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++ AUGUSTUS b'RAASS ++ pre-heresy BRASS SCORPION p.247

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@ Atia: Yeah it's pretty big. I am still working on a system to magnetize it to its flyer stem. The soul grinder's base is just the 160mm round base from GW. It it a perfect fit for the soul grinder. :smile.:


@ Kurama: Wanna do a contest who paints the most this year?

Edited by Augustus b'Raass
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I think that i) Victon Tsoi is 'the dogs'; ii) your 'sloppy' Berzerker is a higher standard than anything I have ever painted; iii) the paint scheme on said Berzerker is also 'the dogs'; and iv) it might be helpful to see the older Khorne miniatures you're trying to emulate/assimilate when assessing your new schemes.

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@ Midnight Runner: thanks buddy. I have run out of steam quite a bit, after finishing the IFs and moving house, but I hope to come back to my 'usual' rythm during the ETL


@ Eldrick Shadowblade: each year for three month starting May 1st. But it might atart May 15th.


@ Kurama: I want to. Your recent HH buys cannot hope to match the power (and points cost) of my chaos stash!!


@ Res Ipsa Loquitur: i) Thanks? ii) Practice, buddy. It's all about just doing it and getting better. iii) Again: thanks?; and iv) I'm not trying to emulate and older shceme, buddy. It's the 'The Wrath'. Colour scheme from the KDK codex! :)


@ Teetengee: I'm most happy to help you and get the measurements, but you do realize it's a dreadclaw and not a kharybdis, right?

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@ Teetengee: I'm most happy to help you and get the measurements, but you do realize it's a dreadclaw and not a kharybdis, right?

O_o. Then how big is a kharybdis!?!?!?!

Also, that would be lovely, since I would like to do both and I need measurements for the dreadclaw too. Thank you.

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Hey guys, I finished the Storm Talon. 


What an interesting kit this is. Of course the design of the vehicle is ludicrous, but it comes together so perfectly. Mind you, I'm just used to FW vehicle kits and the rhino kit, which all still require some work to put together right. This though: everything is so smooth and the fits are perfect. A testament to GW plastic casting development. 


Anyway, I did the base in the typical sombre baren mud field theme I have going with all my Imperial Fists, and added some debris, T-beams, and razor wire. 


The hardest part of ainting was undoubtedly the clear canopy. At first I thought I'd paint the inside with Minitaire Blue Smoke Tint paint, and then use masking tape on the outside over the windows, so as to basecoat and then airbrush the yellow on the canopy's cage. This proved to be a massive, massive mistake.The maskign tape didn't come off properly, leaving a residue I couldn't get off, even with some cloth and alcohol. So I decided to redo the entire thing. I scrubbed all paint off, yellow and blue, doing my best not to damage the window. I then coated the outside with Blue Ghost Tint, and once dry used that as a basecoat for the yellow paint, which I aplied with a normal brush. It worked, but it´s not perfect. You can clearly see the damage of the canopy.... oh well....










Also, last Saturday, in order for me to get my hands on the free Imperial Space Marine miniature, I had to spend EU130,- at my local store. so I bought a whole lot of primer sprays (among which the leadbelcher spray - where would need that for???), paint, a land speeder and another Storm Talon. Because hey, I liked the kit. After learnign from the first one, the second one was sooo much easier to put together and paint. It's actually already finished...


As you can see, the one on the right has far smoother windows!








Hope you like! On to the Land Speeder (which will aslo be the first of its kind that sees paint from me)




@ Res Ipsa Loquitor: Ah! THat makes so much mroe sense now. Thanks! :wink:


@ sockwithaticket: To appease you, and you alone, I did some loyalist banana flyers. Happy now? :tongue.:


@ Kurama: It's on like Alderaan!


@ Teetengee: ALright here are the measurements of the Dreadclaw: 

There's five claws. If you draw a pentagram using the tips of the claws as the points of the pentagam, the measurements of the pentagram are as follows:

Each line of the pentagram is 17cm

Each point is 11cm from it's direct neighbour

The height is 17cm

In other words, a 18cm diameter circle will serve as a good base for the dreadclaw.

Edited by Augustus b'Raass
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Haha thanks guys! 


@ Atia: Haha bees. They're indeed a bit like bumblebees, no? lol


@ Flint13: I know right? Those legs look hella iffy. But you should see a warhound's legs without armour plates. More like War Chicken. 


@ codyrstuart: No worries. I cheat. ;) 


@ The Psycho: You knkow what: 'cute' is a good way to discribe my feelings towards the talons. The Imperial Space Marine will probably just be a regular trooper for my fists. You can swap it for any marine in any list, for free. And with a S5 AP2 rapid fire weapon, there is absolutely no reason not to. 


@ Knight of the Raven: Haha dude, I was this close to chopping the lazy susans from under the cockpit and just glueing the assault cannons in the cavity. That underslung turret is the prime reason it's such a ludicrous build. 


ONWARDS to the Land Speeder.

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So you hand-painted the second bird's window frames without masking?  Really impressive, and not the way most WW2 modellers would attempt! 

Pity about the first canopy.  Both birds look really sweet.


I am have a few modifications for my Stormtalon and keeping back until May / ETL.  I have made use of the construction design for some innovations.

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Hi gang! I'm terribly sorry I haven't been updating this thread as consistently as I would like to have done, nor as I have in the past. Life is good, but work is suuuuuuper busy. After a big victory in our campaign though, things will probably be a bit quieter. Hopefully I can make a good start with the ETL soon.


Anyway, I skimped you all out of WIP pics of my land speeder. I finished it yesterday, and just took some pictures, while after I basecoated my first ever all-plastic Drop Pod. 


The Land Speeder is of course, together with the two Stormtalons, part of my Raptor Wing formation. It's in the new Angels of Death supplement. I'm telling you: never has there been a better time of playing Space Marines. Anyway, first there'll be some pics of the finished Land Speeder. I'll be putting it on a 90mmx52mm oval base, but as that hasn't arrived yet, the clear round one will suffice.












And here's a WIP pic of my first Drop Pod. This is my first one, and already I can tell you I hate these things, both from a modelling and a painting perspective. Luckily I planned for four of them in my IF army.....:mellow.:



The drop pod is, of course, the first part of a Skyhammer Annihilation Force (SAF), consisting of two devastator squads (one with grav cannons and one with multi melta's) in drop pods and two assault squads with eviscerators and jump packs. Seriously the SAF is such a ridiculously good formation. In fact, most of the units in the Angels of Death book are pretty damn awesome. Plus, the new Psychic Powers make it very likely I'll be building a Librarius Conclave... :tu:


Anyway, thanks for looking and for feedback.




So you hand-painted the second bird's window frames without masking?  Really impressive, and not the way most WW2 modellers would attempt! 

Pity about the first canopy.  Both birds look really sweet.


I am have a few modifications for my Stormtalon and keeping back until May / ETL.  I have made use of the construction design for some innovations.

Well, yes. In fact I painted the window frames of both planes by hand and without masking. The Minitaire ghost tint proved to be a great undercoat for citadel base paint, plus the window frames are fairly big and starkly detailed (at least compared to WW2 model planes), so it wasn't actually too much work. The blending of the colours was the most work, in fact. 

I too considered converting the stomr talon, but I just gave up. I'm very curious about your take on the damn things. Because let's face it: there is no way, just now way, that a strom talon won't topple over first thing when it lefts off. 

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Alright, the pod is finished, and so is the Land Speeder with base. 


I must say I really like the 90mm oval base for the speeders. I think I'll get some more for the other speeders I have planned. :)




Drop pod pics will follow - I put it in the display of GW Amsterdam South, so it'll have to wait. right now I'm working on the third and final Thunderfire Thuddgun with its Techmarine. 



Cheers! Thanks for looking and for commenting. It does keep me going. :)



I love the little speeder.

For some reason, the Templar helmed pilot makes me giggle.


Haha probably. "I'll fly over you and shoot you with yellow and righteous ZEAL" Or whatever. I have the same thing with those templar dudes: they make me smile. With contempt, but still. ;) :p

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God that base looks awesome! Need to steal that idea :)


Do you have a Javelin too and could say if the base would be big enough for that one?

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