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++ The Murderers' Call - A Night Lords Community ++


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Except everyone would start getting nervous when they looked over to the side of the room to see us sharpening a large number of knives....


What? What do you mean we wouldn't really be doing that.....


On a more serious side, I highly recommend attending the HH weekender, was excellent from start to finish

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Good man. Just be ready to pawn those redundant (and not so redundant) organs to feed the resin crack habit. It will consume you utterly, so just embrace it. On the other hand it might work out cheaper than you expect. I've had some good deals on ebay lately so would be a nice alternative.


XVII Legion......I suggest you read my latest bit of fluff to appreciate my lord's view of the XVII Legion......

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I've totally been to Nottingham once back in 2006 to see the Games Workshop museum.  I still have the Chaos land raider I bought in the shop :happy.:



I wonder how much it has changed since then? I'll tell you, 18 year old me next to that wacky Urak-hai statue in the lobby was pretty entertaining to see. 

pictures or it didnt happen

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Driving to Warhammer World wasn't a pleasant experience for me the last time I made the pilgrimage but then again it was at the crack of dawn in the morning and there were a ridiculous amount of highway maintenance dudes keeping all the traffic at a crawl


The Belfry hotel for the weekender however was great. Had it's own junction off the M1 (main motorway linking North and South England) so was easy and stress free. Plenty of places you could bury the body kol ;) 

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