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A Question to the Emperor's Children Fans

The Nephilim

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Just to point out my comment was in no way intended to be homophobic/offensive in any way, I also have some gay/transgender friends. Apologies to any who may have been offended.

Think most people took it as a more Slaanesh fan with some twisted models speaking kind of way.
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Back to angel's exterminatus, Well. I considered the book about the iron warriors, rather then the Emperors children (same way betrayer is about the world eaters rather then the word bearers).


I do think the main thing AE shows us, is the lack of respect chaos legions view other chaos legions with, The typical thought of evil only looking out for itself, while good triumphs because they know how to work together. 


And yes, audiobooks are awesome for painting. Aiming to get a bunch so I can get some painting done :D

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