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++ AUGUSTUS b'RAASS ++ pre-heresy BRASS SCORPION p.247

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Thanks for the replies, guys!


This is about an hour's work and the tank is of course in very early stages of coming together. What do you guys and gals think?



Looks great to me! I have to say, if Subtle Discord were to start selling just the extra armour as seen in the Predator kit, I'd be even more interested... Hint hint!


Cannot wait to see you paint that bad boy.

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@The_Chaplain: haha no worries about that, mate. I'm dremmeling the turret hatch and copula off - and replacing it with a chaos rhino one. 


@Vesper: I will. It's so detailed. Really the only thing wrong with it is the dimensions, but they're too small to be a real bugger.


@mitchell_marine: Haha I know right!


@Chaeron: I PMd Subtle Discord your reply - because I totally agree with you.

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Duoble post! :D


Did some work on the new predator, mostly raising the aft-side of the upper armour plate so that the turret can move freely and the roundy bits in the front can have working lights. I also removed the ridiculously small (from a space marine point of view) copula so that I can fit a space marine vehicle copula.


C&C welcome!









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  • 2 weeks later...

Been a while - I've become an uncle this weekend, as my sister gave birth to my healthy, farty and super cute niece Luka. :d :tu:


Today I got back to painting the fourth of six CoC units: the Eight Legged Lord of Skulls. 


As some of you might now, I absolutely dread painting red. Yet I've build a daemon engine that just screams Khorne and won't do in any other colour. So I forced myself to start painting this bad boy through a vow in the CoC... Today I started working on him.


The recipe is a base of Khorne Red, then thick highlights in Mephiston Red, then a shade in Rhinox Hide, and finally edge highlights in Jokaero Orange. Notice I only use Citadel Base colours, as I love the high opactity in mixing it with thinner and spraying it on. 


To my eternal chagrin, I was almost finished with a comple process of four repeated accounts of taping off one of the chest ridges on the LoK, and doing the four-colour recipe on it, then coating it with gloss varnish for strength. In an unguarded moment of impatience I pulled off the last tape too soon and YAY ME off came all the paint. Had to fracking rebasecoat the whole chestpiece. Did that and then called it a night. Tomorrow more work.


Here's some early WIP on the paint job. Sory for the bad pic quality, I'm bummed out by the accident and lighting sucks in my appartement. 


Feedback most welcome. Seriously, I fear I need it.









@Flint: Thanks! And the tank ;) OOOOH SNAP


@Viridia: Thanks mate! I totally agree Astartes tanks should look beefier.


@Chaeron: Cheers buddy. Dunno what you're talking about, but would love to read it - links appreciated!

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First off, congratulations on uncle-hood! I know the pain of an accident putting you off your modelling stride too. I'm curious, what's the black hull going to end up as? Lots of brass/metallic colours?

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Congratulations on the birth of your niece! That is amazing news! :)


As for the walker, that thing is going to rock so hard -- I am really looking forward to seeing it finished! Maybe it'll help you to know that Khornate models can be fun to paint, once the red is out of the way -- I am speaking from painful experience here... Anyway, looks like you're off to an amazing start!


And afterwards, the small Khornate warband, right...? ;)

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@Viridia: Thanks! I'm still not sure how to do the lower body -the hull... either plein black with grey highlights, or metallic? What do you think?


@KrautScientist: Thanks buddy! You're right - the red is ok once you're through. I even think I'm going to do the Termies from the Space Hulk set this way. But it sure feels weird not doing blue. And be sure to keep an eye out for a couple of squads of eight Berzerkers and some Khornate chartacters... I have a Lord on Juggernaut lying around that is just waiting for paint... :tu: :d


I did the 'stomach' today. What do you think?



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I'm not sure, but is the GW scheme all brass on the torso, with the furnace glow through the vents ? If not, that might be an idea, all rusty, blood splattered bronze......


ED: I'm guessing the whiteish grey tint is light reflecting off it in the pics ? It's really throwing me off the colour.

Edited by oldschoolsoviet
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For the Lord O' Skulls, I think the black with gray highlights would look pretty killer! Red and black berzerkers look awesome, so I can only assume something x20 their size will be several magnitudes of awesome greater.


Oh yeah, until Dragonlover said something, almost forgot about that Nurgle dread. I am salivating with anticipation over seeing that bro finished. 

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@Oldschoolsoviet: Good idead to do something with the vents ;) And yes, that grey teint is flash glare - here's what he actually looks like. Hope you like!


@Viridia: I'll maybe do that on the hull on small details, but red and brass sounds like MOAR KHORNE! 


@helterskelter: Welcome, new minion ;) Seriously: I really appreciate the regularity of your visits and comments here -  they keep my hobby jive running!


@Dragonlover: He will be next! Not to worry - I'm just trying to get the right sand for the last bit of corrosion.


@Flint13: Red and Brass is what I'm going for, I agree with K-Sci on this one. Especially now that he's taking form. What do you think? And as said, the Nurgle Dread is next!


@KrautScientist: I've taken your word as a true foloower of Khorne (with some Nurglish tendencies lately tsk tsk) and gone full red and brass! Blood for the Blood God!


@Forte: Gonna go rusty metal and brass on the inner hull. Not to worry - the jive is back. ;)



Here's where I am now. Did this today, in between cooking a new years eve meal for a ton of friends tonight. Off to the party now. HAPPY NEW YEAR in advance. :d 


Let me know what you think?



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Wow, just...wow! This makes me so happy! :smile.:


One thing I already noticed in your last update: Is there a suggestion of a daemonic face behind the Knight faceplate, or am I just imagining things? The lower region does look like a maw, if you ask me...


How did you do the bronze/brass, btw? It's looking great already!

Edited by KrautScientist
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Woke up with a hangover at 1pm and immediately started to have a suuuuuper long session of painting today, while my GF is working on her project to R2D2-ify the bathroom garbage can. 


Here's where I am now. It's starting to shape up good. There's a couple of spots of gold that need work. I've drowned everything in wash, which is drying now. Then it's off to a drybrush all gold with leadbelcher. Then it's the trophies and the fleshy bits, and the blue inner furnace glow and he's pretty much be done. Figure with some luck I can finish him tomorrow.








Wow, just...wow! This makes me so happy! :smile.:

One thing I already noticed in your last update: Is there a suggestion of a daemonic face behind the Knight faceplate, or am I just imagining things? The lower region does look like a maw, if you ask me...

How did you do the bronze/brass, btw? It's looking great already!

Glad you like it so much man! You're pretty much my go-to frater when it comes to all things Khorne, so I appreciate your feedback very much. And right you are mate! I sculpted a jaw and the muscles for a grissly neck for him. Here's a pic:



My 'brass' recipe is very simple: Valejo Liquid GOld Old Gold, a thick wash of Army Painter Strong Tone and then a drybrush of GW Leadbelcher. The pics so far are sans the drybrush, so even easier :tu:


@Marqol: Hey that's actually a pretty cool reference that I never thought of! Might be something I could use for his fluff. :tu:


@Tarvick: Hopefully tomorrow!


@Flint13: Haha that's what I was aiming for! ;)


@Atia: Thanks buddy! I love it too :d


@Midnight Runner: Cheers MR! Red is pretty much the go-to colour indeed. But the cool thing is that he doesn't look out of place among my Night Lords - which was a concern.


@Argent Aquila: thanks man - mostly the trophies will get a lot of Blood for the Blood God love. :tu:


And here's a bonus pic of my GFs work on the carbage can. ;)


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