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I think Aaron's reached the point now where he's basically become another Dan - everything he touches turns to literary gold. Hence overwhelming demand for anything and everything. Not a good situation to be in for someone who freely admits they write slowly. At least with Guy we're guaranteed something fairly regularly - the man is a machine when it comes to churning out words


My yearning for Nightfall fell off somewhat when The Long Night was teased then released. Then it returned a thousand fold because for me there's no such thing as too much Sevatar. And being honest about it, I won't be 100% happy until every damned Legion has their own Novel. Not a few novellas, not an audio, not sharing prime time with others. A book. Devoted to themselves. As we stand, Only the V, VIII and X Legions are still in that camp (Tallarn has ticked that box with the IV) 





I did really enjoy French's work since it was such a neat departure from Talos, Sevatar and company, but still awesome.


Apparently, the way Carl Tuttle tells it, Guy Haley also has crazy huge bodybuilder biceps. Do with that fact what you will.





His guns are impressive no doubt about it. I don't know how or why it got started but at the BL Weekender at about 1am on the Saturday he just started flexing them. It would have been hilarious (note it was ) if they weren't so much bigger than mine that I felt less of a man....


It's ok, I have girl arms too. 

I was thinking Preysight was a specific vision mode that was unique to the helmet software (or whatever passes for it in 40k) of the 8th legion?  


I figure all Space Marines have differing vision modes, and Preysight is essentially the Nightlord version.  When I was reading it, I pictured the Nanovision from Crysis 2.


Which reminds me I want to paint my Vindicare with a bow...


But I'd contend that Space Marines were designed to dominate and subjugate humans with access to an average STC database (GEQ) and the standard Xenos enemies the Imperium encountered (Orks, and Eldar).  That's why their base weapon penetrates the "Best" standard armor that STCs could print out (and blows the victims apart typically).


But that gets into How the Imperium solves all it's problems by throwing lots of stuff at them until they go away, they can't mass produce enough Assassins to fight all the wars they are fighting (and then there's the "Conservation of Ninjitsu" trope where if you have enough Assassins/Ninja they lose their badassery/Plot armor and become Regular guys, like going from Movie Marine rules to Vanilla Codex rules.)

But I'd contend that Space Marines were designed to dominate and subjugate humans with access to an average STC database (GEQ) and the standard Xenos enemies the Imperium encountered (Orks, and Eldar).  That's why their base weapon penetrates the "Best" standard armor that STCs could print out (and blows the victims apart typically).

That's an interesting point. Never thought of that before - and it is a very sound explanation.


I need a color to bridge the gap between Teclis Blue and white for the lightning patterns on my armor. Ice Blue from the old citadel range comes to mind but since that isn't around any more......suggestions?

Solution: a 1:1 mix of Teclis Blue and White. Done. Honestly this is not meant to be cheecky. You won't get a better transition colour and you're using the colours anyway. And if you use a wet palette you don't even have to worry about loss of paint.


But I'd contend that Space Marines were designed to dominate and subjugate humans with access to an average STC database (GEQ) and the standard Xenos enemies the Imperium encountered (Orks, and Eldar).  That's why their base weapon penetrates the "Best" standard armor that STCs could print out (and blows the victims apart typically).


That's an interesting point. Never thought of that before - and it is a very sound explanation.


I need a color to bridge the gap between Teclis Blue and white for the lightning patterns on my armor. Ice Blue from the old citadel range comes to mind but since that isn't around any more......suggestions?


Solution: a 1:1 mix of Teclis Blue and White. Done. Honestly this is not meant to be cheecky. You won't get a better transition colour and you're using the colours anyway. And if you use a wet palette you don't even have to worry about loss of paint.

Do you ever get tired of speaking genius and making sense? Lol

right guys getting near end of Nightlords trilogy and as a noob i need my next fix of awesomeness what do you recommend??


There are a few mini Soul Hunter related stories Shadow Knight and The Core if I remember rightly. But to be honest any of the BL Night Lord novels are pretty good.



Okay onto sad news, I am leaving the Legion! (not in a rebelling kind of way)

Due to finance issues I can not keep my army as even one Night Lord will make me veer onto the path of many, I can not keep a small warband and need to balance the books so soon my force (and other bits) shall be put onto eBay. I know alot of people will say just keep a small force but alas 19ish Years in the hobby and I struggle to minimise a force unless its meant to be that way.


I want to thank everyone here for their great help, ideas and well general Night Lordy awesomeness. I wont be leaving the forum (though I may change my name from something different than Night Haunter in Latin) and I will pop into here from time to time to make sure everyone hasn't Murder Duelled themselves to death.

I will hopefully surprise everyone with my next project (my Warbands profit will be split to fund this and fill a gap where money should be!)


So I have taken up the Sinners Gauntlets and ask Flint to mark my Warband on the first post as Disbanded!

I will let you guys know when they are on eBay as its only fair Legion Brethren get first dibs on the Salvage of the fallen.



-Noctem Cutlor/ Liam

Wait what?


No. Nooooo! Dude I'm sad to see you leave - well, the oft replies to it at least. Glad you keep lurking and sporadically posting. But most of all I feel your pain of having to sell you stuff! It shucks mate - be extra extra sure you want to do this, as selling your army (especially when it's your only army) is no good!

On a separate note, absolute ball ache to turn a dreadnought head into a skull like object

?? 1. Show us pics. and 2. Why would you even want to do that? As a trophy?

Terror markings, like sevatars hat less batwings, and when its ready!

I'm not sure I understand - you're trying to make a dreadnought's helmet into a replacement for sevatar's, because you don't like the batwings on his 'hat'? :huh.:


In any case: you have my attention and I look forward to the pics :tu:

Sorry to hear Noctem but finances and real life have to take a priority. Best of luck with your next step and with the sales of your items. If the opportunity arises my Legion would gladly fight alongside some new recruits from your warband.


Best of luck!

that's indeed sad news Noctem :ohmy.:  but i'm glad you'll keep visiting :thumbsup:

my advice would be to sell the bits but keep the army for if you want to start again...


for we all know, you can take a Night Lord out of the legion, but you can't take the legion out of the Night Lord!

Hello fellow Night Lords!  Just wanted to introduce myself after reading through most of the thread.  Been a long time Night Lords player and had no idea about this thing so I'm happy to join along.  Lots of good stuff in here and I hope to add to it.  Anyway I would love a Company, I was going with the 17th but it seems to be taken :dry.:   Doesn't really matter because I never had concrete fluff anyway.  Into the formal intro I guess then...


Lord Jushur of the VIII Legion, formally of the 17th Company now Lord and Captian of the Wailing Bastards


Seems having the Company number I was going to use taken has lead me to an idea for my fluff.  The thread is already working :wink:

So now that I have Sevatar in hand I find myself facing a dilemma....which Legion should I paint up the victim on his display base as?


My thoughts immediately went "Dark Angel!!!!" But I think I want to stay away from black armor because of how dark the overall scheme on my Night Lords is, so I think I want some color/contrast. This is open to both the loyalist and traitor legions as I see Sev willing to kill anyone for pretty much any reason lol.


My current idea is a Word Bearer in their traditional gray armor....aaaand go!


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