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ADB has specifically stated before that the champion was indeed in regular artificer armor. IIRC, the champion is described as wearing a Terminator Crux, which is what led to the conclusion.


EDIT: Here's the quote by A D-B.




I stand corrected.

It's okay, you can see me calling it Terminator armor just before he posted. :P
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I just got around to reading some of the stories in Shadows of Treachery, mainly The Dark King, The Lightning Tower and Prince of Crows, for the first time.


All i can say is....HOLY CRAP! Why did I not read this anthology sooner?!? Sevatar ended up being wayyy cooler than I expected (damn you ADB)


Edit : Dark King also solved the color of the dead legionary on Sevs base. EC it is!


Also, did anyone notice how frequently the Night Lords seem to use contractions when they speak vs. Other chapters/legions?

Edited by Black_out
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Edit : Dark King also solved the color of the dead legionary on Sevs base. EC it is!


Also, did anyone notice how frequently the Night Lords seem to use contractions when they speak vs. Other chapters/legions?

Haha I knew you'd choose EC in the end. But... what do you mean exactly by contractions. Could you give an example?

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Edit : Dark King also solved the color of the dead legionary on Sevs base. EC it is!

Also, did anyone notice how frequently the Night Lords seem to use contractions when they speak vs. Other chapters/legions?


Haha I knew you'd choose EC in the end. But... what do you mean exactly by contractions. Could you give an example?

Instead of saying "I am" they'd say "I'm" or "she's" instead of "she is". It's something I've come to associate with how space marines talk, more proper would be how I describe it, while Night Lords seem to bring it down some. They still have their proper moments during speech but it just seems less common.

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Probably due to the culture and upbringing of the humans they recruit from if anything. The further down the social scale you go the more you'll see deviations like contractions or even mish-mashing words together.


For Legions like the Night Lords and Sons of Horus it would be more evident due to the ganger culture that pervades their home world whilst others like the Scars and Wolves wouldn't necessarily be the same because of the uniqueness of their homeworlds and the difficulty a few of them have with speaking High/Low Gothic. I'd say the Ultramarines and Word Bearers would be the classic example of "proper" speech as it were because one Legion is basically a portrait of ancient Roman/Greek Patricians and the other are an order of priestly scholars - if you're going to be force feeding your message to a few billion people, that message needs to be spelt right and all that.


And yes, Sevatar is indeed awesome. Anyone would think he was my favourite HH character...if he was I'd actually paint him 

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Hail Brothers and Sisters,


I’m trying to work on some fluff for my Warband but would like to try and use known events as back drops.:geek:


  Does anyone know of any resources mentioning the Scound’s Fall engagement?  I’m looking for anything mentioning which Warbands were present and if any named characters participated.  


 Lexicanum… quotes CSM 4th ed. codex, page 42, I don’t have the codex so I’m not sure if it is a brief description or has some more legion specific details.  



Ave Dominus Nox, 


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I just looked it up and the entire Lexicanum article is a direct quote from Codex: Chaos 4th edition, pg 42, which says nothing further on it. So yay for you, as you now have free reign over who in your 40K world was there. Hell, if you want, the 47th company could have been there. I mean, it's not 'typical' Night Lords, what with them summoning daemons and stuff, and my company is pretty heavy on non-typical Night Lords units. So if you want, I'll co-write fluff about it. :biggrin.::thumbsup:

Edited by Augustus b'Raass
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Actually I'd argue that daemon summoning is "typical" Night Lord activity.


Like the IA article said, we're a Legion that takes pride in material power so while we will not worship the Ruinious Powers like the Word Bearers, we are usually more than willing to make Faustian deals like Abaddon to cause havoc and win in battles.


So while typically you won't see the average Night Lord waving a banner and chanting prayers to Slaanesh, you will see Daemon Princes who amounted enough power to ascend, Possessed who have traded their bodies for daemonic power and Astartes who have been Marked by the Gods and are willing to do the necessary acts to gain more power(Uzas). Or be themselves(Cyrion).

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^^ Coulnd't agree more with you there Kol Saresk! When I said 'typical' I admit I was referring to the 4th edition stereotype of the Night lords almost exclusively fielding fast attack choices, in particular raptors. We've grown past that, thankfully, and I totally agree that daemon summoning is just one aspect of their modus operandi. I mean, a daemon is pretty fear inducing.... :tu:

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I dunno, now I'm up to date with the heresy FAQ raptors could be a damn fearsome option (if a little pricey). Just a quick overview, if you outnumber the opponent you get plus 1 to wound for being a nightlord, 15 raptors puts you in a good position for that, the whole squad can take a variety of power weapons (pricey definitely, but options) onslaught gives d3+1 for them on the charge, and if you make that during a potential 3 turns of nightfighting (with terror RoW) you get +1 initiative. Its almost enough to consider 3x terror + 3× raptors. Night Lords have a right to be feared in game.

The prospect of so much (pretend) murder can make a son of the sunless world all tingly

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I think August was referring to how in the wake of 3.5 and Lord of the Night, 4th and 5th edition of Chaos saw the Night Lords being treated as a Raptor-only Legion as well as, how did I see someone put it recently, "Chaos rejecting" when in reality they should be a rather practical Legion of a Faustian mindset: I will do whatever I need to in order to move forward.
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Ah yeah, sorry misinterpreted that one!


Mid to post heresy I think Night Lords become more: I do what I need to, to get what I want, with as little damage to my own hide as possible/getting nuisances out the way. Some exceptions of course, the sense of "justice" that prevails once every so often. I always find it funny that if the good guys listened, then the night lords could have been heroes.

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quick question, when a daemon dies (bloodletter of Khorne for example) does their weapon return to warp with them?


or in anorther way could a Night lord have a daemon sword?



as far as i know, it does vanish with it's bearer. however in Dawn of War Chaos Rising, a Bloodletter's Hellblade could be used as weapon by your heroes. if i remember correctly, it was bound to the material realm by sorcery, the moment the bloodletter "died". i dunno how fluff relevant this is, but i'd say go for it :thumbsup:

Edited by Wicced
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It's the same as heads I guess, I mean I'd imagine you kill a daemon and thier body melts back I to the warp, but then you have Grey Knights strolling around with daemon head trophies.


On the Night Lords and their position with Chaos, I think it comes down the ADB trilogy a lot, where the hero is very dismissive of the gods, so a lot of people take this as, Night Lords don't worship the gods, which misses the rest of Talos warband, led, for most of the trilogy anyway, by a daemon prince, and several of Talos claw being under the thrall of the gods.


I have always thought them as a Chaos Legion who wouldn't throw themselves compleatly in with the gods, but would make deals, look to ascend, and do stuff like Scounds Fall, where they summon daemons after thier done, partly to cover thier escape, and partly for :cusss and giggles. Just my opinion though.

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Here is a similar topic.




In it, I proposed it would depend on the daemon's method of manifestation. Did it create a material body by possessing something, or was it being sustained by an active warp rift? Was it in the warp where the body would be "material" long enough for it to be warded to remain as a physical trophy when in the material realm?


But there are other opinions presented so you should be able to find one you like.

Edited by Kol Saresk
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It's the same as heads I guess, I mean I'd imagine you kill a daemon and thier body melts back I to the warp, but then you have Grey Knights strolling around with daemon head trophies.

Yeah I don't know, they are beings of immaterium, body and "soul".. In the books they describe gore and whatnot from kills on daemons covering them in black ichor and everything, but they never really say anything else about it.  I had always imagined that when a daemon is slain in the material realm, its "spirit" is sent back to the warp immediately, while the physical form it manifested will take time to return to the warp, kind of a slow evaporation.  


As for the Grey Knights with head trophies, I always viewed these bits on the "Paladins" sprue more as taken during the battle they are currently engaged in.  The lore for Grey Knights (that I am familiar with up to this point) indicates that one of the things they discourage is pride at all, and none of the GK armor feature any kill markings or anything resembling this.  There are exceptions of course for some relics etc, but GK's probably wouldn't take trophies from a battle field.  ..


As for how a Lord of Chaos could have a daemon weapon.. Well the weapon itself has an essence that has bonded with its carrier.  There is a few fairly detailed bits about this in the Word Bearers series where Marduk's chainsword is detailed both visually and some description of its essence.  Pretty badazz book series if you ask me.     So a Greater Daemon or a Prince can bring daemonic essence into the material plane and imbue it into weaponry for the glory of chaos.  There was something about this in one of the Eisenhorn books too.. he gets a staff featuring the skull of a daemon prince or something.. It's been a while since I read it..



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