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Queen Bee Knight -- Thank you! Please read the new post


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Lol. I guess I never updated this.


Short version: decals did not turn out at all, it was a disaster and I'm putting this on hold til I get better decals printed.


Longer version: I tried to use ink jet paper in a laser printer. They seemed fine, but when I applied them, the microset and microsol disintegrated the ink/film bond and the broke up like mad. Can't do a thing with them. Since all I have is inkjet paper right now, I either need to reprint them with a different printer or order laser jet paper and reprint them again. I don't want to go any further until I get this sorted. The Queen appreciates your patience.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a quick update to say I've picked up some decal paper for laser printers. I'll be back in business next week with any luck. I reworked the decal sheet as well, so I'm hopeful this go round will work a little better. I think I might even go so far as to use some bits to add to my Eagle Eyes to show their shifting allegiance. Maybe just a bit of crown or something on a few marines here and there. I think it'll be a nice nod to the fluff indicating a sort of internal schism in the chapter. I have enough decals to do it, and I'm sure not gonna use them all on the Queen herself. 

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You have to seal the decals with varnish after you have printed them. Testors makes a decal finishing spray. I had my decals melt away in water before I figured it out. I'm not sure if that's the problem you have, but it sounds like it might be. Cool project!
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Alright! Exciting update, even though it's not exactly pic heavy like it usually is...

The decals worked!


I also printed black Eagle Eyes logos while I was at it, because I realized I didn't have any when I was working on my Vanguard with their white arms. :D Rectified...

And here's the really exciting part:


Here it is! When it's zoomed in this close you can absolutely see pixels. I can't with the naked eye, though. At any rate I'm going to be painting over the top of this anyway, so it's all good. I'm so excited. I'm going to hit it with a few coats of Microsol just to get it really flat, but I have some other exciting news:

When I was doing a little research on using actual laser paper for a laser printer, I noticed they didn't bother coating the top of the decal with any kind of bonder on top. I thought this was odd. When I've done inkjet decals in the past I always put a light layer of gloss or matte varnish on them to protect the decals. As soon as I got these bad boys home I popped one out and tested it with no overcoat at all, and it was fine! The laser melts it into the transfer bonder so it's not even needed. That means these are the flattest decals I've ever used. I suspect that enough Microsol could still break them up, but it hasn't so far on my tester or this one on the shield, so maybe it's all good. I also didn't do a gloss coat underneath this. I'm livin on the edge! But, so far so good.

I will most likely do the colors, then add another one of these outline decals over the top if I need to get those clean black lines over it. At that point I'll probably do a gloss coat as I'll be doubling the thickness of the film.

More updates hopefully coming soon, with color!

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Looking Good I have heard good things about laserprinters. Now lets see how they fit on Pads.

I already put one on a Vanguard. Right on the top part, where it curves hardcore. I'll post pics in that thread sooner or later. Needs maybe one more shot of Microsol but it's holding up well.

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Thanks for all the support, peeps! I love the fact that so many of you are just as excited to see her done as I am! You all rock.


Edit: pics soon but these decals are the best I've ever used. I can't believe how well it's coming out. I've got them all in place, now I need to color the shield. Pics within the week.

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I really, really dig this image. It hits a sweet spot between classic pin-up art and the "icon"-style art that you find on the canonical Space Marine banners, like the Ultramarine and Blood Angels Company Standards. Great stuff.

I'd say more about how awesome the painting on the old girl is, but at this point I'm starting to feel like some blubbering fan-thing that simply cannot stop with the praise... tongue.png

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Thanks again! I was really shooting for that classic banner look, so I'm glad you said that. In fact, I was just now looking at Dark Angels and Blood Angels banners before I put paint to it. I should probably look up Ultras now that you mention it...
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