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The Crimson Lords WIP: Finished Contemptor Dreadnaught

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I like the masked Cypher, but he is a fallen and should'nt he be black?


Was about to ask this too! And he may be missing a certain sword...


Mind you, most of GW art with Cypher in it seems to have him wearing the green of modern Dark Angels.

I like the masked Cypher, but he is a fallen and should'nt he be black?

According to the background, you're 100% right. Traditionally though, he has been painted in the modern colors of the Dark Angels. Two explanations for this exist. The first is so that he can pass as a modern Dark Angel when he does his infiltrations and sabotage. The second and much more interesting explanation is that the loyalists on Caliban who fought Luther during the heresy repainted their armor this color. This implies that he fought against Luther and remains free of the taint of Chaos in the current era.

Also, my opponents do not always know about the background as much as your average member of the B & C. So this makes it obvious who and what he is.

As for the sword issue Disruptor, I only realized my mistake after I read your post! So a sincere thank you is owed. Rest assured, the sword is being painted separately now. HOWEVER! I'm still going to post more pics of him now and call him finished, because aside from that flub he has been completed.

I painted the model purposefully so that he has no central point that gets the viewer’s attention. By breaking this rule of painting, I get him closer to my vision of the character, an anonymous blur who appears only to disrupt and leaves before you can draw a bead on him.

The blue, while a big no-no in color theory, ties him in with the Crimson Lords. The robe is also the same color of the planned robes.



After three days of minimal progress, I have nothing but blind, blithering hatred for this model. FAR too much detail. I know it will look cool eventually, but man. Dial it back, Forge World. Still very WIP.



A good start. In fact, it looks close to finished to my eyes...


Keeping the helmet in Chapter colours is a good touch, one that I may copy and combine with my own way of keeping Chapter colour on Librarians and Chaplains (left arm in Chapter colours, but right arm for Terminator armour. This doesn't work as well for a quartered scheme).

Oberon Gerhardt, Chief Librarian of the Crimson Lords, had endured pain all his life. As a boy, he toiled under the lash in the fields. As a scout, he endured surgery after surgery. As a battle-brother, he had survived the full scope of injuries possible, from chemical burns to micro-lacerations. Yet this same pain had long served as fuel for his psychic energies. He thrived on it, in fact. He detected a noticeable increase in his prowess when he suffered. He could feel his focus tighten with every blow.

This pain seemed almost familiar to the librarian. The Word Bearers had deployed sorcerers, as the Crimson Lords expected. Gerhardt knew that his brothers did not trust him as intimately as they would other members of their chapter, but no one ever denied his usefulness. Especially now, as he took the full brunt of a psychic shockwave meant for Squad Agamemnon. He could feel his mind straining under the thousands of tons of psychic weight that the heretic now employed.

Despite its intensity, this pain didn't hurt in the same way that others, especially fragile mortals, might perceive. Some distant memory acknowledged a discomfort, but Gerhardt always described his perception of pain as "the sensation that fuel must feel as it ignites into flame." Of course it gave him no pleasure. But satisfaction? Oh yes, he would know victory through this pain. The pain transformed him. It would grant him the focus he needed for this battle. And every other battle he would yet fight in his lifetime.

"My turn," he spat as he refortified his mental defenses and extended a hand to smite the Word Bearer sorcerer.





Chief Librarian Oberon Gerhardt. Cross ref. files on Honnōji Massacre, Salvation at Kracken Point, Final Voyage of the Hollow Bastion, Cleansing of the Space Hulk Chalice of Tears, etc.

  • 3 weeks later...

Hey gang! Another member of the Crimson Lords finished! I've been batch painting a squad of scouts recently, but I stopped that so I could finish this guy. He will go with my vanilla assault squad in 2000pt games to make them more of a threat. Why GW didn't make Chaplains an elites choice like in the Blood Angels Codex I'll never know.

No name and backstory yet, because all of my writing time went towards this story for submission into the Fanthology! Check it out if you want more Crimson Lords goodness.



  • 2 weeks later...

Got some shots of my WIP techmarine pilot. Tried (and succeeded) at getting a different shade of red than my main force, to make him stand out against the Stormraven he flies. I was actually worried about him taking up too much focus because he is so much brighter, but then I remembered that the plastic glass canopy will greatly mute his presence. Onward to the pics!



Sounds like a good name, Argent Aquila! How about... Techmarine Accipiter? I like it! Nice ring to it (it's Latin for hawk, according to Google).

Anyway, thanks to Brother Shandwen's help, I got my hands on one of the lovely new web exclusives. The second one appealed to me much more, so I bought him with some painting supplies (for the free shipping, naturally). Anyway, another big thank you to Brother Shandwen and here is a pic!




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