Augustus b'Raass Posted November 14, 2016 Author Share Posted November 14, 2016 (edited) I've had a bit of a busy week, applying for a new position and still recovering from my spinal disc injury, but I have finally managed to complete another unit: VIII Assault Biker Squad Consisting mostly of relatively young astartes, VIII Assault Biker squad functions as Fifth Company's a shock assault unit. It is frequently deployed in missions where decisive blows to enemy elite units and armour is required. The unit has developed a friendly rivalry with VII Assault Biker squad, a sentiment that is encouraged by Sergeant Langsdov. Veteran Sergeant - Askel Langsdov - Lord Commander Eidolon As a promising initiate, Sergeant Langsdov was inducted into 8th Company, where he quickly rose to the rank of Sergeant. He was noted by his superiors for his inspiring leadership and battlefield cunning, displaying an aptitude for precision strikes. As such, Captain Landa requested him specifically to take command of VIII Assault Squad, after the death of its former Sergeant. Despite some initial reluctance by the rest of the squad to accept a new member in their ranks, Langsdov has proven himself to be an inspiring leader. His years of service, combined with his friendly rivalry with the commanding officer of VII squad, Sergeant Yegar, have earned him the respect and friendship of VIII Squad. Weapon Specialist - Horatio Ghaer - Obscura Specialist Ghaer is a vindictive astartes, who is known for swearing to kill specific enemy leaders or destroy specific enemy vehicles on his oaths of moment, often with elaborate descriptions of how and when he will perform those actions. As such, he has grown into an invaluable asset to Sergeant Langsdov - his determination easily converts into planning out the tactical issues of specific missions. Weapon Specialist - Kato Ikaeinade - Kurama The youngest member of VIII squad, it quickly became obvious that Specialist Ikaeinade would be at his best if given a destroyer function. He has quickly adopted to his role as a weapons specialist, and has proven himself an excellent shot, being laureled for crippling and immobilizing enemy vehicles on numerous occasions. Comms Specialist - Sierad Gault - Uveron Where Brother Ghaer´s strengths are in tactical acumen, it is Comms Specialist Gault who is valued most in the squad for his Strategic insights. His calculating character aids him in analysing the enemy's movements. It is these perks that have earned him a reputation as a cunning strategist, not just in his own squad, but in the entire Assault division of 5th Company. Battle Brother - Estedan Slaega - SW1 Brother Sleaga is the righteous soul of VIII squad. Being the oldest member, Slaega was initially hesitant to accept a far younger commanding officer, and one from a different company to boot. He quickly warmed to Sergeant Langsdov, though, and has offered his experience to his Sergeant with grace. Sleaga often offers words of conservatism to balance Langsdov´s eagerness to meet the enemy, offering alternative tactics with graveful words of wisdom. That´s them! I hope you like ´m. Feedback and comments most welcome! Thanks for looking. Replies! @ kizzdougs: YES! Rainad Folker has reported for duty. Cool name, dude. Thanks. @ Kalrath: Oh most definitely. 2nd Edition would be played with fun in mind at all times. It truly is a skirmish game - and is closer to Necromunda now than it is to 7th Ed. 40K. @ KrautScientist: I know, buddy! I commented on that piece quickly after you published it, last year. @ Kurama: Thanks buddy. When are you due to appear next summer? @ Trysanna: Cheers! I do hope you like the finished miniatures! @ sockwithaticket: Recent? Those devastator leg braces are actually a blast from 2nd edition, where they had the exact same design. Perhaps those 90's miniatures are the basis for my viewing devasatators as being more heavily armoured that assault units, who in my mind indeed need armour that allows more speed and agility. EDIT: corrected pictures Edited November 15, 2016 by Augustus b'Raass Kizzdougs, Race Bannon, Brother Chaplain Ryld and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
malcharion Posted November 14, 2016 Share Posted November 14, 2016 Really nice looking squad brother ! I particularly like the deep red you use on the Sergeant Langsdov :) What colour did you used ? Malchy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted November 14, 2016 Author Share Posted November 14, 2016 Hi buddy, thanks! The red is a base of 1±1 mix of GW Caliban Green and GW Khorne Red. I then Highlight it with a 1:1 mix of GW Wazdakke Red and GW Squig Orange, after which there's a final lighter Highlight of 1:1 GW Troll Slayer Orange and GW Wild Rider Red. Pretty involved, but I can't accept the dozens of other reds I've tried over the years. :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted November 14, 2016 Author Share Posted November 14, 2016 Sorry to double post - I am on a roll again. Here's WiP pictures of the second half of XI Devastator Squad, led by Comms Specialist - Svadir Hark (named by Rangaman). This guy is made from the weirdly sculpted limited edition Vexilla that was a Burning of Prospero exclusive miniature, I believe? I don't remember. All I know is, this guy's pelvis is in serious trouble - he's sculpted as if his whole upper body is shifted a couple centimeters to his rear from the abdomen up. Vexillarius - Bransun Karlinus - lionofjudah with fluff Heavy Weapon Specialist (Grav Cannon) - Harcon Cayil - Mactire with fluff Heavy Weapon Specialist (Grav Cannon) - Berneid Reis - Brother Androcles with fluff Battle Brother - PLAYER 404 YOU NEED TO NAME THIS GUY please. Armorium Cherub Vairocanum and Atia 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Atia Posted November 14, 2016 Share Posted November 14, 2016 Awesome buddy. Well, .... besides one thing. Sadly not even you can manage to make the "wannabe Ventanus" look *that great* - is the head already glued in place? Could you try out some helmets? I really think that could help him :/ (maybe MKIII or a variant of it? Or a MkII nuncio helmet?) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vairocanum Posted November 14, 2016 Share Posted November 14, 2016 Awesome looking squad, really like the vexillarius. I have to agree with Atia about switching the head of the comms specialist, that head has always looked a little out of place to me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted November 15, 2016 Share Posted November 15, 2016 I think the main problem with that limited edition Vexillarius is that the proportions look really wonky -- like something you usually see on smaller manufacturers releasing models that are "totally not Space Marines" ;) That said, I think you have done a pretty good job with the model so far, and I, for one, would like to see you paint it with the stock head in place, because I think we should really give you the benefit of the doubt here. I think grey or white hair would look great on a grizzled IF veteran like that, btw. Atia 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted November 15, 2016 Author Share Posted November 15, 2016 (edited) I wasn't very happy with the last pictures of the biker squad: for some reason, - probably the new light I bought for it is wrong - the yellow came off all wrong. So I took new pictures and now I am far more happy with it. VIII Assault Biker Squad Consisting mostly of relatively young astartes, VIII Assault Biker squad functions as Fifth Company's a shock assault unit. It is frequently deployed in missions where decisive blows to enemy elite units and armour is required. The unit has developed a friendly rivalry with VII Assault Biker squad, a sentiment that is encouraged by Sergeant Langsdov. Veteran Sergeant - Askel Langsdov - Lord Commander Eidolon As a promising initiate, Sergeant Langsdov was inducted into 8th Company, where he quickly rose to the rank of Sergeant. He was noted by his superiors for his inspiring leadership and battlefield cunning, displaying an aptitude for precision strikes. As such, Captain Landa requested him specifically to take command of VIII Assault Squad, after the death of its former Sergeant. Despite some initial reluctance by the rest of the squad to accept a new member in their ranks, Langsdov has proven himself to be an inspiring leader. His years of service, combined with his friendly rivalry with the commanding officer of VII squad, Sergeant Yegar, have earned him the respect and friendship of VIII Squad. Weapon Specialist - Horatio Ghaer - Obscura Specialist Ghaer is a vindictive astartes, who is known for swearing to kill specific enemy leaders or destroy specific enemy vehicles on his oaths of moment, often with elaborate descriptions of how and when he will perform those actions. As such, he has grown into an invaluable asset to Sergeant Langsdov - his determination easily converts into planning out the tactical issues of specific missions. Weapon Specialist - Kato Ikaeinade - Kurama The youngest member of VIII squad, it quickly became obvious that Specialist Ikaeinade would be at his best if given a destroyer function. He has quickly adopted to his role as a weapons specialist, and has proven himself an excellent shot, being laureled for crippling and immobilizing enemy vehicles on numerous occasions. Comms Specialist - Sierad Gault - Uveron Where Brother Ghaer´s strengths are in tactical acumen, it is Comms Specialist Gault who is valued most in the squad for his Strategic insights. His calculating character aids him in analysing the enemy's movements. It is these perks that have earned him a reputation as a cunning strategist, not just in his own squad, but in the entire Assault division of 5th Company. Battle Brother - Estedan Slaega - SW1 Brother Sleaga is the righteous soul of VIII squad. Being the oldest member, Slaega was initially hesitant to accept a far younger commanding officer, and one from a different company to boot. He quickly warmed to Sergeant Langsdov, though, and has offered his experience to his Sergeant with grace. Sleaga often offers words of conservatism to balance Langsdov´s eagerness to meet the enemy, offering alternative tactics with graveful words of wisdom. There, that's better. Replies! @ Atia: Yeah, I get what you're saying. I also looked for another head, but sadly nothing will fit, even if I dremmel the collars of his 'head hole' out to within micrometers. Not even the smaller Deathwatch heads will do, unfortunately... @ Viarocanum: No can do, buddy... @ KrautScientist: Aw, thanks for sticking up for me! I agree the proportions are super off, but I wanted to use it nonetheless. It's just a cool detailed model. Plus, he'll function as a 'lowly' comms specialist/sergeant in my army anyway. Edited November 15, 2016 by Augustus b'Raass BrotherJim, Brother Chaplain Ryld, Warsmith Uveron and 6 others 9 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Knight of the Raven Posted November 15, 2016 Share Posted November 15, 2016 The narrator in me balked with dismay at the repetition in the squad's introduction. Maybe replace the second "consisting of relatively young Astartes" with "being young space marines?" Eh, there were like three 'special Prospero ultramarine' on the shelves when I went to my "local" GW to buy the Tau codex. Nice bikers. Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted November 19, 2016 Author Share Posted November 19, 2016 (edited) Second half of XI Devastator Squad finished. Now, I've obviously used the limited edition vexilarius for the comms officer. This model is, as many have said, grossly out of proportion. To make matters worse, the bare head is fugly as hell. I couldn't fit a helmet in there though, and by the time a fellow hobbyist from my local store showed me how with filing and a lot ofdremmeling he managed to fit a helmet in there, I had already started painting it. By a stroke of luck, I managed to misplace the head, and couldn't find it anymore. So I had to look for a different bare head - and found on in the oform of the Imperial Fists bare head from the FW Templar Brethren set. I'm very happy with it! Take a look:XI Devastator Squad Comms Specialist - Svadir Hark - Rangaman A veteran of countless battles, Brother Hark was requested to lay down his honorary duties as Company Vexila to serve once more as a comms specialist in the experimental XI Devastator Squad. He advised Tech-Sergeant Hotar in the recruitment of battle brothers to serve in the squad, and has proved to be invaluable in devising, adapting, and perfecting tactics for the new graviton weaponry. Much to the squad's amusement, he recently silenced his combat squad's spotter for derelict of duty and failing to complete an oath of moment. Vexillarius -Bransun Karlinus - lionofjudah A Terran-born, Vexilarius Karlinus has carried his duties as since the Hanuoaman cleanising of Gu'illianuus IV. His fatalistic wit serves him well, bringing his brothers-in-arms a place of calm in the midst of the actions of the Heresy. Karlinus family is ancient, with records of Astartes induction going as far back as the Thunder Warriors. His lineage is a great source of pride to him, and he knows that as the Emperor's palace stands, his aim will be true and he shall smite the traitors from his home soil. Heavy Weapon Specialist (Grav Cannon) - Harcon Cayil - Mactire Harkon Cayhil is a Company Veteran who despite that, was never promoted above the rank of specialist. His bellicose and rancorous nature have earned him several tours of duty in VI Squad, known as ´The Bucket´, having clashed with superior officers on mutliple occasions. Combined with his deadly aim, he was suggested for the experimental tactics of XI Squad by his fellow veteran Hark. Heavy Weapon Specialist (Grav Cannon) - Berneid Reis - Brother Androcles Brother Reis has quickly gained a reputation of initiating good-natured rivalries with the other Heavy Weapon Specialists of XI squad, constantly attempting to initiate competition relating to marksmanship or kill counts. He has employed the wargear he is entrusted with to great effect, though, zealously eliminating enemies with extreme prejudice and deadly accuracy. While still a young Astartes, Brother Reis is as jovial as he is well-liked among his peers, and none can doubt his skills. His advancement to a higher position within the company may be closer at hand than would be normal for one of his age. Spotter - ++Name Redacted Pending Completion of Duty++ (Player 404 has not provided a name yet) XI Devastator Squad's spotter has recently been Silenced by Comms Specialist Hark, a punishment for derelict of duty and failing to fulfill an oath of moment. Silencing leaves an Astartes nameless until a certain requirement has been met. Sergeant Hakon had a harsher punishment in mind, such as a day in the pain glove, but Specialist Hark saw fit to provide a last chance. This battle brother swore to his brothers that he would not abandon them in the line of duty, but failed to show up for training duty. Should he fail to show up a second time, he faces severe penalties and possible excommunication from 5th company. (the pin issue has been fixed (it was a bit too long), I'm just too lazy to make new pics ) Armorium Cherub I hope you like!@ Knight of the Raven: thanks for spotting that, buddy. I fixed the fluff Edited November 19, 2016 by Augustus b'Raass Kizzdougs, Brother Chaplain Ryld, Vairocanum and 9 others 12 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nomus Sardauk Posted November 19, 2016 Share Posted November 19, 2016 (edited) Hey Augustus, I don't know if you realise but the Unnamed Brother in the new squad has a gap in between where his right arm and torso should meet, I can see the pin holding it in place. :ermm: Edited November 19, 2016 by SanguiniusReborn Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Atia Posted November 19, 2016 Share Posted November 19, 2016 Wow, that ugly wannabe Ventanus turned out AWESOME! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Barabbas Sogalon Posted November 19, 2016 Share Posted November 19, 2016 Love those black and white vexillas, brother. I know I'm comitted elsewhere, but you keep making me want to return to the VII every time I visit. Augustus b'Raass 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Race Bannon Posted November 19, 2016 Share Posted November 19, 2016 (edited) Do flying babies poop? If so, who cleans it up? I nominate the Vexilariblahblah because ... Why not? Regardless, they are creepy no matter how well painted! Edited November 19, 2016 by Race Bannon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vairocanum Posted November 19, 2016 Share Posted November 19, 2016 The squad looks amazing as always. The comms specialist looks really good with the new head! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted November 20, 2016 Author Share Posted November 20, 2016 @ SanguiniusReborn: Yes! Thanks buddy. I noticed it before, and have since fixed it. Turns out, the pin was a bit too long. A simple clipping action and some more glue and hey presto: fixed :) @ Atia: Thanks! And why do you keep referring to the generic Ultramarine Vexilla as Ventanus? ;) @ Barrabas Sogalon: Cheers! Yeah, I love putting in the 5th company colours in here and there. :) Please come back to the VII @ Race Bannon: Erm...., duh! Why do you think his entire base is brown? :p @ Viarocanum: Thanks! Yeah, that new head is definitely an improvement... although that was very easy considering how bad the original sculpt was! ;) Race Bannon and Atia 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Atia Posted November 20, 2016 Share Posted November 20, 2016 @ Atia: Thanks! And why do you keep referring to the generic Ultramarine Vexilla as Ventanus? ;) It's not easy if things change mid production right ;P Like the Imperial Fist "Command Squad Champion" who is actually wannabe Sigismund 0.5 xD Charlo 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Barabbas Sogalon Posted November 20, 2016 Share Posted November 20, 2016 @ Barrabas Sogalon: Cheers! Yeah, I love putting in the 5th company colours in here and there. Please come back to the VII The Death Guard (and soon Sons of Horus) keep me busy, but I was a Fist/Black Templar for ten years so if I one day get the chance to do a small group from a loyalist legion it will be them. Someone needs to be there to kill off my Sons. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted November 21, 2016 Share Posted November 21, 2016 The new Devastator squad is looking sweet, buddy, and you've really managed to make that malformed Vexillarius sing ;) The blank belt buckle seems like a bit of a missed opportunity, however, and I think I'd add some kind of decal there, if I were you. Atia and Augustus b'Raass 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted November 21, 2016 Author Share Posted November 21, 2016 So! New things ahead. I made a vow for the Call of Chaos which included a Chaos Khorne Lord on Juggernaut. I've had this model since since September '15, but got a little side-tracked with painting Imperial Fists and all. I've been having great fun with my fledgeling Khorne Daemonkin 1250 list lately, and this list features that model. I've bee proxying him, which doesn't feel right. The list is simple: Khorne Juggerlord with fistyclaws 10 Fleshounds 10 Khorne Marines with 2 meltaguns in a Rhino (x3) Maulerfiend (x2) Not an optimal or very competative list at all, but VERY fun to run! I've been doing getting more fun games in lately, and am enjoying it very much!Anyway, here's a WiP pic. I meant to make a picture of him as a standalone, but got a bit excited tonight and started painting already.... oops. Luckily I have two more Lords (having bought the skullcrushers box last year), so I promise to get good pics in of them. Anyway, here's the work in progress... Cheers! Replies! @ Atia: Riiiight. You're WAY more into FW characters and fluff than I am, so I'll trust your word! ;) @ Barabbas Sogalon: Bring iiiiiiit! With Zeal? @ KrautScienist: Hey, you're totally right! How does this look? Hidden Content The new Devastator squad is looking sweet, buddy, and you've really managed to make that malformed Vexillarius sing The blank belt buckle seems like a bit of a missed opportunity, however, and I think I'd add some kind of decal there, if I were you. Biohazard, Atia and The Traitor 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Traitor Posted November 21, 2016 Share Posted November 21, 2016 I've always liked to play Khorne lords on juggernaut, even before KDK I used them as suicide units in my CSM, so pretty excited to see how this turns out! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted November 22, 2016 Author Share Posted November 22, 2016 (edited) All Hail Augustus b'Raass, the third incarnation of my Khornate Chaos Lord. He started back in 1998 as a half-daemon, then progressed into a terminator lord, and now sits atop a mighty juggernaut - and is the origin of my alias here on B&C. I hiope you like him! Edited November 22, 2016 by Augustus b'Raass Brother Chaplain Ryld, Atia, Race Bannon and 11 others 14 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Biohazard Posted November 22, 2016 Share Posted November 22, 2016 Nice Khorne himself knows how much I like a Jugger Lord and you've certainly done a great job here mixing the armour parts. One thing I will say though is I find the blue on the Fists to be a little strong. I found my eyes were drawn to that before the models face, of that makes sense? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Race Bannon Posted November 22, 2016 Share Posted November 22, 2016 As a hobbyist, I had to like him. Amazing work in such a short time! :tu: As an Imperialist, it is simply blasphemous. :P Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted November 22, 2016 Author Share Posted November 22, 2016 Thanks guys!@ Biohazard: :) Thanks. I see what you mean with the blue... but that was intentional. I hate inconsistencies and power cables and weapons are blue in the Khorne Daemonkin Army I'm slowly building. That means blue fists. In this miniature's case, it's debet to the focus on his face, unfortunately. Although... he does have an ugly mug, so maybe it works in his favour? ;) @ Race Bannon: You said the same about my Night Lords recently. I get that you're so adamant in focalising disdain so as to reinforce your set of values. The power of chaos is very tempting indeed. :p ;) Biohazard and Race Bannon 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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