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The World Eaters are looking excellent -- I am particularly fond of the guy on the right.  At the same time, I really dislike the BA head on the leftmost guy (that hairstyle just seems like a terrible choice for a World Eater), but that's just me.


I am curious about your experiences with the Forgeworld decals on the shoulder pads: Was it easy to get them to conform to the rounded shape? How did you go about it? I have the earlier generation of that WE decal sheet, and getting the legion symbols on the pauldrons has been a veritable nightmare so far, so any help would be appreciated.

Thanks for the replies and comments, guys and gals.


I'll be using this post to answer KrautScientist's post about my method of applying FW World Eater decals - or any decals actually - on shoulder pads.


The curved surface doesn't really jive with the flatness of the decals, no? My method deals with it, though, as evidenced by my Imperial Fists and lately the Khornate marines. 


You'll need these tools:

  • Decal Sol by Microscale (it costs about $7-8 and it'll last a lifetime. I transfered my entire Imperial Fists army - with 4 transfers on average per miniature - and I haven't even used 10% of the stuff.
  • Gloss Varnish
  • a new scalpel blade (not a hobby knife - the blade is too thick)
  • Water cooker
  • Paper towel
  • Tweezers
  • Synthetic brush size 3-5
  • Blutac or poster buddy


  1. Gloss varnish the surface (in this case the shoulder pad, but ALWAYS use gloss varnish before decals)
  2. Cut out the decal with about a 2 mm marin around the decals' edges
  3. Make three cuts into the decal, about a third of the diameter in, on the 10, 12, and 2 o'clock positions, marked by the red lines in this picture (if you need to apply the transfer higher up the pauldron, you want two more cuts, about 25% of the diameter in, on the 8 and 4 o'clock positions, marked by the orange line).http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d185/mkruijff/Symbol_zpsgdomb7oh.jpg 
  4. Boil some water, get it into a mug, and put on your work station next to your left hand, together with the paper towel and the tweezers. (I´m assuming in the rest of the tutorial that your right hand is dominant. If you´re a lefty, switch the instructions around).
  5. Put the synthetic brush, the scalpel, and the opened pot of Micro Sol on your right.
  6. Mount the miniature right in front of you with blutac, making sure the surface of the shoulder pad in question is facing up, meaning the transfer surface should be horizontal. 

OK, now that you're set up, here's how I apply transfers to shoulder pads.

  1. Using your left (so not-dominant) hand, with the tweezers grab the transfer in the lower left corner, and dip it into the boiling water once, then immediately twice (this will make sure no air bubbles are on the surface.
  2. Get the transfer out and dab it vertically unto the paper towel. 
  3. With your right hand, grab your synthetic brush, dab it into the Micro Sol, and dab this onto the transfer. This will make the transfer slightly more malleable.
  4. You're still holding the transfer with your left hand. Bring it to the surface you want to apply it to, and with the synthetic brush in your right hand, slide it off onto the shoulder pad.
  5. Give the transfer a couple of gentle swipes with the brush, so that most liquid is removed from under it. You should also be able to move it slightly with either the point of the scalpel or the brush. Work quickly!
  6. Once it's in the right position, carefully put a piece of paper towel over the transfer and gently push, so that all liquid is absorbed by the transfer. It is now set in place.
  7. Seal the transfer in with Gloss Varnish. This is essential. Later, you can put matt or satin varnish over that as you wish.

Hey presto! You're done! It looks quite involved, but it's quite easy once you get the ritual down. I hope this helps.




@ Atia: :biggrin.: Sure, sure. :wink: Thanks!


@ Race Bannon: It's from the raptors kit :thumbsup:


@ Sgt. Blank: You're right! 


@ Knight of the Raven: Aha. Then perhaps it would have been better if you would have commented it on the threads of those who find them flawless, then, no? :blink.: It is indeed one of the finecast banners :smile.:

Edited by Augustus b'Raass

Finished the Librarian on Bike.


I went for a ghostly feel of the 'force' elements, namely the runes on his Force axe and coming from his Psychic Hood surrounding his face, and on his eye. It was achieved with a thinned-down wash of Nihalak Oxide. I really like the effect, and plan on using it on all librarians from now on. :smile.:


Edit: BTW I realized after posting this, that I haven't had this guy named! So if anyone has suggestions, they're more than welcome. :)













Edited by Augustus b'Raass

Hobby Butterfly Achievement: UNLOCKED


Good god. With GW releasing Traitor's Hate, the Burning of Prospero, Blood Bowl, and Traitor Legions, coupled with my new Khorne Daemonkin infatuation, and the Imperial Fists  Expansion, Call of Chaos, and the Tale of 20 Hobbyists B&C events, my mind and hobby engine has been in overdrive. Oh, I forgot that I also got a Fallout Zone battle mat and have been very inspired to make some terrain. All of this has not improved my focus, however.  


So here's what I'm working on a the moment. 


  • I still need to finish the other five Khornate Chaos Space Marines I started two weeks back. They're about 50% done, but I can't get myself to continue work on them. Goes to show I should really only do five marines at a time lest I loose inspiration and interest.
  • Meanwhile, I got in two rapier quad mortars for my Iron Warriors, one of which I vowed in Call of Chaos, along with two Iron Circle models for the same event. THe deadline is december 15th, so I still have time. I'm fresh out of Vallejo Metal Color Chrome, however, and I can't get that stuff until Monday. So I'm pretty much screwed and will probably end up a Chaos Spawn for failing my vow AGAIN on this event. I guess my Chaos juices stopped flowing again after winning the ETL.
  • Then, lastly, I've made a third monthly vow in the Tale of 20 Hobbyists thread, putting in five assault marines and a l=Leviathan. Here's some WIP pics of those two units:

Here´s the five-man assault squad. This will be part of a complete ten-man suad, hence the lack of sergeant proper. The entire squad will be equiped with two eviscerators and two flamers, which I intent to combat squad in the game. I chose to not use running legs, after seenig some awesome Night Lords raptors from AlanOfAngels (check out his thread). They´re all going to be equipped with MkV Jump packs, which I saved from my previous (and failed, because I couldn´t get the red right) Word Bearers project. I like those jump packs.


Vexillarius - Aldrik Zol'tara - Trysanna  (with fluff)

This is quite an involved kitbash. It has a black templar torso, a templar brethren head, the vexilla from the recent limited edition ultramarine store vexillarius, and MkIII legs from the BoP box. 



Weapon Specialist (Flamer) - Garic Westrat - Biohazard



Weapon Specialist (Eviscarator) - Hannes Kirchberg - Lord Thorn



Brother - Rainad Folker  kizzdougs



Battle Brother - NEEDS A NAME



Incidentally, there´s two more battle brothers in the other five man assault squad that need names. So if any of you have suggestions, I´m open to them!


And then finally, there's my Leviathan. I've had this bugger since it came out, and couldn't decide whether to do him in Imperial Fists or Iron Warriors colours. But since I already painted my dreadnought drop pod in Imperial Fists colours and he needs one of those to be effective, I finally decided to get him that. Since then, I also bought him a Cyclonic Melta lance - which is an awesome weapon! Duuuuude! Mind you, btw, the red is just the colour fo the putty I used. It's not going to be any different than my standard bases.


I hope you like! Feedback welcome!




@ Atia: Thanks!


@ PaulJam: Those are actually mostly standard on the base DV biker sergeant model :thumbsup:


@ Race Bannon: Go for it. it's such an easy conversion. Beware though: you have to switch the sergeant biker front with a normal DV biker front in order to make it work arms-wise. 


@ Psykic_scribe: thanks buddy! I'm quite pleased with the idea myself :smile.:


@ Viacorum: Cheers, buddy! 


@ Kurama: Hmmm, Not entirely down with 'Jehovah' as a first name. Also, I tend to stay away from more than three syllables per name... Can you come up with something else? :smile.:

Edited by Augustus b'Raass
The vexilarius conversion looks great! Also, I understand that you want him to go with your DDP but, are you sure you want to paint another filthy loyalist? Iron Warriors would be much more fun! ;-P Looking forward to see him finished, even if he's a fist!

The last of the assault marines needs a name?


Henric Isenhart for this chap? Although that name might fit better to the Leviathan^^

Edited by MikhalLeNoir

Zomg, I think that's my dude with the big sword!


Like Navin R Johnson - I'm somebody now!  Millions of people look at this website every day!  This is the kind of spontaneous publicity, you're name on the internet, that makes people.  I'm on the internet!  Things are going to start happening to me now.

  On 12/8/2016 at 2:28 PM, KrautScientist said:

Looking good! Love the vexillarius!


By the way, didn't I name that Leviathan at some point? I seem to remember something of the sort... :wink:

Yes, yes you did, and you named him Volt Gerbrandt!


Also, you might have missed my answer (with tutorial) to your transfer question? :thumbsup:


  On 12/8/2016 at 3:48 PM, The Traitor said:

The vexilarius conversion looks great! Also, I understand that you want him to go with your DDP but, are you sure you want to paint another filthy loyalist? Iron Warriors would be much more fun! ;-P Looking forward to see him finished, even if he's a fist!

DDP? As is known, I'm denser than gold. What does DDP mean? No worries on the Iron Warriors - they'll be a continuous project. I'm starting to get into the HH/30K for fun, as I only have a couple of pleople to play with. My local meta is 40K full swing, so if I want to get regular games in, that's what I have to concentrate on. 


  On 12/8/2016 at 3:59 PM, MikhalLeNoir said:

The last of the assault marines needs a name?


Henric Isenhart for this chap? Although that name might fit better to the Leviathan^^

Boom! You're in. Thanks buddy!


  On 12/8/2016 at 4:09 PM, Race Bannon said:

Zomg, I think that's my dude with the big sword!


Like Navin R Johnson - I'm somebody now!  Millions of people look at this website every day!  This is the kind of spontaneous publicity, you're name on the internet, that makes people.  I'm on the internet!  Things are going to start happening to me now.

Yes, yes you are! Seriously, your comments always crack me up. :biggrin.: Nice classic reference there, btw. :thumbsup: You're gonne get your picture taken! You're gonne be in da paper! This is exciting!

Edited by Augustus b'Raass
  On 12/9/2016 at 4:36 AM, ranman8 said:

What kind of putty did you use on your bases? Id like to steal it for my New IW coming up!

I use Vallejo Sandy Paste. Doesn't matter which colour, as I paint over it anyway. I have two pots, one of which has a bit of chinchilla sand mixed in to give it a little more texture. 

  On 12/8/2016 at 4:22 PM, Augustus b'Raass said:


  On 12/8/2016 at 3:48 PM, The Traitor said:

The vexilarius conversion looks great! Also, I understand that you want him to go with your DDP but, are you sure you want to paint another filthy loyalist? Iron Warriors would be much more fun! ;-P Looking forward to see him finished, even if he's a fist!

DDP? As is known, I'm denser than gold. What does DDP mean? No worries on the Iron Warriors - they'll be a continuous project. I'm starting to get into the HH/30K for fun, as I only have a couple of pleople to play with. My local meta is 40K full swing, so if I want to get regular games in, that's what I have to concentrate on. 



DDP is dreadnought drop pod. I feel you with starting alone 30K, when I first started my SoH I was the only one in my local shop who had an Age of Darkness army and I mostly had to play them as CSM or against friends who allowed 30k vs 40k games. Fortunatelly there are more people who have gotten into the Heresy now.

My latest update post, wherein I admitted to and addressed hobby butterfly syndrome really cleared my head and drove me to focus!

In finished the last five Khornate Chaos Space Marines I still had to finish! I have a complete unit of ten now, yay! As soon as my FW order with a dozer blade arrives, I shall build and paint them a Rhino too. :tu:


Untill that time, there's the looming deadline of the Call of Chaos to address. Becoming a spawn last year did NOT feel good, so I am determined to finish the last three units before the deadline, on December 15th: a Chaos Rapier Laser Destroyer team and two Iron Circle models which I vowed as Iron Warrior Contemptor Dreadnoughts. Seeing as I ran out of my favourite Metal Paints (from the newish Vallejo Metal Color range), I decided to focus on the Rapier platform first. Hopefull by this time tomorrow, I'll be able to post a completion picture (along with pictures fo the five Khornate Chaos Space Marines I finished today. 


Here's a wip picture of the rapier platform:





@ The Traitor: AH, that makes sense, of course. Again, I'm denser than gold, so forgive the confusion. I can totally relate to that. I think the BaC and BoP boxes really help adn stimulate the emergence of more 30K players. Hopefully more to come next year (possibly with MkII or MkV?)

  On 12/9/2016 at 7:51 PM, Race Bannon said:

Dude ... that's a lot of wine drinking ...

Pffff. Common wine is for plebs. Those are champagne corks. :tongue.::wink: OK, probably most of them are crémant, prosecco or cava corks (- which I prefer because they are wider and thus more stable than regular wine corks). Plus, that´s not all my effort alone. After (or during) a sunny day in a public park in Amsterdam, you can harvest enough to mount an infantry unit. :thumbsup::smile.:


Corks are just great for mounting miniatures in parts, which is why I collect them anywhere I go. :smile.: Sometimes I get weird looks, but it's secretly kinda fun to try and pick up a popped cork and take it with you without anyone noticing :D

Edited by Augustus b'Raass

Alright, Rapier Laser Destroyer finished for my Night Lords army. I have two more of them to paint, which will all follow in the next weeks. Why? Because they are awesome value for the points they cost, and will be the last optimalization in my 1250 Chaos tournament list.


This was the 1250 list before (my meta does regular one-day 1250 tournaments):

Hidden Content

HQ: Chaos Lord, MoN, Sigil, Bike, Fistyclaws

Troops: 3x 10 cultists with CC weapons, flamer

Fast Attack: 2x Baledrake;  4 MoN bikers + 2x flamer+ Lightning Claw + Meltabombs

Heavy Support: Maulerfiend;  3x Rapier Quad Heavy Bolter Battery;  7 Havocs + 4 Lascannons


However, those havocs cost 181 points, for four lascannons, one or two of which usually missed and then the rest hopefully would either cripple or damage a vehicle. Sometimes I got an extra Nurgle biker for 26 points instead of the two havocs meat shield marines, and the unit would cost 155 points.


Now, I can get three Rapier Laser Destroyer Batteries for 155 points. That's three S9 AP1 Twin Linked Ordnance shots. Granted, that's one less shot. But those three are practically guaranteed to hit, and with Ordnance and AP1 have a far better chance of actually blowing up the vehicle. Also, Rapiers are Artillery with two crew, which basically gives them not one (in the case of the five havocs), but six ablative wounds, and with Toughness 7 instead of 4. Mu. Ha. Ha. 


Alright, without further shenanigans, here's the pictures:






Thanks for looking and for your feedback and comments!

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