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Extra troops for the Night Lords?


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So FW's Massacre has finally given us some definitive rules-candy for the NL. Awesome. *roaring celebratory noises* But I have a question. Without giving too much away, the NL RoW mandates an extra compulsory troop choice in addition to the ones in the standard FOC. Does this extra compulsory slot replace one of the optional troop slots, or does this bring the total to seven potential troop selections (which would not be completely out of line when one considers the limitation on HS)?

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Thanks much for the clarification. The wording was somewhat imprecise in the book and, while I admit it is a bit of a stretch to assume an extra FOC slot would result, I was erring on the side of the hopeful. Then again, I suppose we are speaking of the Night Lords. Hope be damned! Ave Dominus Nox! ;)

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