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@ hushrong: Cheers, buddy. Yeah dropdreads are a proper nuisance. You have to deal with them, or they'll wreak havoc in the lines. I once coup de grace'd a Knight Acheron! Glorious times indeed. :wink:

@ vairocarum: Thanks! Would you say he's boxily brutal or butally boxy?

@ Midnight Runner: THaaaaaaaaaaanks yououoouou as always, buddy, for the support and motivations!

@ The Psycho: Yup, the name had to go. No offence taken by Heinrich who suggested it, btw. I've also stumbled upon actual names when shuffling around letters in a made up name.

@ Kisada: Good question. Right after the Gloss Varnish. I also forgot weathering in the paint scheme. So the entire paint scheme is more like:

  • Prime white.
  • Basecoat yellow areas with GW Averland Sunset.
  • Shade yellow with a 1:1 mix of GW Averland Sunset and VMA Hull Red.
  • Basecoat the Black areas with AP Matt Black.
  • Referse shade (so highlight) black with VMC Black Grey
  • Basecoat all red areas (gun stockings) with a 1:1 mix of GW Khorne Red and GW Caliban Green
  • Paint all metal areas with AP Gun Metal (Boltgun metal)
  • Gloss Varnish all over.
  • Add decals, after which I spray the decals with Gloss Varnish for added strength.
  • 'Blackline' the yellow areas with GW Agrax Earthshade Gloss.
  • Wash all metal with GW Nuln Oil Gloss
  • Edge highlight yellow areas with 1:1 mix of GW Averland Sunset and GW Yriel Yellow.
  • Edge hghlight black areas with 2:1 mix of VMC Black Grey and VMC Off White
  • Edge highlight all red areas with GW Khorne Red, then egde highlight where edges cross with GW Mephiston Red
  • Edge highlight all metal with 1:1 mix of Chainmail and Mithrill
  • Weather black and yellow by sponging GW Rhinox Hide, then on the yellow areas highlighting some brown sponged edges with Mithrill.
  • Weather black by sponging Chainmail
  • !:! mix of Gloss Varnish and Satin Varnish all over.
Edited by Augustus b'Raass

As I've said elsewhere, beautiful work on the Ironclad! I am normally a huge proponent of plastic over resin (or metal), but even I have to admit that GW's own Ironclad Dread seems painfully lacklustre when compared with FW's take: That thing looks like a walking fortress!


Again, good call on the naming business! :)

Edited by KrautScientist

The real problem with the name Franz Landa is not that it's close to that of a war criminal - every space marine committed enough genocides to make all the war criminals of the XXth century wet themselves in terror - but that Hans Landa is a filthy traitor.


I don't think I need to explain why that is bad for Imperial Fists.


Lovely ironclad.

@ Thousand Eyyes: Thanks buddy! I'll have a looksee at yours!


@ KrautScientist: Cheers, mate. Yup, the FW ironclad is leagues ahead of the GW one. Especially on the feet. ;)


@ Knight of the Raven: What the hell is wrong with traiters? :p


@ Andverr A: Get one for sure. PM me, I'll send you some links to sites that have helped me get the best kit. 


@ Nemac Vradon: Up next is a Dakkajet commission, so I won't be able to show it here. But after that, I'll for sure start the bikers in the Tale of 20 Hobbyists thread!


I don't think I've seen something you've painted that's not brilliant.




Well, there was that one Bloodthirster with the shoddily painted face...


...just kidding! JUST KIDDING! ;)

Hidden Content


I don't think I've seen something you've painted that's not brilliant.



Well, there was that one Bloodthirster with the shoddily painted face...


...just kidding! JUST KIDDING! :wink:



Hidden Content


Edited by Augustus b'Raass

Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. Easily one of the greatest ever Space Marine models and you've given it a typically stellar paint job. Using an Ashmantle arm for the ccw is an excllent choice (I have a plan to do the same in the future).

  • 2 weeks later...

Been a while! I've had a bit of a back problem with an old injury coming back to haunt me - a slipped spinal disc. In between periodas of agonizing pain, I've managed to complete:


Alexis Pollux, Captain of the 405th Company, VII Legion Astartes Imperial FIsts, Master of the Retribution Fleet, the Crimson Fist














His power fist's thumb broke off, and it was glued back in a bit of an awkward agle, unfortunately. I also decided to paint his fist a crimson red, as you know, he's called 'the crimson fist'... ;) I'm also pretty bad with faces, and this is my first in a loooong time. Nevertheless, I hope you like him!




Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. Easily one of the greatest ever Space Marine models and you've given it a typically stellar paint job. Using an Ashmantle arm for the ccw is an excllent choice (I have a plan to do the same in the future).

I had no idea it was called an ashmantle arm! Just thought it was a siege claw. Thanks anyhow! :smile.:


Too many .gifs, otherwise excellent work on Boxxy. :wink: What's next? Where's your next vow?

Apologies for the GIFs. The next vow was/is Pollux, and he's done! :smile.:

Edited by Augustus b'Raass

Lovely work on Polux, buddy, he's easily one of my favorite characters in FW's entire Horus Heresy range and you've done him great justice.


Hope you recover from your injury soon!

*Ouch*, that sounds painful! It might amuse you to learn that the German word for the thing you are currently suffering from is "Bandscheibenvorfall" -- now try saying that quickly three times in a row ;) (Although in Dutch it's probably something like "Bandskeibenvoorfal", right?)


Anyway, I've never been a big fan of the Pollux model, but your paintjob really sells him! You shouldn't even have mentioned not being very good at painting faces, because it certainly doesn't show. If anything, the face might be a tad too monochromatic -- but then again, it actually fits the idea of a grizzled veteran whose face doesn't often get in touch with actual sunlight ;)


Anyway, excellent work, as usual! Get well soon, buddy!

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