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++ The Murderers' Call - A Night Lords Community ++


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B'Raass as normal is not wrong, those are some inspiring Night Lords. I look forward to seeing close ups in your thread.

Ship talk! I blew mine up fluff wise to keep my Warband focussed on destroying a friends Space Wolves (that and to stop me getting a BFG ship converted and painted up to represent said ship).

Hey everyone, 

Im looking for conversion ideas for night lords obliterators. 

The current oblit models are atrocious, so I'm looking to do more of a kit bash


i made mine out of the centurion kits. They're on the first page of my WIP log here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/286791-47th-co-night-lords-wip-konrad-curze-p27/?p=3597182 Perhaps they suit your fance :)

Stolen Centurion armour is the only way to go in my opinion. If I ran my Warband off the CSM Dex I would mix in some terminator helms and weapons to get a nice hybrid feel to them.


Other than that Ogryn slaves lugging multiple Devastator weapons on their backs?

how difficult is it to get all of the imperial markings off of the cents ? 

On a scale of -173/7 to 53 where the closer you get to 61 from either side, the harder? About 46,3. ;) Seriously though, it's just as hard/easy as any removal of imperial heraldry. Some careful scraping and cutting followed by some sanding and you're golden.

Man I love the fact I'm getting this stuff early lately. That's the weekends hobby time fully booked




And the detail on him is superb 


how difficult is it to get all of the imperial markings off of the cents ? 

On a scale of -173/7 to 53 where the closer you get to 61 from either side, the harder? About 46,3. :wink: Seriously though, it's just as hard/easy as any removal of imperial heraldry. Some careful scraping and cutting followed by some sanding and you're golden.




Its true I would say its no more difficult than doing it to a standard loyalist marine or a terminator. Personally id say if you want to make it easier add flayed skin over the shoulder pads the other bits are winged skulls so minor greenstuff and you have Legion Icons.



Damn thats a good weekend plan. Any chance of some nice close up shots as it is and do you know what Legion your victim will be?



Okay now we have the Lord of the Altramentar how are people feel on how the Altramentars Nostroman Lion Icon should look? A Skull like Sevatar's or alive as most of us originally imagined it?

I had this discussion with our Night Lords player; I postulated that his was a Lions Skull because he was their Leader and the First Captain and actually killed one for the Skull (maybe?) while the rest are just chosen thus get the Golden Head.

As requested











For Sev I think I'll go with either the Dark Angels or maybe the Alpha Legion, just because I want to paint that azure blue scheme, when it comes to my conversion however, it'll be Emperor's Children or Word Bearers. The Duke of Blades likes neither Legion at all

Lol miscast? That's probably the best weapon casting I've ever received from FW it's perfectly straight.


As for the lion skull, Talos was slightly impressed that Hound had killed one (Blood Reaver) considering he was merely human. Perhaps they were something like the Wolves on Fenris, although obviously not to the same degree of lethality. Having an actual skull adorning the armour would be a serious statement. On the other hand I do like it just for it's symbolism, especially in a Legion that doesn't really do regal embellishment on armour, having that golden lion head amidst the midnight armour, bones and tattered skin 

Lol miscast? That's probably the best weapon casting I've ever received from FW it's perfectly straight.


Nono, I'm not talking about the straightness. Resin is easily straightened with some hot water. :d I'm talking about the miscast around the handle - all the ribbons are misaligned along the mold line, especially near the lower end of the shaft. If you don't mind it, than ok, but I'm sure that if you point it out to FW they'll send you a new one. :tu:

+++Night Lords warband+++
++Darkhunters warband++
++Current Lords: Lord Seeker and Hunterlord++

++ Origin : spawned from Damnation in the Hulk of the same name++
++Current location: Unknown++

++ Current Mission : rebuilding the legion ++

From the spawn of damnation we came. Our warband was decimated by the genestealers and we escaped with to fight another day.

Over the last 300 years we have rebuilt our band hunting in the darkness to replace our fallen brethren.

To avoid the mistakes of our past we are dual led by our Brother lords


we wish our name added to the call of honour

++Ave Dominus Nox++
+++End transmission+++ 

Edited by forte, 18 Jan

Nono, I'm not talking about the straightness. Resin is easily straightened with some hot water. :biggrin.: I'm talking about the miscast around the handle - all the ribbons are misaligned along the mold line, especially near the lower end of the shaft. If you don't mind it, than ok, but I'm sure that if you point it out to FW they'll send you a new one. :thumbsup:


and you might keep the parts to make a dual headed spear glaive for the duke:biggrin.:


Lol miscast? That's probably the best weapon casting I've ever received from FW it's perfectly straight.


Nono, I'm not talking about the straightness. Resin is easily straightened with some hot water. :d I'm talking about the miscast around the handle - all the ribbons are misaligned along the mold line, especially near the lower end of the shaft. If you don't mind it, than ok, but I'm sure that if you point it out to FW they'll send you a new one. :tu:
Wait, where are there ribbons on the glaive? I feel stupid forcnot seeing this.



Lol miscast? That's probably the best weapon casting I've ever received from FW it's perfectly straight.

Nono, I'm not talking about the straightness. Resin is easily straightened with some hot water. :biggrin.: I'm talking about the miscast around the handle - all the ribbons are misaligned along the mold line, especially near the lower end of the shaft. If you don't mind it, than ok, but I'm sure that if you point it out to FW they'll send you a new one. :thumbsup:
Wait, where are there ribbons on the glaive? I feel stupid forcnot seeing this.


i think augustus means the grip texture, the individual rings that make up the "wrapping" around the shaft


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