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@ SanguiniusReborn: Hey buddy! Long time no see around these here parts! I'm glad you like the chaplain!

Ah Augustus, just because you didn't see me doesn't mean I'm not here, watching...


Man, it is around 6am Saturday and I just woke up. For some reason I decided to check out B&C and come here to one of my favorite threads. The first thing I see is another librarian that is a painting in progress with funny freehand. Then I read the background...


Nothing like nostalgia and some silliness! Definitely cool you got these guys back. eBay is always a fun place too because you never know what you will find. I have had a similar experience with my Astral Claws that were sold, painted by new owner who sold them, to be sold again years later by the latest owner.


Anyways, the librarian horde is looking ace and now seeing that chaplain I wonder if he will get a bunch of new colleagues...

That is a cool story. I've often wondered if stuff like that has ever happened, now I know it has!


Got a couple of Librarian name suggestions, feel free to use or not at your leisure:


Heinrich Cyprios (Preferably a pyromancer, preferably with a staff)

Erasmus Kossov


It's weird, I could never be bothered to do this with my stuff, but I love helping other people do it with theirs.



I figured out why the librarian jive was so low, last Friday. It was because of this guy.

For months now, he's been sat on the Khorne Daemonkin shelve in my display cabinet, primed but unpainted.... 

Looking at me working on my Imperial Fists and on their Librarians.... 


Quietly judging me....


So when I sat down today to get some hobby time, I felt his gaze burning in my neck. I turned my head, and looked up from my desk, straight into his eyes. And I felt his judgment - burning into me, making my heart sing and my cheecks blush. It started as a whisper in my ear... skulls...  blood... blood and skulls.. for Khooorne....  But these soft whispers got louder, and louder, eventually turning to screams all around me 



And I knew. I knew it. I have gone too far. I thought I'd pleased the Hound of War enough during my Christmas and early 2017 Daemonkin surge. I had believed thirty marines and three rhinos was enough. But it wasn't enough. KHORNE WANTS MOAR!


So yeah. I started painting the Bloodthirster today, using a slightly altered paint scheme from the one suggested by KrautScientist, a while back.



Also, I finished another Drop Pod. Because it is the fourth, I didn't think it was worth it to get out the Photo Booth for it. Suffice to say it looks exactly like the other three, but for a different transfer to signify the chapter allegiance.




Hope you like! feedback more than welcome!



@ hushrong: You honour me, Sir! About the chaplain getting colleagues... shhhh 


@ Midnight Runner: Thanks for that! The force weapons haven't changed that much, have they, though? 

@ Dragnlover: Cool, thank you! I really like those names, and will use them both (albeit slightly 40k-ified). :smile.:

This will be Heinric Kypris

And this Erasmus KossovThanks for the names! You really helped me out with them :smile.: Edited by Augustus b'Raass

Dude, the more you produce these librarians the more envious the Blood Ravens will become. And you know they steal stuff...


As for chaplains, they're my favorite so more would always be welcomed. Nothing keeps people in line like a dark armored giant shouting versus of hatred and wrath through a skull helm.


And you are doing right by Khorne. He's probably tired of seeing blue wizards getting all the love.

Dude. Dude. I've said this a lot in the past, but that Chaplain-  I'm going to have to steal that kitbash. Guess I'll be picking up a Cassius and another Chaplain next chance I have. :D


Bloody amazing - if he doesn't have a name, I'd like to dub him Johan Verletzen, if that's not too much trouble.

Wow it's pretty good luck to find your old army again, definitely looking to your new paint jobs for both models. Also that jump pack chaplain is a thing of beauty, not much extensive work but still very characterful! Excited to see some paint on the old school bloodthirster!

As always this thread inspires and motivates. Thanks for sharing. 


On another note, I love that old Bloodthirster... It's going to look great! Given you name all your models, he should be "Barry":whistling:  

Great story about the old days. The Poison Elves comics take me back. RIP Drew Hayes.

I know right? RIP Drew Hayes indeed. That comic was epic. Literally and figuratively.


No worries dude! Also Kypris is perfect for the character I nicked his name from, one Harry Dresden.



Ha! I had no idea that that comic even existed. I love it that Kypris has that background, and I'll do some research to integrate it. :tu:


Dude, the more you produce these librarians the more envious the Blood Ravens will become. And you know they steal stuff...


As for chaplains, they're my favorite so more would always be welcomed. Nothing keeps people in line like a dark armored giant shouting versus of hatred and wrath through a skull helm.


And you are doing right by Khorne. He's probably tired of seeing blue wizards getting all the love.

They should! And He is. Most definitely. :furious:


Dude. Dude. I've said this a lot in the past, but that Chaplain-  I'm going to have to steal that kitbash. Guess I'll be picking up a Cassius and another Chaplain next chance I have. :biggrin.:


Bloody amazing - if he doesn't have a name, I'd like to dub him Johan Verletzen, if that's not too much trouble.

Oh man, there's so many people stealing that kitbash. He won't be unique if I don't finish him soon. No pressure felt! :blink.:  The miniature you call Johann Verletzen is yours to name - but one question: Why John Suffers?


As always this thread inspires and motivates. Thanks for sharing. 


On another note, I love that old Bloodthirster... It's going to look great! Given you name all your models, he should be "Barry":whistling:  

Thank you for telling me that - it's what I aim for and I'm glad it's working. He shall most definitely NOT be named Barry - for that is the name of Fat Bloke's Bloodthirster, if I recall correctly. Or no it was that skinny dude, because Fat Bloke's aToFG was earlier and with Warhammer and he played beastmen. In any case, it was back when 3rd had just been released and the 40K version of the Tale of Four Gamers was going on, and Barry was part of the daemon contingent in the Black Legion army entry by one of the Dwarfers. My point is, the name 'Barry' is already taken.


Wow each time I check here loads happens, new chaplin build, painted drop pod and the dark gods will be pleased to see a counter to those weakling wizzards.


Blood for the blood god, 

BFTBG, buddy! ;)


That chaplain with a jump pack is awesome, cant wait to see it painted. 


The blood thirster is coming along nicely too. The blood god will be pleased :smile.:

Cheers! And BFTBG to you too :cool.:


Dude. Dude. I've said this a lot in the past, but that Chaplain-  I'm going to have to steal that kitbash. Guess I'll be picking up a Cassius and another Chaplain next chance I have. :biggrin.:


Bloody amazing - if he doesn't have a name, I'd like to dub him Johan Verletzen, if that's not too much trouble.



Oh man, there's so many people stealing that kitbash. He won't be unique if I don't finish him soon. No pressure felt! :blink.:  The miniature you call Johann Verletzen is yours to name - but one question: Why John Suffers?


I don't want to spoil anyone's fun, but can I just peek my head and say that a) I guess the correct translation would actually be John Hurt and b) Johann Verletzen sounds super-duper-awkward to a native speaker. Like, German-in-old-war-movies levels of awkward. Of course, that in itself can be great fun ;)



Thank you for telling me that - it's what I aim for and I'm glad it's working. He shall most definitely NOT be named Barry - for that is the name of Fat Bloke's Bloodthirster, if I recall correctly. Or no it was that skinny dude, because Fat Bloke's aToFG was earlier and with Warhammer and he played beastmen. In any case, it was back when 3rd had just been released and the 40K version of the Tale of Four Gamers was going on, and Barry was part of the daemon contingent in the Black Legion army entry by one of the Dwarfers. My point is, the name 'Barry' is already taken.



Aw, man that takes me back: It was Graham Davey's amazing Chaos Space Marine army, and that Bloodthirster conversion of his, where he basically sawed through every single limb of the metal model, was so cool! What a huge nostalgia moment ;)

@ Mitsman: Well, it's not a competition, mate! I'just glad you like mine, and would love to see yours :wink: Where can I find pictures? :smile.:


Here you are mate. Not nine yet but you know it is not a competition... :wink:





@ KrautScientist: Thanks, I thought Johann Verletzen was a weird way of saying it. Could you offer an alternative? Also: Riiight Graham Davey! That's the guy. That was an amazing Chaos Army, indeed. I loved the brownish reds he used for his Khornate daemons. That was a great time to be in the hobby. Hopefully 8th will bring back some of those times, where things were more balanced.


@ Mitsman: Thanks! I'll take a look right away!

Oh man, there's so many people stealing that kitbash. He won't be unique if I don't finish him soon. No pressure felt! :blink.:  The miniature you call Johann Verletzen is yours to name - but one question: Why John Suffers?


I don't want to spoil anyone's fun, but can I just peek my head and say that a) I guess the correct translation would actually be John Hurt and :cool.:Johann Verletzen sounds super-duper-awkward to a native speaker. Like, German-in-old-war-movies levels of awkward. Of course, that in itself can be great fun :wink:


Aye, that's what I was going for. ;)  Unfortunately, there's only one thing I can actually say in German and that's not it. xD I'll attempt to come up with a more suitable and less awkward name in the next evening or so.


Oh man, there's so many people stealing that kitbash. He won't be unique if I don't finish him soon. No pressure felt! :blink.:  The miniature you call Johann Verletzen is yours to name - but one question: Why John Suffers?


I don't want to spoil anyone's fun, but can I just peek my head and say that a) I guess the correct translation would actually be John Hurt and :cool.:Johann Verletzen sounds super-duper-awkward to a native speaker. Like, German-in-old-war-movies levels of awkward. Of course, that in itself can be great fun :wink:


Aye, that's what I was going for. :wink:  Unfortunately, there's only one thing I can actually say in German and that's not it. xD I'll attempt to come up with a more suitable and less awkward name in the next evening or so.



I'll just put the smartassery regarding German grammar in spoilers, so as not to derail the thread any further :wink:


Well, in all fairness, you've actually gone for the one way of putting it that actually works with the John Hurt joke ("Johann Verletzt" would work as well, seeing how hurt in english is both the participle and the infinitive, whereas there are two different forms in German: "Verletzen" is the infinitive and "Verletzt" the participle), and I cannot really think of any alternative that keeps the joke and works as German at the same time. Which is why, on second thought, I think the corniness of the name should probably be embraced. As an aside, "Johann verletzt" would also roughly translate to "Hurt John" (as in "John who is hurt"), whereas "Johann verletzen" could be understood as a bit of an order (as in "Let's Hurt Johann!"). I am probably overthinking this...


That being said, you could probably get away with some kind of phonetic approximation, like "Johann Werletsen", or something of the sort, although it would water down the joke a bit...


@ Auggs: Yeah, that Graham Davey army was sweet alright: I remember being awestruck at seeing all of his conversions that were achieved by cutting apart metal models! And his Possessed (built to resemble the artwork from the 3rd edition Codex) may have aged terribly by today's standards, but looked so completely awesome back then. And he built a berzerker Dreadnought that I drew on rather heavily for my first converted World Eaters Dreadnought. Anyway, good times!

Edited by KrautScientist

Whoa, KrautScientist is actually a kraut? Mind blown.


Augs: At least you work fast enough to get a figure done before too many people steal the idea. Not so much for me

What do they call 6 librarians standing together? A chaos cabal waiting to happen : )


Libbys look awesome. What's that jump pack from? Kromlech or...?


Looking forward to the Bloodthirster. Just finished one of the new models... took me a whole month. And that drop pod.... just wow man. You've really mastered the weathered chipped paint effect.

@ The Psycho: Looking forward to it, buddy :)


@ KrautScientist: Yeah, dude, the dread with the metal jugernaut snout, right? We Khorne loers all made that thing. Good times.

@ BCK: You mean to say you didn't know? It's right there in his location... Also: you can be plenty fast - if you put your mind to it. Your problem is your mad genius forces you to convert continuously. ;)


@ Eldrick Shadowblade: That's the worst joke I've ever read. :biggrin.: The Jump Pack is a recast FW MkII jump pack :) Also that chipping effect could not be simpler: sponge with rhinox hide, then dd edge highlights in the thick brown spots with mithrill. Done. Just try it on the underside of one of your tanks - it's so much easier than you'd think!

I was being sarcastic about KS, lol. And yes, I do have an illness. I'm really going to try to focus on getting an army done for 8th... as soon as I get the rules and know what I want to take.

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