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In my 6 man squad I'm building and setting up, I have one Fancy Night Lord with all the khorne and skulls to represent falling to Chaos, while the other 5 just represent being normal space mans.


This is strongly pulled from ABD's Night Lords, but through out all the Legions and renegades not all worship whole heartedly. The problem is Phil Kelly's shtick about all eventually falling to worship, which just isn't true (in my interpretation at least) and so there isn't enough influence to justify taking marks when it will be represented by lightly spread 'marks' throughout my army.


The Raptor Cults are pragmatic worshippers of fear, and thus I feel like even though they may give lip service to the pantheon, for the most part they only worship themselves and their own fear inducement right? So why do they take marks? So I agree not being able to take marks is a bit boring, but at the same time perhaps here however they have chosen it to represent only those as the favored sons of one extreme of the Pantheon. In any case it is frustrating and just another reason I was so underwhelmed by the CSM Codex. But, that's partly always been the issue with me wanting to play Night Lords (or Iron Warriors) in the current Codex. The rules don't justify my interpretation, just like the Boone table, and the always having to accept/issue a challenges doesn't set right. Those last bits aren't going to change, but I'm finally doing an army that I love in the fluff.

Well, so far I have 5 of 6 Chaos mans based in blue. Going for 6th today and then to back packs and shiny bits, followed by shades. So far this has been fun.


Next two units will be a spawn and raptor mans and then whatever looks good with the new supplement.

On the chaos undivided front Master of Mankind laid out the current fluff: the different chaos gods are shards of chaos in the same way the different psychic lores are shards of the warp... if that makes any sense.


That's pretty much what is stated in the fluff since... well forever. I would rather use the word "aspect".



Thanks guys. Prot, they are all Forgeworld (made them long before the box came out), although I imagine cutting up the new plastic MkIII is much easier. I'm not a big fan of resin as material for conversions, which might be the reason why I never built more of them. :wink:

Greetings all,


I'd like to get your opinion on the load-out of raptor squads in a talon.  I'm playing a 2000 point battle this weekend since our supplement is dropping against the Blood Angels.  As it's against my good friend we aren't aiming to tear each other to pieces with competitive lists.  

My proposed list.

I was going to run a talon with a lord with the reserve modifying helm and double LC's, a warp talon squad (the lord goes there), a 5 man double melta deep strike raptor squad, and a final squad of 5 raptors (undetermined leaning to flamers).  The rest is a double drake fear pack, CAD with a sorcerer, 2 cultists with auto guns, bikes, CSM in rhino with double melta, triple las pred, vindi, and plasma havocs in a rhino.


I don't have a whole lot to change out but are there any suggestions you all have as to the set up of raptor squads with our new rules?


Also Isengrin those are some fantastic marines

Hey guys. Just to bring this to attention, the first post is missing it's artwork.

The first post is still there, and yes it is artwork! :tongue.: :wink:


Greetings all,


I'd like to get your opinion on the load-out of raptor squads in a talon.  I'm playing a 2000 point battle this weekend since our supplement is dropping against the Blood Angels.  As it's against my good friend we aren't aiming to tear each other to pieces with competitive lists.  

My proposed list.

I was going to run a talon with a lord with the reserve modifying helm and double LC's, a warp talon squad (the lord goes there), a 5 man double melta deep strike raptor squad, and a final squad of 5 raptors (undetermined leaning to flamers).  The rest is a double drake fear pack, CAD with a sorcerer, 2 cultists with auto guns, bikes, CSM in rhino with double melta, triple las pred, vindi, and plasma havocs in a rhino.


I don't have a whole lot to change out but are there any suggestions you all have as to the set up of raptor squads with our new rules?


Also Isengrin those are some fantastic marines

Are you using the raptor formation with the lord? Which gives them charge on same turn as deepstrike?

I usually run raptors in a minimal squad with 2 meltas, they main focus was kind of a rapticide if that make any sense. Now that they can charge after DS, I'll try to run them with a power weapon as well, if the points allow.


My draft raptor talon is as follows:


Lord with the black hunt claws & aura, 5 warp talons (champ with gift of mutation) and 2 squads of five raptors, each one with 2 MG and a PW. That runs at 550 points.

I have this same set up as well on one squad, I definitely will take melta bombs on the champ since they can charge now on ds. I may drop the meltas off my CSM for plasma and equip the other raptors like yours. Is anyone else pleased warp talons are fairly viable with assault from deep strike and our re-rolls to charge? They've always been some of my favorite units and I've been waiting to dust em off.

I have this same set up as well on one squad, I definitely will take melta bombs on the champ since they can charge now on ds. I may drop the meltas off my CSM for plasma and equip the other raptors like yours. Is anyone else pleased warp talons are fairly viable with assault from deep strike and our re-rolls to charge? They've always been some of my favorite units and I've been waiting to dust em off.

Very pleased about WT.


My personal Talon setup is....


Jump Lord with Fist/Claw, Sigil, Meltabombs, Talons of the Night Terror

10 Raptors with 2 Meltas.....Champ has Meltabombs and Power Maul


10 Raptors with 2 Meltas and Icon of Vengeance.....Champ has Meltabombs and Power Maul


10 Raptors with 2 Meltas and Icon of Vengeance.....Champ has Meltabombs and Power Maul


This is added to a Heldrake Terror Pack (3 Drakes with 2 Flamers and 1 Hades)


Finished off with a CAD:


2 x 5 CSM with Meltabombs and 1 Plasma Gun per squad as the only gear. ObSec guys to hug cover and occasionally blow up a transport or something.


1 x3  Chaos Bikers (1 Power Fist and 2 Meltaguns, Champ has Meltabombs)


Bike Lord with Power Axe, Power Sword, Stormbolt Plate (2+Jink, baby!), Sigil, Meltabombs.


Comes to 1850 on the dot. 1 Raptor Squad plus the CAD start on the table. Everything else comes screaming in as die rolls permit.

On another note, for both style and at least some effectiveness, I'm thinking of a Jump Pack Sorcerer with maxed out Ectomancy, Curze's Orb, and a Plasma Pistol (that will almost always wound and almost never get hot, thanks to the Orb)....or he could just rock the Stormbolt Plate. Lots of cool ghostly powers in there and lots of mobility for both himself and any unit he joins.


Reminds me of Reaper from Overwatch.


Empyric Shield->Ghost Form

Soulswitch/Ghost Storm->"Repositioning...."

Infernal Claws/Daemonshriek->"Die....Die....DIE!!"

What do you guys think makes a good Rhino for the 8th? Dirge casters to stop overwatch? Havoc Launcher to be a razorback lite? Destroyer blades to do damage when you tank shock? Nothing? Going to pick one up alongside the new supplement today.


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