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++ The Murderers' Call - A Night Lords Community ++


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What have I stumbled into and why are all the lights off?

The better for us to see you with. The lights hurts our sight so.

Well I better keep this sword and overly amusing plasma cannon hidden to dim the lights... and this flamer.

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What have I stumbled into and why are all the lights off?

The better for us to see you with. The lights hurts our sight so.

Something entirely irreverent, yet magically, paradoxically wonderful. A project of shared homocidal tendencies between caring brothers and a sister. ^_^

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Not gonna lie... Jasp has the right of it, I'm not super dangerous IRL.


He only wants to get into a fist fight b/c he's like 14 inches taller than I am.


... Hey Jasp, I can still deadlift your bodyweight holding a keg! :P

Well I can drink your body weight plus a keg!


And your harmless to me

Others on the other hand better watch out my flint will scratch your eyes out then wear them as a necklace so you can watch as she (insert inappropriate comments) your momma :D

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I've always thought the 8th and 20th would work well together, not just visually, but in actual fluff terms as well. 


I could totally see the Alpha legion insertion teams using the Night Lords' crazed terror making as the cover  for all sorts of nefarious activities :happy.:

IIRC, Kurze didn't like Alpha Legion, or at least, he didn't trusted them. Of course, he liked or trusted nobody, but still  :D

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Wait what? BARBIE???? How dare you compare a cold hearted murderer to a five year old's must have toy.


And all this talk of fighting, please be serious. A fight implies that all parties have a potential chance of winning an undetermined outcome. There is no potential chance of winning, and the outcome has long been determined. 

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Not gonna lie... Jasp has the right of it, I'm not super dangerous IRL.


He only wants to get into a fist fight b/c he's like 14 inches taller than I am.


... Hey Jasp, I can still deadlift your bodyweight holding a keg! :tongue.:

Well I can drink your body weight plus a keg!


And your harmless to me

Others on the other hand better watch out my flint will scratch your eyes out then wear them as a necklace so you can watch as she (insert inappropriate comments) your momma :biggrin.:



Come to the Heresy Weekender next year and we shall put that drinking tolerance to the test my good man

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You guys are crazy. I like it.


I demon2027, will stand Midnight clad. We are the 25th company, led by Tol Calos, and we are undertaking in the Warmasters Anarchy campaign, alongside the XXth and XIIth Legions. Death to the false emperor and glory to our mad father.


Let me tell you how it used to work. The false Emperor would send his emissary, the Imperial Herald, to spread his lies. If the dissidents failed to listen, he would instruct his Ravens to cut the throats of their leaders. If they still resisted, he sent in his Wolves, to tear them apart. This worked, a hundred times, on a hundred worlds, so the bastard Warmaster decided to replicate it.

So he sends the VIIIth. We deliver our message. But, it is not one of words, it is one of blood, and death, and terror. from the shadows. Then, he unleashes his Hydra, whose heads are everywhere, and they burn and murder, and leave anarchy in their wake. Then we withdraw, we leave the world aflame, its population terrified. And they should be, for once we leave, the Warmaster unleashes his hounds, the Eater of Worlds, and they butcher, and do not stop until they have a mound of skulls for their broken sire. That is how the we bring compliance. That is how we will burn the Emperors galaxy, and we will not stop, not until all that remains is the darkness of the Void.

Edited by Demon2027
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Not gonna lie... Jasp has the right of it, I'm not super dangerous IRL.


He only wants to get into a fist fight b/c he's like 14 inches taller than I am.


... Hey Jasp, I can still deadlift your bodyweight holding a keg! :tongue.:

Well I can drink your body weight plus a keg!


And your harmless to me

Others on the other hand better watch out my flint will scratch your eyes out then wear them as a necklace so you can watch as she (insert inappropriate comments) your momma :biggrin.:

Come to the Heresy Weekender next year and we shall put that drinking tolerance to the test my good man

Book me a return flight and I'm there ;)

Us Aussies are born with a legendary alcohol tolerance level especially if your from the country :D

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Sadly I haven't got a few grand lying around for it. And yes you'd want an upgrade. I can tell you from hard experience that flying Sydney-London whilst hungover beyond belief and on 4 hours sleep (and not being able to sleep on a piece of :cuss plane in economy class) you will want that Qantas skybed lol

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You guys are crazy. I like it.I demon2027, will stand Midnight clad. We are the 25th company, led by Tol Calos, and we are undertaking in the Warmasters Anarchy campaign, alongside the XXth and XIIth Legions. Death to the false emperor and glory to our mad father. Let me tell you how it used to work. The false Emperor would send his emissary, the Imperial Herald, to spread his lies. If the dissidents failed to listen, he would instruct his Ravens to cut the throats of their leaders. If they still resisted, he sent in his Wolves, to tear them apart. This worked, a hundred times, on a hundred worlds, so the bastard Warmaster decided to replicate it.So he sends the VIIIth. We deliver our message. But, it is not one of words, it is one of blood, and death, and terror. from the shadows. Then, he unleashes his Hydra, whose heads are everywhere, and they burn and murder, and leave anarchy in their wake. Then we withdraw, we leave the world aflame, its population terrified. And they should be, for once we leave, the Warmaster unleashes his hounds, the Eater of Worlds, and they butcher, and do not stop until they have a mound of skulls for their broken sire. That is how the we bring compliance. That is how we will burn the Emperors galaxy, and we will not stop, not until all that remains is the darkness of the Void.

Brother Demon, you stand proudly in the shadows, invincible in midnight clad. Glory be to the Haunter and his true sons. (Even if you called me a guy :tongue.:)




Not gonna lie... Jasp has the right of it, I'm not super dangerous IRL.


He only wants to get into a fist fight b/c he's like 14 inches taller than I am.


... Hey Jasp, I can still deadlift your bodyweight holding a keg! :tongue.:

Well I can drink your body weight plus a keg!


And your harmless to me

Others on the other hand better watch out my flint will scratch your eyes out then wear them as a necklace so you can watch as she (insert inappropriate comments) your momma :biggrin.:


@Jasp - I dunno, how much does a full keg actually weigh? ... because it's probably more than I do.

Edited by Flint13
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I thought it was acceptable to refer to a mixed group as 'guys', if not, accept my deepest regrets, and i promise a collection of loyalist heads as gift.


Have big plans for the Night Lord part of my army, waiting on Forge World at the moment though.

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No worries, I kept my gender as "not telling" for so long, I just have fun giving folks a hard time about it now. 


Jaspcat still calls me brother just to rustle my jimmies :pinch:


Can't wait to see what you're going to do with the midnight clad! 

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I've totally been to Nottingham once back in 2006 to see the Games Workshop museum.  I still have the Chaos land raider I bought in the shop ^_^



I wonder how much it has changed since then? I'll tell you, 18 year old me next to that wacky Urak-hai statue in the lobby was pretty entertaining to see. 

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It's probably changed a lot and it's changing again soon. Think it's closed for renovations the week after next for a few months. My personal favorite was the selfie in the car park with the rhino ;)


See, high time for another trip 

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