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++ The Murderers' Call - A Night Lords Community ++


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Who says is was you who got him to visit? :wink:

I just got a message from Kol_Saresk asking me to check out this thread so I figured I'd help out with the original bit of story I wrote to set the scene for my own Night Lords about seven years ago.

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Who says is was you who got him to visit? :wink:

I just got a message from Kol_Saresk asking me to check out this thread so I figured I'd help out with the original bit of story I wrote to set the scene for my own Night Lords about seven years ago.



Touche! I bow my head to you, Sir :tu:

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I'm a puritan. I'll have no truck with the degenerate and the warp-marked. Not even the diseased deluded creature who is our Primarch

Amen, Reverend.


I'm with you Balthamal, the best thing Curze ever did was blow up that :cuss hole of a planet, the Legion was better of when it was just known as the VIIIth.

See? This guy knows what I'm talking about ^_^

Edited by Flint13
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I'm a puritan. I'll have no truck with the degenerate and the warp-marked. Not even the diseased deluded creature who is our Primarch



And that is the Night Lord viewpoint I love more.


Hear, hear! Puritan and hypocrite is the way to go, more interesting in my eyes than just corrupted

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We've always been fractured "brother" it's just the less simpleminded of us, those of us who have taken every scrap of power from everyone we could, don't venture out into the spotlight as much as the rest of y'all. :wink:


Edit: Xin, not really ours bleed black. I wonder, what color is yours?

Edited by Tanith Ghost
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We've always been fractured "brother" it's just the less simpleminded of us, those of us who have taken every scrap of power from everyone we could, don't venture out into the spotlight as much as the rest of y'all. ;)


Edit: Xin, not really ours bleed black. I wonder, what color is yours?

Meh, let' see...all that splattering, dripping...

so little seems to be mine...and it's all coloured "warm" on prey sight ..

.Can I call you back?

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In totally unrelated news..

There are images of the upcoming Nagash resculpt floating around

and I am so using this for a Daemon Prince or Knight Chassis for Night Lords....




edit for you pundits: I plan using the actual model, not the images ;)

Edited by Xin Ceithan
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"There comes a time, regardless of undertaking, regardless of endeavour, where a price has to be paid to reach a desired outcome. Some sacrifice their ideals, their morals, their virtues. Others are more materialistic and throw away their possessions, resources, kin.The price itself is irrelevant. The only relevancies are thus: Be determined enough to follow through to a conclusion. And when all else fails, fuel yourself with spite. Spite makes kings weep and gods kneel. It is spite that will see us stand on Terra at the last sunfall of the Long War. It is in spite we shall slay, torture, murder. Spite is your greatest armour, most potent weapon. Use it"


The Duke of Blades

The Crimson Testament




Everything in this life and the next has it's price. If only the lips that first spoke those words, and the lips of the countless billions to echo the thought, could know how true that was. I first heard them on my ninth name day when I requested some water. I like to say that the speaker of those words was a vile delinquent, the kind that populate the penal worlds the length and breadth of the galaxy but the truth is I have no memory of the person's face nor even do I hear their voice when it drifts through my mind, I cannot even tell if it was a male or female who spoke them, they come to me in my own voice, deep and cold. Whilst it is true that my kind have perfect memory recollection. this occurred before I became more, so very much more, than I used to be and it was, after all, a very long time ago. My ninth name day fell in 861.M30, all but 11,000 years past. I've paid prices beyond imagining to be sitting here, recalling that fact.


My name, my true name, is Osirio. It is not the name I was born with for I was anointed with none. My mother, whoever she may have been, perished as I clawed my way from her womb. The first kill, nine seconds into my life. I took the name Osirio because constantly being called "boy" irritated me even at such a young age and it fit the dialect of the Med Dust Bowl prison I was trapped in. Also fuelling my choice were three murders of children who made it a form of mockery. Amongst my brothers I am called Barbastellan Lasiurius, the name I chose upon being informed that I had been selected for second stage selection for the Emperor of Terra's Legions. To the wider galaxy my titles carry more weight; The Duke of Blades, The Red Judge, Slayer of Thyranus Secundus. To the mortals beneath my hand or my blades I am nothing less than Lord.


I am the regent of the XIV Company of the Eighth Legio Astartes Night Lords. We are the Forsaken. And I shall tell you everything of our deeds. Of the worlds we have burned, of the billions slain at our hands, of the sins that stain our souls. I shall speak of how we have fought the Long War when many, far too many, of our brothers amongst the other Legions have turned their backs on the only purpose left to them.


I will relate the deeds of my closet brothers the Temnochta'yan, Black Glaives in a dead tongue from Terra's ancient past. Nazvun, Liagond, Muratsash, Sar Tuum, Kaspian, Tulak Var, Urozna, Warmachd Latt, Ophidius, Nemios.


I will detail those who swore brotherhood with me and no longer raise their blades with us. Triraen, Athun Ulmaaat, Khamalak, Rominium, Tralheim, Sevatar.


I will record everything. So that come what may afterwards, someone will read this work and know, how we brought about the downfall of the Imperium and ushered in oblivion 

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If I'm being 100% honest, I'm not seeing the awesome conversion possibilities for Night Lords that everyone seems to be jumping at. Daemon princes, engines and Nurgle daemons, sure...



Maybe I'm just not as creative as I thought I was....

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If I'm being 100% honest, I'm not seeing the awesome conversion possibilities for Night Lords that everyone seems to be jumping at. Daemon princes, engines and Nurgle daemons, sure...

Maybe I'm just not as creative as I thought I was....

I made a lot of conversions for my NL. Check this out:


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