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The Horus Heresy by Lil'Legend Studio


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Brother, how did you get that nice green for the Sons of Horus? I like your shade a fair bit more than the one FW show on their site, it's not quite as dark as theirs, but it isn't too light either.


Please enlighten me as to your secrets

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Vulkan Primarch of the Salamanders. Fireborn Lord of Prometheus



the new pre-release Vulkan from Forge World. 


Cheers guys. Khârn has had a raucous reception wherever I have shown him which I'm really happy about. 


@ Ion - use your usual recipe but wash it with Coleia Nightshade and reapply the mid tone. It's the magic formula. 



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@ Ion - use your usual recipe but wash it with Coleia Nightshade and reapply the mid tone. It's the magic formula. 


I've only just started my Heresy army, so I haven't gotten a usual recipe as yet, they're just primed and waiting for my paint set to arrive. I can understand if you wish to keep your secrets secrets however xD


That Vulkan is mind blowing...

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All of these models are superlative, but what really sticks out to me is the Lorgar. 


I'm with most people in thinking that sculpt is the most lacklustre of the Horus Heresy character series, but the way you have done him makes him just look fantastic. The contrast between the red and gold is just awesome, but its the lighting on his head and the way you've done his complexion that really knock it out of the park. His darkly lit features make him look so dangerously potent, whereas the FW paint job just screams impotency to me. 


Really, this one steals the show for me, very well done dude. 


Not many people can say they made Lorgar look good. ^^

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Vulkan is outstanding. Everything about him is fantastic, but that hammer steals the show for me. That and the Big Iron on his hip.

Wow, I didn't even notice that sick revolver on his hip. I've been debating creating a Western themed chapter for awhile now, considering I frequent the Stockyards of north Texas, and seeing a revolver on a power armored hip looks amazing. What are the rules for that beast?!

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Vulkan is outstanding. Everything about him is fantastic, but that hammer steals the show for me. That and the Big Iron on his hip.

Wow, I didn't even notice that sick revolver on his hip. I've been debating creating a Western themed chapter for awhile now, considering I frequent the Stockyards of north Texas, and seeing a revolver on a power armored hip looks amazing. What are the rules for that beast?!



Anyone in the enemy army who looks at Vulkan is blinded from his awesomeness when carrying the Big Iron on his hip.


And I dont mean miniatures, I mean the player controlling them.

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Vulkan is outstanding. Everything about him is fantastic, but that hammer steals the show for me. That and the Big Iron on his hip.

Wow, I didn't even notice that sick revolver on his hip. I've been debating creating a Western themed chapter for awhile now, considering I frequent the Stockyards of north Texas, and seeing a revolver on a power armored hip looks amazing. What are the rules for that beast?!

Anyone in the enemy army who looks at Vulkan is blinded from his awesomeness when carrying the Big Iron on his hip.


And I dont mean miniatures, I mean the player controlling them.

Well, guess that's settled then. I'm starting Salamanders. Come to think of it, instead of his left hand being empty, he should be fisting that hunk o metal with the hammer cocked. I'd buy a few of them cuz reasons.

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I have seen some excellent Lorgars, but you have shown exactly what I argued on another site... a great painter will make the Vulkan model look sensational.  Unfortunately, Forgeworld seems to have given their paintjobs to highly proficient & technical, but seemingly unimaginative artists these last few years. The paint by their guide and not to the old 'Eavy Metal standards of the past.  If they want to sell Vulkan models, yours is the one they should display.  Hell... ALL of yours.

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