their ways... he had been a hunter once before he came unto the Savage Knighthood.


Sevok Fel's gaze never shifted from the neutral position focused on the hanger doors. From the corner of his eye, he watched the nearing shimmer across the girders to his left, the tell-tale shadow haze of a stalking. It marked his impending death, sidling ever closer. He smiled within the confines of his warhelm.

They should have ended him with a single boltshell, fired from concealment. But this was personal for the hunter. He would close to the kill...



With a roar of hate, the black clad hunter lunged at Sevok Fel, but the crouching Astartes had already exploded into motion. Turning to meet his foe head on, his ascending gauntlet smacked aside the descending combat knife and sent it plummeting to the floor of the hanger bay. He ducked in close to his adversary to pin the hunter's other arm under his own. The bolt pistol in the thwarted stalker's fist barked like a mad dog, ineffectually spitting shells into the black void of the hanger behind them. With a savage wrench, the beaked helm crashed into that of his attacker, sending a spray of green ballistic glass arcing through the air. He released the pinned arm as he did so, sending the other Astartes over the edge of the girder frame and hurtling down to the plascrete floor, fifteen meters below.

Spreading his arms wide, Sevok Fel stepped from the girders to follow, a riven angel cascading to the earth.


His landing was cataclysmic, his armored boots finding their landing dead center in the breastplate of his attacker. The would be hunter jerked under the impact. A pained grunt, his only vocalization, growled from the vox-grille of his damaged helm. Sevok Fel cocked his head obliquely down at his foe, as he realized it still lived. His fingers found the release catch of the broken helm as he crouched, and he wrenched it off, casting it into the darkness. The hunter's face was pale where it wasn't washed in blood. He tried to snarl in hate up at his killer, but could only manage a gargling spurt of crimson from his lips.

Sevok Fel pressed his combat knife hard into the throat of his foe as leaned in close. His voice was a hiss of wet steel grating across bone.

"Non victorus, nisi mortis... frater."

The blade slid home.


@ Slipstreams - Ah we shall see. I am looking forward to it.

@ Atia - Thanks! I am glad to hear it.

@ Kol - Cool. Always like to think I can be educational.

Who's to say he didn't just stab a guy and steal his armor? biggrin.png

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"A good, large blade will always prevail over a good, small blade."


"Vaust... 'Cutter' Vaust, as those of the squirehood have unimaginatively come to call him, is the exception to that martial rule. He should also have been the exception to the seemingly relaxed acceptance views for the Secundii..."


"Contrary to what I would have expected from their abandoned once-brothers, Fel and Vaust get along famously. What does it say of our fractured Chapter that the bitterest of enemies on the outside have come to forge a closer alliance than those that are meant to be birthed by the bonds of duty and honor?"


"Perhaps in spite of, perhaps because of the derision the rest of the Savage Knighthood showed for his arrival, the Long Death acquired his squire almost immediately. Nothing positive can come from that squiring. Hone a swordsman at his craft and his foes will never stand easy before him. Hone a murderer at swordcraft, and no one, friend or foe will ever sleep easy again."


@ Jackdaw - Glad to hear you like them, models and fluff! They've really grown on me, and I am enjoying myself immensely so far.

One left to go happy.png

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