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Sorry to double post here, but I'm on a roll again.


As you know I want each and every squad to have a banner. But scouts don't have back banners. Plus, the back banners of regular space marines are a tad too big for them So I fiddled around a bit with the new HH:BaC MkIV Vexila, and this is what I've come up with.


What do you think? Yea or Nay?



Of course, the HH:BaC box has other treasures, among which is the Kurtha Sed miniature. I think it's awesome, and want to use him as the vanilla, bolt pistol and crozius wielding chaplain in my 1250 points list. But I don´t think his pose fits the character I see for the Chaplain of an Imperial Fists demi company.


So I cut off his legs and replaced them with other MkIV legs. I also replaced his head, as he needs a skull helmet - for which I used Evanus Enkomi, chaplain of the Minotaurs. Back in 2012, when I still played Word Bearers and wanted an awesome head, I bought him off eBay, not realizing it was a recast. I gave his body to KrautScientist and his head now resides on Kurtha's body. :wink: And of course I got him a back banner. What do you think?



So now I had a set of Kurtha's legs as a spare bit. I'll probably use that for a future sergeant or something.


Hope you like! Thanks for looking and feedback as always more than welcome - it keeps me going!

Edited by Augustus b'Raass

I keep clicking on this thread expecting to see Night Lords but all I get is bumblebees.


Very very nice looking, with a sweet looking backbanner and a badass coverted chaplain, bumblebees.

I've seen that chaplain helmet used so many times I just find it boring now. :tongue.:


The MkII plastic shoulder pad come from the MkIV tactical squad sprue that is included in the HH:BaC box. :thumbsup:

 Thanks. I guess I'm forced to wait for plastic crusade squads. :tongue.:


What do you think? Yea or Nay?

"Okay guys, we need to sneak into that bunker with really short thresholds."


"Enemies in the perimeter!"

"Emperor damn it, Bob!"



I think the back banner for the scout company looks fine augustus, the scale looks spot on.

As for your chaplain he looks superb the Ekomi model in general is one of my faves so I love the head swap. It all goes great together.


Glad I still have him and Asteron lying around one of my boxes now lol.

The leg swap improves that mini SO MUCH. I haven't liked the pse of his legs ever since we first got leaked pics, but this changes the whole dynamic and character of the model. (how hard is the swap? I haven't actually looked at the mini in detail yet, I've been too busy drooling over working on the tacticals)


Really like the heft of the bolt pistol, too. The original plasma pistol looked too small and light to be eyecatching (partly due to the slim design of 30k plasma weapons) but this is perfect.

The leg swap improves that mini SO MUCH. I haven't liked the pse of his legs ever since we first got leaked pics, but this changes the whole dynamic and character of the model. (how hard is the swap? I haven't actually looked at the mini in detail yet, I've been too busy drooling over working on the tacticals)


Really like the heft of the bolt pistol, too. The original plasma pistol looked too small and light to be eyecatching (partly due to the slim design of 30k plasma weapons) but this is perfect.

Thanks dude, I'm glad you like it. The leg repositioning conversion is actually quite easy to do, as only the right leg is part of the body and it fits to it neatly along the belt. Just cut (saw) along that and you're golden. You can now fit the torso on a pair of normal legs. The model turns out to be slightly ill/proportioned when you do this, so I used a small filler (plasticard or, as I did, some greenstuff) in between the new pair of legs and Kurtha´s torso.


The right arm too has been repositioned, bending slightly outward. This is necessary as the old position made the crozius reach below the feet of the new pair of legs (even with the filler!). I accomplished this by putting a little bit of 1:2 Milliput:Greenstuff and modelling it to look like the soft tubed stuff that is used in the joints of power armour. Done! :tu:



Now, as you might have deduced from the former, I now had Kurtha's legs left to spare. The left leg is part of the 'inner core' of the original model, and is attached to the head via a 1cm long cilinder. It's super duper easy to cut that off. If you then glue the two legs together, you get a perfect pair of legs with only some slight damage on the right hip. If you clip off the grenades on the left hip, any plastic space marine torso will fit it without any problems - although the model is a little ill-proportioned, so I used a little filler again, as above.


I had a sergeant in mind as soon as I saw the separate, yet glued together legs of the original Kurtha Sed's model. I wanted it to look menacing, because the legs are strolling forward. So I used a chaos helmet -the one from the Chaos Vehicle Accessory Sprue, and put a resin helmet plume on it (this bit broke off a MkII helmet earlier. Seeing as I have two of those and want as much diversity as possible in my army, I stuck the plume on another helmet :wink: ). Of course, he got a banner. By now, this must come as no surprise.


And here he is!



Thanks for looking and your feedback!


@Grizzly_bear: Haha oh well, in that case: :tongue.:


@Black_out: I'm so sorry to disappoint buddy! I still have a couple Night lords vehicles to paint up. When the new codex hits, I'll probably paint some more. ;)


@Knight of the Raven: Hahaha yes, that was my main concern. It's just that... well, you know.... banners. They're awesome.


@the emperor is scottish: dude, you should check out what the rest of Ivanus Enkomi ended up. 


@Barrabas Sogalon: Cheers buddy! High Praise from one such as you. :smile.:


@jimbo13: I love how you're very torn about it. Probably the whispers of chaos influencing you. Glad they still go strong. ;)

@Knight of the Raven: Hahaha yes, that was my main concern. It's just that... well, you know.... banners. They're awesome.

More seriously, the scout with the banner looks awesome. The vexilla is probably the besty banner to use for such a model. And besides, Imperial Fists don't sneak; camouflage is the color of cowardice! :tongue.:

Which is a good thing, because, well...


I like the new sergeant. Iron-pattern pauldrons for the win!

I really want to see a similar conversion with the three lensed chaos helmet for a chaos warrior now, hrmmmmmm....

This is looking great. 

Do you pin your models to the bases? If so, can you walk us through that process a bit? Do you use paper clips or rod, what size, etc? Thanks! I ask because I'm leaning towards completing my bases and then attaching my model on top of the completed base, using pins for secure fastening. 

Hey everyone. Had a slight break from the hobby train due to work related shenanigans, but here's the next tactical squad completely build:


Communications specialist:



Battle brother:



Battle brother:



Heavy weapons specialist:



And you've already seen the sergeant:



I hope you like them and will try to get them done before the end of next week.


But for now, I'm trying to get some long overdue paint on this guy:



W00T ;)


Thanks for looking. C&C welcome, as always :)


Replies (thanks for so many btw, it's awesome to have so many people reply and give their take/feedback/approval/critique on my posts. It's a huge motivator for me, I have to admit - and I'm sure I wouldn't have progressed and/or been as productive without everyone here on BnC. THANKS!):


@Atia: I dunno about one thousand times, but I agree about the weird pose. ;) 


@Tarvick: Cheers, Tarvick - it means a lot. 


@Argent Acquila: Glad you like him, buddy!



@Slipstreams: Be glad you're not were! I hate Jelly! :tongue.:


@hushrong: BANNERS! Banners are awesome. Yes they're totally impractical, but they ARE cool. 


@SkimaskMohawk: That's a great idea, buddy, thanks. Will give it a try. 


@Knight of the Raven: I'm glad FW released NL helmets with shorter batwing ornamentations, because well. That picture is pretty accurate and those GW finecast ones are ugly. IF banners, however, are cool. ROOL of COOL trumps practicality. Also MkIII pauldrons FTW indeed! 


@Barabbas Sogalon: No, you're the best!


@Teetengee: I say go for it - I want to see it now too!


@augustmanifesto: First off, cool start of your name. ;) I do pin my models to my bases. You can see how in the pictures above. I use 1mm paperclips, and then drill 1,5mm holes in the bases. You can read how I do the bases themselves in this post here. When the mini and the base is painted, I push the paperclips through the bases, then cut them off at about 1cm length under the base, and then simply bend them. I try to bend them both in seperate directions, so the mini's angle doesn't change. Does that help? Lemme know if you have any further questions.


@Wicced: Well, tough luck for you, because I love banners! :tongue.: ;) 


@Kriegriss: Indeed! 


@disease: No you're amazing!

holy sweet smoking bolter casings the pose on the Dereado is out of sight man I have no love for doritos at all I think that they are boring, disproportionate and just not very warhammer looking. That said the pose you achieved blew the zipper right off my shorts man does the kit allow that much motion or did you have to do alot of work afterwards to ahieve it ... I'm going to steal it and I have no shame at all but I might give it a vehicle back banner

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