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++ AUGUSTUS b'RAASS ++ pre-heresy BRASS SCORPION p.247

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Yeah, I second some gloss on the sores.

Also, the bloodthirster looks a little flat to me, although the bone and wings look great. My least favorite part is actually the red of the armour, I think the only red being the blood might have looked better. (On that note, I think the axe needs a little more blood along the center edge of the blade, as I don't understand how parts of the center are clean when there are splatters far from the edge.)

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Thanks for the comments and the great feedback, gang. You guys push me to improve on models, so as to make them from 'satisfactory' to 'awesome'. Thanks!! :tu:


On that note, let me show you the six hours paint job I did on Ahriman. I watched/listened to half a season of Black Sails painting this guy. A really enjoyable evening, to be hoest. Especially because I am very happy with a new technique I come up with: mixing a little Vallejo Airbrush Flow improver in with paint (and then using it with a normal paint brush). The Flow improver is much thinner than regular drying retarder, and so is much easier to mix in the paint. It also adds a slight satin teint to paint, which I much prefer over the matte finish of GW Lahmian Medium. I also makes the paint flow from your brush in such a way where I really don't see a reason not to use it anymore!


Anyway, enough talking. Here's Azhek Ahriman:










I'm super stoked about him, as I wanted to use a colour palette which is a nod to the Ahriman I painted as a teenager, almost 18 years ago, while also making him fit in with the rest of my Thousand Sons force.... I think I succeeded quite nicely. Take a look:




Also, after I put the miniatures back in their display cabinets, I came back to my photo booth to find a Greater Daemon of Puzziwuzz in it. Meet Peer, our latest addition to the yuppy palace:




Purrs for the Purr God!! ;)



@ Uveron: Thanks bro!!


@ Atia: Steal right away, sis!!


@ Midnight Runner: Ha! Funny that you say that, as I remarked upon that subject in my interview as a Chaos Lord. I am open to commissions, but do not actively seek them out. I also wouldn't be expensive, because the joy I'd get to make someone else happy would be a reward in and of itself. :tu:


@ Psykic_scribe: Cheers, buddy! Yeah, I dislike the standard green recipe for Nurgle. I have looked at countless pictures of rotting flesh on the interwebs and almost none of them looked green. It´s always yukky flesh colour with teints of purple, red, and green.


@ Mechanist: Will get back on the 'Thirster's face! No worries!


@ Eldrick Shadowblade: I'll 'pop' right to it ;)


@ rednekkboss: Ha! Funnily enough, the wounds are super glossy: the picture just wahsed it all out. So I won't be going back to it, but you have given me an idea: put some GW Nurgle's Rot in between the intestines! :tu: thanks buddy! 


@ Teetengee: Those are fair points, for sure. But the gloss on the Poopmonster is really there! The camera washed it all out. Same as on the 'Thirster's face. About the red armour: that was a deliberate choice, as the 'Thirster should fit in with the rest of my KDK force, and they all have red armour.... I'll take a look at the axe and put some more BFTBG in the middle. Thanks for being so picky! :tu: Comments like yours make me a better painter. :)

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Ahriman looks great! The old sculpt looks still so good and your paint job suits him well.

Those other vows you finished arw ace. I love your dark Corn-letters and corn-thirster. Simply creat. And lord poopy-pants poop-potato the potato-pooper looks great, too! Nice to see your base tutorial.

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Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww - Peer is as cute as my Sansa :D




Also great work on Ol' Ahriman, and your 1k Sons looks really awesome buddy!!

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The GUO definitely looks suitably icky, and I like your work on Ahriman as well -- the blending on his robes is particularly nice, and he looks fantastic as part of the Sorcerer Cabal you have there. Excellent stuff! :smile.:


I'll have to be a bit of a buzzkill, however, and suggest that, before you start painting anything new, you should go back to the Soulgrinder and Bloodthirster and spent that extra hour on making their faces pop a little more. Don't get me wrong, buddy: Your work on those models is great, and the pace at which you are pushing out new stuff is truly staggering. But to move on with the models about 98,9% finished, while that last bit of work would be the part that really elevates them to the next level (and is, arguably, the most enjoyable part of the paining process in the first place) feels like participating in a Marathon and being among the top ten and then dropping out of the race within sight of the finishing line because you're tired and you'd rather go home, if you'll allow the simile :wink: (not that I would know the first thing about competing in a Marathon, but you get the picture).


Now I realise that this isn't the kind of feedback that'll make you happy, but I hope you take it as the kind of constructive criticism it is intended as. Because, seriously buddy, that last hour or so of work spent on those faces would turn those models into something truly outstanding. Just sayin'...


Then again, I am the guy who manages to paint two models in the same time it takes you to push out an entire army, so take this with a grain of salt, okay? :wink:



PS: You could always add that kitten to your next vow as a Warcat Titan :wink:

Edited by KrautScientist
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Thanks for some great feedback, gang!

@ Kurama: Trust me: he already is.


@ Aasfresser: I know right? Over 20 years old and still going strong. Oh Jess Goodwin!


@ Atia: Sansa? Was she born before or after GoT premiered?


@ KrautScientist: THanks for some great feedback and a kick in the butt! I will get to them. I'm in a sticky situation where I'm stuck - for lack of glue - so I can't go to work on the tanks! Your comment made me realize I can still do something. I'll post pics of the details before declaring my vow done - scout's honour! Also: I am very happy with your honest feedback. I have athick skin, no worries ;)


@ Psykic_scribe: Warcat? Don't insult him. He's a Greater Daemon of Puzziwuzz. And If I ever repaint him, I'll first have to strip him with break fluid. :devil: So no ;)

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Finally caught up on this thread. Everything's looking good but I'm going to be picky knowing your standard


  • Blood thirster looks good but it's a bit to clean for my taste. His armour looks plain, it might be the pictures but it sorta blends in to much as his skin, (same  glossiness sorta). Maybe a sprinkling of blood all over him? also some weathering on the gold bits.
  • Nurgle boss looks ace. Blade needs a little more weathering/blood/grime. It looks currently like hes come fresh outta the warp :P
  • Greater Daemon of Puzziwuzz needs Greater Daemon Armour, not a repaint :P

For the rest, :wub.:

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@ Atia: Sansa? Was she born before or after GoT premiered?

She's five months old soooo ...


But I wanted to name my next cat like that before I watched it, after I read the first book :tongue.:


Also, what's next on your painting table??!

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@ Atia: Sansa? Was she born before or after GoT premiered?

She's five months old soooo ...


But I wanted to name my next cat like that before I watched it, after I read the first book :tongue.:


Also, what's next on your painting table??!

Or you could call it the rumor queen be very egotistical and all that

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Thanks for all the feedback, gang! 


Finally, my bits order came in today from the UK. When I first read the rules of the Chaos Spartan, about three years ago, I immediately pictured one disgorging a horde of Khorne Berzerkers. Now, with my newly started Khorne Daemonkin army, I can make this a reality. As such, the Spartan in my vow will be painted red, and have World Eater and Khornate iconography  all over it. Including its tracks!


So I ordered 7 tracks of Lord of Skulls tracks from my favourite bits site. No, you might ask `Why 7?", and the answer to that question is: because it was all they had in stock. Turns out, it was just enough. I even had to cheat a little and make the 'end' ones, which don't have proper 'interlinking studs' (or whatschamacall it?). So with a little plasticard, I managed to make two complete sets of Spartan tracks! Huzza!! IN the end, I had only ten incomplete track links left. Lucky me!




I'm very much looking forward to chaosifying this Spartan even further. A set of World Eater Land Raider doors is on its way... :D


Hope you like! Comments very welcome. 




@ Anselneo: hey buddy! Glad you grace me with your feedback - and very valuable feedback at that. Although I'm not sure how you think that the rust-covered blade of Scabeiathrax can be 'fresh from the warp'.... :)


@ Atia: Ha! Fangirl. ;) Next up is either a Typhon, a Spartan, or a Kytan. Those are the last things I need to do to finish my vow.... :tu:


@ Kurama: I doubt my Masters in Philosophy will rub off on the cat, but who knows? ;)


@ The Hydra: Mix yellow and red with ground up mice, and spray that all over a naked cat. ;) 


@ Eldrick Shadowblade: Dunno what happened there, buddy. ;)Please do! I found the Sternguard legs to be quite fitting for Rubricae. 

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Just to expand your horizons Brother those "interlocking studs" are called track links* (and there a #%$%$ to change in three feet of mud).


I'm looking forward to another inspirational piece of armor from ya!


*They are an approximate representation of track links :smile.:

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CHeers, guys.


Started work on the Kytan Daemon Engine. Did the red, almost all metal, and the first layer or all cabling and skulls. Tons of work to be done, but I feel like I want to be building stuff. ;) The Spartan calls. I did order the new WE transfer sheet, so hopefully I can use that on this baby too. ;)



Thanks for looking!




Just to expand your horizons Brother those "interlocking studs" are called track links* (and there a #%$%$ to change in three feet of mud).


I'm looking forward to another inspirational piece of armor from ya!


*They are an approximate representation of track links :smile.:

Ah right, thanks. I always thought the individual thingies of the tracks were the track links. But I guess it makes more sense if the lthingies thatactually link them are called track links. So the individual track thingies are called 'tracks', as well as the entire track itself?


Man. Ahriman is an absolute BOSS! Great work, exceptional stuff :thumbsup:

Got to admit, really looking forward to your Spartan, it may even spur me on to build mine!

Me too buddy! Me too! And to yours!

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Thanks, Thousand Eyes! I've finished the Kytan Daemon Engine. 


Damn, what an awesome model. it comes together very, very easily, tbh. Such a great FW kit. I ended up not being able to find the third -for lack of a better word- crotch plate, so he only has two. But I think I actually prefer him this way. It makes the skulls on chains not dangle so low. 


Anyway, 'nuff said. Here's the pictures!













I hope you like! Feedback welcome.

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