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++ AUGUSTUS b'RAASS ++ pre-heresy BRASS SCORPION p.247

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  • The building itself was entirely constructed using 5mm foamboard. I paint the edges I wish to glue to other pieces with a thick black, fast-drying acrylic paint. I then dab that with fast-drying wood-glue every 2cm, and alternate it with tick blobs of superglue (the acryllic paint is purely to prevent the superglue from eating into the foamboard's inner styrofoam).
  • When the entire building is constructed, I cover all corners and edges with cheap 3cm-wide masking tape you can get from the DYI store. This makes it even more durable than it already is. 
  • The silo is a Pringles tube. :smile.:
  • The tubes are small 90plumbing tube corners from a DYI store 
  • The ladders are made from cutting them out of 1cm square chicken fence. Where I want them to be on the building, I first put a piece of the above masking tape. I then coat the ladders 'attachement spokes' with some two-component eoxy (which I also use for constructing resin mnis) and then simply press the ladder through that tape into the foamboard.
  • The fan on top of the silo and the bulkhead doors are from Zinge Industries
  • The tech-y part on the top floor is the top part from the vindicator kit
  • The lamp posts are from the Sector Imperialis GW terrain kits, plastic glued to rectangular strips of plasticard, which are then superglud straight to the foamboard fo the building walls.
  • The floor parts are cut from ABS Double Diamond embossed plasticard A4s from greenstuffindustries (I cannot link to eBay b/c Forum Rules, but look for their store and you'll find it for sure)
  • The plate is simply some 5mm MDF
  • I coat the building in a small layer of smeared, then stipled Latex wall paint, mixed with some sand 


If you're interested in the (counter-)propaganda posters, send me a PM with your email, so I can WeTransfer a PowerPoint to you. :smile.:

Edited by Augustus b'Raass
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Cheers, guys!


@ Vairocanum: Thanks you - on all fronts :)


@ rednekkboss: Really? How's about fruit loops?


@ deathspectersgt7: Of course! Always welcome!


@ Mechanist: Thank you! Yeah I'm glad I got to do something productive hobby wise this weekend.


@ Daemon2027: Cheers buddy. Also, what's happening, daemonwise, in ten years?


@ Kizzdougs: It suits you. And thanks :tu:


@ GreyRavenC: Of course not! Just send me a PM and I'll share the link with you. :)

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@ Daemon2027: Cheers buddy. Also, what's happening, daemonwise, in ten years?

The way will become clear for the invasion of Terra and the reign of the Chaos Gods will begin.


Or I just needed some numbers and at the time the year started with 20 and I was 27. I suppose I should of updated it to 2032 but then I'd want to change it every year!

Edited by Daemon2027
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Loving all your recent work on the Khorne Daemons and the start of the Nurgle DP is coming along great, loving the idea with the jump pack, that has to be one of the best executions of that idea I've seen. Great stuff. What do you have planned for his head?
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I hadn't seen this and came to have a look-see because KrautScientist's thread mentions yours.

I am now working backwards chronologically and you have done some very impressive stuff.

My main take-away is although you can flit when inspired you generally focus on squads and actually get them done. Thus so many impressive armies :)

I am going to try and emulate that and restrain myself so thanks for the inspiration.

I also still have thousands of posts to work back through in this thread and more gems to discover, which is nice whilst glue is drying.

Keep up the good work.

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So after distracting myself with repurposing some khornate daemons, I thought I would work some more on the Nurgle Daemon prince, while I wait for parts for his Jump Pack to arrive. KrautScientist gave me a particularly interesting bit during his visit - a bear trap from some ogre kingdom kit. I immediately saw the potential in it, and today I worked out how to make it into an actual jaw:




Now, it's time to firgue out how this will fit into a head. I have an idea of using the skull facemask of the Imperial Knight kit, something like this.



But I'm not quite sure (partially because it's just a fraction too big to be perfectly proportioned to the Daemon Prince's body:



What do you think? And if you have any other ideas, let me know!

Oh, and I also did some work on stripping and rebasing my old Bloodletters. These are now ready for primer. 

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@ Eldrick Shadowlade: Hahaha! Agreed! DTTFE!


@ Daemon2027: That explains it. I'm slightly sad to hear I didn't find out the herald of a daemon incursion in ten years, but also kinda relieved. ;)


@ GreyRavenC: PVA, yeah. Pritt won't hold it, especially with the rough underground of latex. 


@ Biohazard: I had the above planned for his head. What do you think?


@ Marius Perdo: hey buddy! Welcome to y thread of things. I'm glad you were inspired by my stuff - that's about the best thing you can write to me :) I also love that you took a lesson away: stay focussed on as few projects at a time, and finish some before you move on to others. There's nothing more disheartening than an army of bare plastic soldiers. I prefer having to build some, then painting them, and so on. That way, the building and painting become rewards for the previous step - and you'll end up with different miniatures because you don't want to plough through everything. Cheers!

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What about this Defiler mask?




I'm not sure how it compares in size to the Knight mask but I'd think it would be a little bit smaller. Maybe trim away everything under the nose and meld it to the jaws like it's only covering the upper half of his face?

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The Deflier mask would certainly be an option, but I think that mouth could look cool without a face, either by putting an smooth blob of greenstuff above with face like proportions... or letting the mouth BE the face (by simply putting it in where the head should be). I don't know, it's just a random idea that crossed my mind :P.

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I would have said the defiler mask too but then I thought of the Dark Eldar Cronos or Talos bitz witch could give some beautiful blind masque base to work on.

With mucus oozing by the holes :wub:.

Great work so far ;)

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The Knight plate I think would look crazy oversized on the DP model, I've used that same bit to make jaws before as well and I'm still to find a use for them. Ha. Nice idea though.


That Skull Defiler mask is a fairly versatile bit, I've used it on a good few projects now. I'll send you a pm with a couple of my pics that might help spark some ideas if you'd like?


I do actually quite like BCKs idea of the jaw being the head. It brings to mind Guitarasmus greater Daemon and Soul Grinder. Both faceless monstrosities but still have the Nurgle feel.

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Hah! I would have expected you to turn that bit into shoulder pads for a World Eater, but an actual jaw? I love unexpected stuff like that ;)


While the idea of having the jaws *be* the face is pretty cool, I'd argue that it's always hard to relate to a character with a face like that. What I mean by that is that Daemon Princes are powerful and highly individual characters, and therefore I think they should actually read as characters, not just creepy crawly monsters -- but that's just my take, of course.


There is one Ogre Kingdoms helmet that comes to mind, and I know Biohazard has used it to great effect on one of his Daemon Princes. It's this one. It might work pretty well with the jaw ensemble as well. The Defiler mask seems like a sound option as well, although it would need some serious work so as not to look too pedestrian -- that bit gets used a lot, after all. What about splicing the new jaws onto the existing stock face, I wonder?


Anyway, looking forward to your next update! :)

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Thanks, guys for the great replies and feedback. All food for thought. 

I initially thought about using that same head that BCK suggested, but seeing as that head is used a lot, including in the conversion I am basing my Daemon Prince on, I'm not particularly fond of it. In fact, I had two of them and gave them away because of that very reason!

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The idea of a faceless monster does appeal to me, but I fear that it'd make the DP into a faceless monster, like Kraut suggested. I also agree that the Knight head is a bit too big, so I disgarded the idea. The ogre kingdoms head Kraut suggested made me go on a bits finding mission, because I love it! Unfortunately all my usual bits sites have the item as sold out... :( (ut I did manage to find the Giant skaven Censer!) So I put out some tendrils on different Facebook pages, to see if someone is willing to help...

Another idea to ditch the Knight Faceplate and sculpt a head completely by myself, using Vallejo glass agitator balls as eyes! 

I a now looking at pictures on faceless monsters for inspiration:


234b3104508641d8063d06143952256b--creatu http://application.denofgeek.com/images/m/eyeless/004_Pitch_Black.jpg


Anyway, here's some replies!

@ BCK: Thanks for that suggestion, but yeah, I'm trying to stay away from that mask as it's far too generic. It also doesn't scram 'nurgle' to me.... 


@ The Traitor: An interesting thought indeed. It set me off on a tangent of creepy thoughts. Cheers!


@ malcharion: ALso interesting!! Wow I hadn't thought of those!


@BCK: I know right? It's a cool idea, which I'm exploring right now. :)


@ Biohazard: Please send the PM with pics, always good to have more inspiration! Thanks! 


@ Sagentus: The Knight mask is off the table! I'm looking forward to your ideas, today! :) Thanks!

@ KrautScientist: Ow diude, excellent idea. I've put out my feeler tendrils in several Dutch FB bits trading pages to get the head. I agree that the DP shouldn't be a faceless monster, but I'm still entirely convinced that eyeless automatically means 'he has no character', so I'm still exploring the idea. But your thoughts definitely made me aware of the fine line between the two. 

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The soulgrinder head looks a bit too Slaaneshi to my tastes. I think I'm going for KrautScientist's suggested Ogre Kingdom head which a fellow local hobyist had laying around. I'll proibably slightly convert it, perhaps with the jaw. 


In other news, I finished repainting the first ten Bloodletters! I was a little hesitant to start this, particularly because I really make usre that paint sticks to my miniatures. But I'm calling this a success for sure! Twenty more to go. :D




I still love how creepy they look. 


Feedback more than welcome!

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