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Queen Bee Knight -- Thank you! Please read the new post


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Thanks for sharing some deeper insights into what went into your process of character creation -- an excellent read!


One thing, though: I don't think we were really arguing for Imperial culture here, but rather suggesting that a few millennia of cultural (d)evolution would probably have turned the pinup into something quite different (the easiest example of what I mean would be the way present day culture is venerated as something quasi-mythical in the Mad Max universe). And after all, the Knight Houses have returned to some kind of quasi-medieval culture, so there's that too.


When all is said and done, the question is probably this: "What would a sassy pinup girl called the Queen Bee, that some guy put on the side of his huge, heavy duty chainsaw robot for his personal ...erm "edification" have turned into after several millennia of cultural turmoil, historical strife and related shenaigans?"


The decision remains yours, of course, but it's a fascinating subject ;)

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That's an important distinction, K-Sci. Duly noted. At this point I fear it's a moot point because I have nowhere that I feel I can put it, but as you said it's a really interesting concept and I hope somebody runs with it! 

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I'm going to go light on words today, as I just did a fairly lengthy blog post and I'm feeling a bit under the weather. Feel free to browse the pics, and if you're keen on it pop over to my blog for more pics (remember, you can zoom WAY in on my blog pics) and read the text if you like.


Carapace with weathering added. Oil paints and pigments. Also, the paint chips are all highlighted as well.



Shoulder pads ready to rock, just about.


A quick test fitting on the leg armor.


And here's what I settled on for the polished armor trim effect. I've got the steps laid out on my blog, but it's got a greenish tinge and lots of patina around rivets/in cracks to help it work better with the yellow armor bits.


Side-by-side so you can see it against both black and yellow.


More test fittings because it's just too much fun not to. Also, you might notice I went through and added more yellow to the pattern on some of the black armor pieces. After the weathering they were really getting lost, so I popped them up a bit.


And here's a proof shot just so you can see where I'm at right now. Almost everything has at least a base coat of paint on it now! That's pretty exciting to me.


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So, I am not sure how I have forgotten to comment on this thread, buuuuuutttt, here goes
I am excited, this Knight looks wonderful, and is full of character.
I do have a small critique/suggestion/thought though on the chainsword:
Your current weathering has some scratch marks going roughly in parallel with a line connecting the forward tip of the blade to the rear of the "handle." This would be expected on a stabbing type sword such as a rapier. However, the way a chainsword is constructed, trying to stab with it would likely shift the blade too far to make it a highly useful technique due to the whirring blades. As such, it would primarily be used as a slashing weapon. Additionally, the direction of the teeth, would likely drag metal forward and down across the blade. Both of these would have different wear patterns.

A---------------------------------------========= C
     B  ----------------------------------========= D

Right now, your scratches are mostly in the B to C direction.
I would think that the majority of scratches would be in the BD edge to AC edge as caused by slashing strokes especially D to A at the tip., and the majority of the remainder would be in a more curved A to B to D direction due to metal getting dragged along the surface once the blade has already cut through the enemy chassis.

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I wish I could swear sometimes, because that's a really :cuss good point. I think the way I was thinking is that, with the angle coming down like it would, she'd be sticking that corner into stuff a lot. I don't really think of chainswords as slashing weapons in the traditional sense. More like a chainsaw, where you hold it where you want to cut and apply pressure. Or like a bitter knife through cold butter. Just press it down and let the blade do the work. That said, I them there really should be some wear going bottom to top as well. Not sure if it's too late to change that or not. I'll have a look.



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I agree JeffTibbetts, chain weapons are "thrust and rip" or "grinder" weapons. Those pointy bits just increase the effectiveness of the weapon. The rotation alone would make then "skip" over armor if used as a traditional sword. Weight would need to be placeed "counter rotation" to hold the business edge in place so that would effect wear mark placement. If we are talking about hyper-realism and not just something awesome to look at. 

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For the record, when I said slashing I meant it merely that the edge rather than the tip is probably the usual business end. I do agree that press and hold would likely occur quite a bit although I think most of those scratches would end up in the debris that is coming out near the hilt (which would be parallel with the BD direction). Also, all over the teeth, but I doubt anyone would bother painting those. And yes there would be some holding the tip against a target, but I don't think it would spend a lot of time passing through metal at that angle, just grinding into it, quickly moving through, and then grinding away on the long edge. Definitely used like a chainsaw at first, but against what amounts to mostly hollow trees, hence my suggestion of avoiding BD scratches along the middle and on the tip (where they would likely be AB or AB to CD).

In any case, I think I was successful in making my point earlier, and probably don't need to go on too much about it, I just wanted to say that in many ways I agree with you.


Additionally, I think you should probably summon an inquisitor, because I have clearly put excessive thought into this.

Finally, I think you, (Tibbs) may want to think about all those pinup ideas for when you eventually make an interior (since, with the amount of work you have already put into this girl, I imagine you will at some point).

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Wow - Tee I was totally looking at your diagram with A-B as the hilt for some reason (shrapnel in the brain is my usual suspect). Didn't mean to come across as rude and I agree now that I see my mistake. Apologies all around.

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The honeycomb on the armour plates looks great, I retract my comment on needing more yellow on black as it looks perfect now.


This plog has become a must read for anyone who want s a knight.


That's because I added more yellow, dude. ;) Thanks for making me do it.


Again, I love comments and feedback on this thread because you guys and gals always point out exactly what I already know in the back of my head. You keep me hobby-honest. 

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Okay. The pinup project is back, but changed. After putting some thought into the great ideas that you all provided, I've taken the initial concept and tweaked it. Also, importantly, I've decided that this representation will appear on the shield, where I can give it the attention it deserves.

Here's a mockup outline. I'll explain momentarily.


Okay. Here's what's up: This is largely the same pose as before. I tweaked the angles of the legs and the torso to be more formal and angular. It's subtle, but it's there if you superimpose the old quick mockup.

Most importantly, I really took to heart the idea that what might have been prurient or sexualized in the beginning has become more abstracted and ritualized in its own way. Gone is the sly, knowing smile. It's been replaced by a death's head. The fingers have become claw-like. Her torso covered with robes reminiscent of Dark Angels or Blood Angels banners.

Over everything she holds her abstracted crown (taken directly from her logo) in victory. Her hands will also be dripping blood, running down her forearms. And, of course, she'll be sitting atop a pile of skulls. The cross-legged pose is the only thing that remains of the pinup nature of the images origins, and it serves to make the whole all the more disturbing.

Now, what remains is to make a decal out of this outline and hand-paint the color. I'm really shooting for the established space marine banner style of black line art colored in, almost like stained glass. This should look pretty striking on the shield, and I'll balance out the image as needed with additional symbols, scrolls, or just negative space. This will really pop as another focal point for the model.

Thoughts? Bats? K-Sci? Everybody? Is this kind of what you had in mind? I hope so, because I think it's going to be pretty cool.

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For my first comment let me say firstly that the work you've done on this is absolutely stunning, the weathering alone elevates it to a work of art! Really makes me want to get a Knight and have a go! As for the pinup art, I like it. I put some on the nose of my Vendetta gunship, which consisted of changing an existing image by adding an armoured breastplate, robes and angel wings. I think that your design above with the deaths head, claws etc is perfect for a machine with such a rich history. Anything more traditionally pinup would look somewhat out of place. Whereas mine has been painted on the nose of a gunship by a dedicated ground crew relatively recently, yours tells the story of a ten thousand year old war machines battles and victories. To wrap up that rambling, I look forward to seeing the Queen completed and ready to sting!
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