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++ The Murderers' Call - A Night Lords Community ++


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So I thought I'd ask here before I made a new thread, but I'm having some 7th edition rules issues I can't figure out. It seems more or less things are still relatively similar to 4th (last time i played).


Flyers, how the freak do they work?!

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As said somewhere previously, I think it would depend on the manifestation of the daemon in question and the type of weapon it was. Daemon weapons for example have been shown to be able to exist in the material universe (although whether Uralan was affected by the Warp to any degree is ambiguous) but that could simply down to the potency of the weapon in question - Drachn'yen and Kharnagar would be examples of that.


Think it's important to remember that although Daemons are born from the raw energy of the Warp, the only way they can manifest within the material galaxy is by adopting flesh - flesh is governed by the physics and laws of relativity - aether is not. Take Bloodthirsters. Ok they incarnate through rituals and blood etc but they incarnate in flesh. The armour they wear is actual brass armour - it's not Warp energy that looks and acts like it. It is however formed from it. I suppose the most accurate way of looking at it would to say that you start with aether and it's transmuted into the atoms/cells that make up the incarnation. Which would be why that constant replenishment would be needed - hence the difficulty in maintaining a physical form when the Warp isn't spilling into the galaxy.


Having said that though, when the physical shell is being torn apart it still leaves traces behind such as blood/bone as well as ecoplasm and throne knows what other stuff go into the composition of an incarnation

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If you are held in high regard by your patron deity there is a good chance that you may be granted a daemon weapon...

Back in the day in Slaves to Darkness there was a D100 Random Generator for the properties of said daemon weapon there are days when I mean to dig out my copies of Slaves to Darkness and Lost and the Damned... 


Just remembered there was a mutations D100 generator in there as well including such useful mutations as colourful skin and one leg (as I recall Movement -1)...

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I can see it now.


They were running. The filthy Loyalists had brought a tank to a gunfight and so they were running.


Bubol was trying to outpace the other Night Lords. He was the warlord so it was only fitting he survive. The restcould serve for cannon fodder as the Raven Guard got closer. But Dragoth was keeping pace. And Bubol didn't like that.


And then he was falling. He tried to get to his feet as Dragoth took the lead but - his leg was gone! His left leg had...... melted! He startedlimping after Dragoth when -




The sniper round tore Dragoth's head clean from his shoulders. Bubol started laughing. Truly fortune was smiling on him. If he had taken the lead, he would have been killed by that round and Dragoth would have gotten away.


Slowly, a rumble began to build behind him. He did his best to turn around, and confirmed his fears. He may have escaped the sniper bullet, but the charging Predator had caught up. He outstretched his arms and laughed as the blue-white flash of the lascannon incinerated him from existence.

Edited by Kol Saresk
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I always thought Daemons existing outside the warp were summoned via a ritual that acts like alchemy. Normally a sacrifice etc but like alchemy the transformation sees the item/Daemon losing its original properties to gain its new ones.


On that subject I'm a little annoyed that any new CSM bits on the horizon (minus Heresy) all seem to be Daemonic/Chaos, where is the Traitor Marine love? A nice few sets of defaced or in disrepared armour would go down nicely.

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It's iffy. Because there are instances in which something would breach the boundaries between the reality and thewarp(Dark Apostle, the warp rift in the third book of the Soul Drinker novels, M'Kar in the Ultramarine series) and thus the daemons manifest as pure warp material.


Then you get the instances like Malifax in the Blood Angels series who inhabits a mortal frame and twists it into a shape pleasing for him.

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I am Justice. I am Judgement. I am Punishment.


Ok it's been a LONG time since I painted anything - 4 months and that was an Alpha Legion champion. It's been easily 9 months since I last painted anything for the VIII Legion. Well now that my 30K army is in the home stretch and there's at least 2k of models just primed it's time to remedy that. So in preparation for the revival of my plog and my new determination to emerge from (to quote ADB) the failure months. I present the model that got me back on the bandwagon. Sevatar. The Prince of Crows.














This is probably the best model I've ever painted. I've never gone the whole hog and base-coated/washed/layered/highlighted/drybrushed a miniature before but he's my favourite character so what the hell.


I'm rather proud of the results

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@ Balth - that's pretty damn good for sucha long break. Great work! I am legitimately surprised by how much I like Sevvy with green eyes.


@ Slipstreams - Ah they fixed his not red gauntlets! Haha, I wonder how much nerd rage mail they got :D

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Hello fellow brethren.  I have not read most of the HH series so I'm trying to put together a rough time line so I can flesh out the ideas I have for my army.  Any help would be great with plugging missing gaps or corrections.  Thanks.


Unifications Wars/Great Crusade

-Anything crazy happen here before Curze?  The VIII Legion is created with the children of criminals.  What was their Pre Night Lords name/colors if any?

-Curze is found and studies under Fulgrim, then goes on to lead the Night Lords.


Curze is censured.

-Curze has a vision tells Fulgrim, who tells Dorn.  Dorn gets mad, Curze beats him up and then is taken and awaits judgement from his brothers.

-Curze says "Nah I'm good bro!" and returns back to his Legion.

-Nostramo goes boom.

-How long are the Night Lords renegades?


Isstvan III/V

-Horus shows his true colors!

-Night Lords called in to Isstvan V to put down the rebels.

-Night Lords turn on their brothers and join Horus.  Is there more details on this, does Horus talk to him, or maybe Fulgrim?


The Heresy

-Thramas crusade.  Ok, was this a order from Horus or were the Night Lords just doing what Night Lords do?  How long does this last before the Dark Angels show up and ruin the party?

-Curze goes into a coma after fighting the Lion, wakes up and attacks his ship.  Sev gets captured.  Then what? 

-Siege of Terra.  We know that some Night Lords are at this, but is Curze here with his Legion or just a few small groups?


Post Heresy

-Traitors flee to the EoT after Horus is slain, Night Lords remain under Cruze's leadership and head to the Eastern Fringe.  Set up a sweet house for Curze on Tsagualsa.

-Curze is killed.

-Legion begins to split up.

-Ultramarines and friends show up and the Legion is finally fragmented.


Again please any help would be great.



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Hello fellow brethren. I have not read most of the HH series so I'm trying to put together a rough time line so I can flesh out the ideas I have for my army. Any help would be great with plugging missing gaps or corrections. Thanks.


Unifications Wars/Great Crusade

-Anything crazy happen here before Curze? The VIII Legion is created with the children of criminals. What was their Pre Night Lords name/colors if any?

-Curze is found and studies under Fulgrim, then goes on to lead the Night Lords.


Curze is censured.

-Curze has a vision tells Fulgrim, who tells Dorn. Dorn gets mad, Curze beats him up and then is taken and awaits judgement from his brothers.

-Curze says "Nah I'm good bro!" and returns back to his Legion.

-Nostramo goes boom.

-How long are the Night Lords renegades?


Isstvan III/V

-Horus shows his true colors!

-Night Lords called in to Isstvan V to put down the rebels.

-Night Lords turn on their brothers and join Horus. Is there more details on this, does Horus talk to him, or maybe Fulgrim?


The Heresy

-Thramas crusade. Ok, was this a order from Horus or were the Night Lords just doing what Night Lords do? How long does this last before the Dark Angels show up and ruin the party?

-Curze goes into a coma after fighting the Lion, wakes up and attacks his ship. Sev gets captured. Then what?

-Siege of Terra. We know that some Night Lords are at this, but is Curze here with his Legion or just a few small groups?


Post Heresy

-Traitors flee to the EoT after Horus is slain, Night Lords remain under Cruze's leadership and head to the Eastern Fringe. Set up a sweet house for Curze on Tsagualsa.

-Curze is killed.

-Legion begins to split up.

-Ultramarines and friends show up and the Legion is finally fragmented.


Again please any help would be great.

Unification/Great Crusade

-Nothing really crazy happened here. Really awesome battle report of how a couple hundred Night Lords destroyed an entire city of millions filled some of the greatest genetic abominations of Old Night however. Colors were the same and there was no previous name.


Curze's Censure

-The Night Lords were "renegade" for roughly twenty years. In the IA articles they actually went so far off the map that the Imperium had to send recon fleets just to see if they still existed.


Istvaan III/V

-The Night Lords actually volunteered for the Censure Fleet and it is believed that Dorn might have taken steps to insure that Curze was taken into custody following Istvaan V, but the Massacre prevented that.

-There are no specific details on what swayed Curze to join the Traitors.


The Heresy

-Horus basically ordered the Night Lords to do what they do best. The purpose of this was to keep the Dark Angels in the Eastern Fringe and away from the front lines. It lasted for three years from Istvaan V to when the Dark Angels appropiated the xenos warp drive and then ambushed the VIIIth Legion at Sheol.

-That's the funny part. Nothing has been published yet following Sevatar's capture except for the Long Night, which is basically Sev chatting up a Loyalist astropath who helps him escape only for him to turn around and kill her boss for beating her and then surrendering back to the Dark Angels.

-It is unknown what the VIIIth Legion's strength was at Terra. It is a rather "recent" development in the background as what the Night Lords were doing during that time was left a blank canvas. So the best anyone can answer is that we know at least the First Company, the Tenth Company, as well as an undetermined amount of Night Raptors were present.


Post Heresy

-Pretty much everything in a nutshell.

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Just a thought, there is nothing on this planet that would make me side with a guy who got me persecuted. Why the Funk(trademark of HS speak) would Curze fight on the same field as Fulgrim? I would've done a double double cross. Sorry Horus, old pal, but Fulgrim is gonna get it "JUSTICCCCCCEEEEEE" lights go out, ferrus manus is alive, fulgrims just got himself headless and flayed, and the Night Lords wreck a bit of face, before all make a little better escape, curze stands before Dorn with Vulkan, Manus, and Corax, and says "Told you so"
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Remember, this is also the same guy who saw that the Heresy was going to happen as soon as he met the Emperor. And talks to the dead people hanging out(ha-Hah!) in his room. So sanity, rationality and logic aren't exactly part of the thinking process.
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Guys Night Haunter followed his visions path and didn't sway from it since the first chat will the Emperor "I know full well what you intend for me, Father" (or lines to that effect. He simply knew he would switch sides and didn't question it.

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Woooo lots has happened here. A few responses to different things running here now:


@Black_out: It's better if you ask rules questions and issues in the appropriate forum, mate. 


@the entire 'daemon weapon: material or aether?" issue: I agree with pretty much everything that Balthamal said, and/but would like to add the following (and this is all my subjective view, so please shoot at it all you want, because I enjoy a philosophical discussion): a weapon wielded by a daemon, like the bloodletter's hellblade, is different from an actual daemon weapon. A 'normal' daemon's weapon, like a hellblade or plague sword is part of the manifestation of coalesced emotion that is the daemon itself. A daemon weapon, like the ones wielded by Chaos Champions, are material weapons imbued with the essence -the coalesced emotion- of a daemon (there is, in effect, no difference between the coalesced emotion as the essence of a daemon and the daemon itself). The weapon acts as a fetter that binds the daemon to the material world (like how an object of importance to a person can bind that person's soul to the living world after that person's death). As such, I would say it wold be impossible to actually tretain a bloodletter's hellblade in the material world after banishing said daemon to the aether by destroying its corporeal essence in the material world: the weapon is banished as being part of the daemon. But a blade imbued with a minor daemon like a bloodletter would be able to act as a bloodletter's hellblade. For the stronger the daemon imbued in a daemon weapon, the stronger that weapon. The Daemon Weapons listed in the Chaos Codices are imo weapons imbued with the essences of Greater Daemons, or at least with Heralds. A daemon weapon forged with the essence of a minor daemon would thus posisble be 'only'  as strong as a minor daemon's weapon, like a hellblade. So I'd say go right ahead and equip your CSM with power weapons represented on the miniature by a Bloodletter's hellblade, as the rules are pretty much the same. :tu:


@Balthamal: that's a neatly painted Sevatar you've got there mate. I like that you went for green eyes in stead of red, and your highlighting is very clean. I would suggest putting a little more effort in the base and dangerous end of his glaive, though, as both are just 'metal' now. They both could benefit from a wash and  some highlights, and the base perhaps from some weathering powder? Also: your fleshy parts and BFTBG use is pretty much perfect. Well done!



Now that I have the true scale Night Lords juices flowing, I'm thinking of expanding First Claw with some other known guys, like Adhemar, Vandred, perhaps the two Atrementar Malek and Garadon (wlthough I have no idea how to go about making true scale terminators) and possible a Contemptor pattern Malcharion. I'd like to start with Vandred, but have no idea yet how he is equiped. Do any of you have an idea what his weapons, armour and general looks are like? References are appreciated,: I have the trilogy in both the three seperate issues and as the omnibus, so either can be used as page numbers.


For anyone interested in my truescale project, here are the links to the First Claw members I have finished so far: Mercutian, Variel, and Uzas.

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Random question and I may have facts mixed.


Did First Claw end up fighting Jain Zar (Eldar Phoenix Lord) and for Mal to end up killing her or was this considered to be just a Exarch?

Im wondering for cannons sake more than anything as I see shes going to be in Eternal Crusade.



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Random question and I may have facts mixed.


Did First Claw end up fighting Jain Zar (Eldar Phoenix Lord) and for Mal to end up killing her or was this considered to be just a Exarch?

Im wondering for cannons sake more than anything as I see shes going to be in Eternal Crusade.



Does this mean they're making headway with Eternal Crusade? I admit I haven't been following much of its progress

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It doesn't matter for canon's sake if that incarnation of Jain Zar was killed - as long as her armour and her spirit stone are still intact, another Exarch can take up her armour and psychically bond with her spirit stone, thus becoming Jain Zar. 

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