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The Crimson Lords WIP: Finished Contemptor Dreadnaught

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Hey gang! Take a look at my WIP Chapter Master, modeled using the Forge World Boarding Marine. I need some advice though. Do those purity seals blend in too closely with the gold?


I'm a big fan of this fella, his armored tabard is perfect for showing off the quartered colour scheme. (And the Purity Seals don't blend too much!)

Thanks for the feedback, gang! Heathens, I'll try and keep up the progress, but with exams coming up, it might be a few more weeks before I finish off this dang Stormraven.

The_Chaplain, I'll start work on the web exclusive soon. He is part of my LPC vow. I'm just trying to choose what company he commands so I can decide on the trim. Any thoughts? I'm leaning towards 10th company right now.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer, love the name. I'm glad you like the Chapter Master! He took me a long time but really does look better for the quartered scheme, I think. Though finding reference for the boarding marine proved surprisingly difficult.

Anyway, finished the cockpit and pilot for the Stormraven, in a foolish attempt at painting every nook and cranny of the Stormraven. We'll see if this breaks me on painting vehicle interiors.



Hey gang! The Stormraven continues apace, but nothing worth photographing yet. On the other hand, I checked out a nice camera from my college and took some higher-quality shots of the existing models. My phone camera just didn't suffice anymore. Anyway, here you guys go!









I've been watching this topic, but inexplicably not posted! blink.png I love quartered schemes, but far too chicken to try one myself sad.png the Red and cream looks gorgeous. I think my favourite is the Libby out of them all, but they're all so well painted smile.png I'm looking forward to seeing the finished Storm Raven. I found highlighting the two vehicles I have to be very exhausting, so I feel for you! blink.png

It'll look great when it is done though! thumbsup.gif

Hail brothers! Brief (oh so brief) update for today in between my linguistic exam and my upcoming stats exam. The Stormraven's base is done! Unfortunately, all but one of the pictures came out like total garbage (even with the better camera). If you guys want more shots, I'll post some. But for now, here is the base!



  • 4 weeks later...

Great work all around here. Caius is very good. I'm especially keen to see the limited edition Captain and the Stormraven finished up. I'm about to tackle my own Stormraven myself, but I used the Chapterhouse truescale kit and now the damn thing needs about a week's worth of gap-filling and modification to make it acceptable. Would love to see some army shots as and when.

  • 3 weeks later...

Figures look great. If you're worried about the chapter masters scrolls being a little too dark, there's probably two ways to go. 1.) Use a little bleached bone on the scrolls on the most raised parts or 2.) use the next gold up on the shield to make it brighter. Either way he looks really great. The Librarian might be my fave though!

  • 1 month later...

Guess who's back/Back again/Sampson's back/Hail the Emp

Sorry for the lack of updates over the summer, but my living situation made that activity impossible. However! I have discovered and awesome game store near where I will live for the next year and I have begun painting there. So here two small updates.



Batch painter/batch painter/paint me a batch


Wildly impractical wargear, I know. But I could not let the Sternguard powerfist go to waste.

  • 4 weeks later...



"You thought, foolishly, that we had been idle. We have not. We have shattered your fortresses, slaughtered your soldiers, and put your generals to the sword. So tell me now, little warlord… Which of us has been idle?" -First Captain Roland of the Crimson Lords to the Tyrant of Helios.




Local hobby shop is running a kill team campaign, which coincides with me moving into my new place and setting up my paints for the first time in months. This is only half of the force, still WIP obviously. I also have five scouts coming along nicely. Photos of them will go up... eventually. It's weird seeing ordinary line troops for the Crimson Lords, since I have only done HQ and vehicles thus far. 

And what lovely tacticals they are. I love the very light sprinkling of Sternguard bits throughout. Makes each marine more unique and seamlessly blends with the rest of the kit.  I also love the use of the old AoBR missile launcher guy.  Stands out nicely as uniquely equipped but again blends seamlessly with the squad.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hey gang! Last couple of days have been crazy busy, since I am training as a barista for Starbucks. But I still got some hobby in!



Converted from the thunder hammer-wielding captain sold at the 2008 Games Day and numerous other bits. The Iron Halo came from the Strikeforce Ultra exclusive commander.

Hail brothers! Time for some real progress. These are almost entirely done, save for their chapter insignia and tactical markings, which I cannot decide if I should paint in bone or black. I'm leaning towards bone, though.



I don't know whose body rests in that machine and I could not care less. For three thousand years he has served our Chapter ably and with unmatched zeal. I proudly call him Brother. -Chapter Master Caius Calderon, on the Unknown Contemptor of the Crimson Lords




  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...


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