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Blood Angels 'Chapter Tactics' - what do you want to see?


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I do not think we will get Assault from Deepstrike on any units, but I think there is the possibility that a special character  (I would guess Dante) might allow a unit he is attached to to deepstrike and assault.

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Funnily enough I suggested that as a potential warlord trait in a thread a while back. If it were attached to a special Character they'd almost become auto-include, I reckon (so would far rather it be a possibility for generic HQs).

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-I'd like to see something to make the Sanguinary Guard a little tougher, my first thought was the ability to add a Priest as a squad upgrade option.

They should also be upgradeable to up to 10 men just as any other unit of marines.

>-Something to make Glaives stand out a bit more than just being master-crafted.  I'm open to ideas on this one, they just feel bland to me right now.

Make them GK special halberds, maybe. Polearms should be at the enemy earlier than the shorter axes, maces and swords.



I'm fine with SG staying at 5-man squads, as long as they aren't so squishy.  There are only 30 of them after all.  Also, I just found out yesterday that the Glaives in the digital edition grant +1S on the charge, so I suppose with a Priest addon that would make them effectively Relic Blades.  I could live with that, although at that point why not just make them Relic Blades?


Do you guys think they'll give the Raven Guard ability to another chapter as well, the one that allows them to use the jump packs in the movement phase and the assault phase?  It fits Blood Angels more than Raven Guard anyways, but I'm afraid that they won't give it to a second chapter.

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-I'd like to see something to make the Sanguinary Guard a little tougher, my first thought was the ability to add a Priest as a squad upgrade option.

They should also be upgradeable to up to 10 men just as any other unit of marines.

>-Something to make Glaives stand out a bit more than just being master-crafted.  I'm open to ideas on this one, they just feel bland to me righ

t now.
Make them GK special halberds, maybe. Polearms should be at the enemy earlier than the shorter axes, maces and swords.


I'm fine with SG staying at 5-man squads, as long as they aren't so squishy.  There are only 30 of them after all.  Also, I just found out yesterday that the Glaives in the digital edition grant +1S on the charge, so I suppose with a Priest addon that would make them effectively Relic Blades.  I could live with that, although at that point why not just make them Relic Blades?


Do you guys think they'll give the Raven Guard ability to another chapter as well, the one that allows them to use the jump packs in the movement phase and the assault phase?  It fits Blood Angels more than Raven Guard anyways, but I'm afraid that they won't give it to a second chapter.



There was a rumour that went around a while back, but I remember it being quashed?


Can anyone confirm/deny the +1 S to the Glaive?

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HArrower- do you remember the 3rd ed codex? All that happened then was you hardly ever saw devastators, as people only took units that could take advantage of the rule but not be too disadvantaged by it... Youd kill all sternguard, devs, any shooty unit...
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I'd say it's also worth mentioning that the FW Character Malakim Phoros (Chapter Master of the Lamenters Chapter) has a special weapon called the Glaive Encarmine, which is ap3, and str +1 on the charge.

Given the same name of the weapons and similarity of the rumour and special rules, I could easily see confusion continuing to arise from that.

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HArrower- do you remember the 3rd ed codex? All that happened then was you hardly ever saw devastators, as people only took units that could take advantage of the rule but not be too disadvantaged by it... Youd kill all sternguard, devs, any shooty unit...

Ah, third edition. All I want to do is Rhino rush again.


But yea, no BA player in their right minds used something that couldn't move and shoot. I even dropped heavies from my Tacs, since they were assaulting out of Rhinos, anyway.


I can't really see GW implementing such a random, army wide mechanic again.

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HArrower- do you remember the 3rd ed codex? All that happened then was you hardly ever saw devastators, as people only took units that could take advantage of the rule but not be too disadvantaged by it... Youd kill all sternguard, devs, any shooty unit...

Ah, third edition. All I want to do is Rhino rush again.


But yea, no BA player in their right minds used something that couldn't move and shoot. I even dropped heavies from my Tacs, since they were assaulting out of Rhinos, anyway.


I can't really see GW implementing such a random, army wide mechanic again.

Codex:Daemons says hi. I would not put anything completely stupid ouy of GW's reach anynore.

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it isnt quite the same now, all it needs is a mechanic tied to priests or chaplains that allows a reroll, meaning assault units didnt get it, just when they needed it? reroll! Devastators got it when you need that crucial shot to come off? reroll!


I really think a key thing should be tying the chaplains and priests more closely into our armies mechanics, they are basically meant to be the ones that hold the chapter together!


Perhaps priests should not take up slots, not provide bubbles but be available 1 per infantry unit on the table? reduce cost per priest to about 25 points, keep stats as they are, grant a reroll on red thirst rolls and feel no pain to the joined unit? Chaplains might remain an elites choice, grant the same reroll or some other red thirst modifying effects. if you buy a unit of death company, you can get a single chaplain that has to join them, but makes them controllable. maybe the rerolls would be a bubble, but feel no pain would not be.


I dunno, probably wont matter what any of us think anyways!

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  • Dante needs a weapon he can wield without difficulty. The chapter master of the assault oriented chapter and the space marine with the most experience in the galaxy who cant swing an axe is just stupid.
  • Sanguinary Guard are one of our special units and yet they pale in comparison to the DA Deathwing Knights. Give them the option to equip storm shields or combat shields that are 5+ in CC, like their Horus Heresy book 1 counterparts (the SG were even around before that time)
  • Heroic Intervention is going to change to the C:SM variant, acceptance in the first step on the road to righteousness.
  • Sanguinary Priests need a 5-10 point reduction since FNP became 1/6 worse. The only reason to take them is the FNP bubble.
  • Access to the land speeder storm. I don't know why but I just want to use them with blood raged scouts.
  • Points drop across the board to bring us in line with C:SM.
  • Red Thirst should be rolled each turn, increasing the chances of succumbing each turn. Astorath Gives this a strait boost which still increases each turn. (I don't know why Astorath increases the likely hood of the Red Thirst striking, but hey I'm rolling with it).
  • Death Company have the Black Rage, increasing their attacks for each unit within 6" or so (friend and enemy) but are treated as desperate allies, unless led by a chaplain in which case they have Rage.
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Death company should get rampage.

Dante also needs eternal warrior. Hell he's been around for how many years and even the great Calgar ceded control to him in the second war for Armageddon. He should be a boss.


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HArrower- do you remember the 3rd ed codex? All that happened then was you hardly ever saw devastators, as people only took units that could take advantage of the rule but not be too disadvantaged by it... Youd kill all sternguard, devs, any shooty unit...


Vaguely. I remember never taking Devastators because I ran a pure assault army. Those were the days. If memory serves though, you rolled for the entire army to move at the beginning of the phase, didn't you? I don't think what I proposed is as much of a problem as that because you would only have to roll for Red Thirst if an enemy unit was within 12". Still makes Devastators useful as they should typically be across the board anyway. In any case, just spitballing here. It would need to be playtested. If it was too harsh, it could always be changed to -1 BS.

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Not really Chapter Tactics, but I would appreciate the following:

Death Company Tycho being considered IC for the purposes of joining a Death Company Squad, or being given Eternal Warrior

Removal of DC Dreadnoughts, return of Moriar (with access to DC Dread wargear and AV13)

Blood Angels Scout Squads (a-la 3rd Ed Codex, with access to Shotguns and BP/CCW only but at BS4 WS4)

Ability to take Storm Bolters for Assault Squad Sergeants (SO GODDAMN ANNOYING!)

Drop Pods for Terminator Squads

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If they take away my death company dreadnought what am I going to do with my 5 extra dreadnought models?!


I feel like they should make more of a reason for blood angels to at least maybe run a bike squad or 2


I don't really have a problem with bikes, but I feel like that is something C:SM does really well.  I'd rather see the BA codex make them even more unique than they are currently.  I'll probably catch some flak for this but I always loved the idea of the old Index Astartes Blood Angels, where the entire 1st company was comprised of Vanguard Veterans.  As much as I like Sternguard, I would sacrifice them if it meant getting some truly powerful, standout VV.  This is just one of my spitball ideas though, so don't take it as me calling for an exclusion of Sternguard.

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