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The Astra Militarum Future


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Here's a funky idea: Unless there is language directly stating "This book renders C:IG invalid", then C:IG will still be a legal book, right alongside Astra Militarium. The reason being, exactly, the name change. C:IG =/= C:AM. Different name, different book, different army.


Back to logic anyway, I can see more units going the way of the techpriest and priest, where you unlock their usage if you take a certain unit. That way there are more army "trees", where using more of some types can lead to an elite force with nothing weird, or the abhuman force where that's all you have, and everything in between. I especially want to see a tank commander that makes leman russes an any choice, finally laying the grounds for a tank company in the basic codex.

Yeah, it would be really cool to get better representation of the number of Guard regiments there are. Could be some very interesting times ahead, I would love for armoured companies to make a codex appearance!

For those interested: check this post out for a link to the new Ogryn, Bullgryn and Hydra kit! I want to see more of the Ogryns but I'm liking what I see, the Hydra is expected (should have made a bet tongue.png ) and nice to see it different to the FW one even if I'm not quite sure on the open top yet. Is it too much to hope that it's a dual kit somehow? Could be a great base for modding.

Hm, that Chaos Star has two additional sides on it...EXTRA HERESY.


As for the question of a dual kit, what else would they make for it? That Hydra is already set on a Chimera base, so it could be a set with a few of the artillery tanks in the current codex that doesn't have a model. If they're removing the rules for models they don't have a kit for already, we may see a few of our variants get an official kit if they dual kit it.

I think Idlem knows, but you can never be too careful. The roots of heresy and all that...

I've looked at the Hydra quite closely and it could be a dual kit, especially since the old GW Griffon is ancient and ripe for change so it is possible but sadly I doubt this is the case. The Hydra uses quite a bit of larger plastic bits so I'd wager that the kit doesn't have room for additional bits. Though you could argue that the Griffon will only need small bits GW are probably thinking that the Hydra as a single kit will sell well enough and it's hard to disagree there.

I would love to be wrong though, so I invite GW to do so at the earliest opportunity tongue.png

Had a though about the Imperial Guard vs the Astra Militarum. It leads to a question about Games Workshop and Forge World.

I don't know the sales figures or have any hard numbers or "facts" but I have read the FW seems to make money for GW . Which could just of course be generally they make money and not specifically on any one product line. 

I was wondering bout how FW would re brand the DKoK under the new army title.  Might not be that hard to do. I was also wondering about IG kits already on the shelves at launch of Astra Militarum. Maybe they will just mark all the sets with stickers.. Who knows.

Um, it's not a chaos star, it's a spirart pokemon. tongue.png

Not sure which of the two would be the bigger heresy...

Also, any word on a possible reboxing of the bassilisk and turning it into a dual kit?

Think it'd be about time to get a plastic medusa siege cannon...

Would probably leave the possibility of a hydra/griffon kit.

We've heard nothing about that so don't expect any changes there Oni. I have to admit that there are a few "missed oppertunites" but we do have a fair number of kits as it is so it's probably not viable to do too much. That and GW can always redo existing kits later, the Bassie did get a "new" kit with the current codex so might be a lower priority.

The Basilisk is currently 'Internet order only' though, according to the website, while none of our other vehicles are (that I've noticed).

My money is on a dual (multi if I may be so lucky!) artillery kit.

My money has also been saved up for a few months for a couple of such kit. ;)

Hopefully, but that could also mean nothing... I'll not get my hopes up, they've been cruelly dashed too often!

My side projects are funding my Guard requisitions, I will order online and save some money too. Given I'm not usually free on Saturdays the delay for delivery isn't an issue smile.png

I will probably assemble and undercoat them right away, I won't be able to resist - but also in preparation for the ETL msn-wink.gif

Now here's the real question (and forgive me if it's been addressed but I've been reading this thread and the one in the rumours forum and didn't see it) -- does anyone have any idea when this stuff is supposed to start coming out? I can't read Spanish; is there an indication of which week's White Dwarf those pictures are thought to be from?

Thanks WarriorFish, but I'm not seeing on there when the White Dwarf with the pictures is coming out?


That's what I'm interested in at the moment ... hoping its out this Saturday so I can grab a copy and look at the real pics while waiting for the pre-order window to open. Good incentive to try finishing my Deathriders and platoon squads by month's end so I can buy my Scions and Hydras.

My expectations were fairly low to begin with, the ludicrous new name has made me go into "set phasers to dissapoint" mode; after the bumming the Iron Hands took in the new 'dex, I have no faith whatsoever in the design studio to execute any change in the fluff, even a minor one, without cacking all over the place.


I doubt we'll be seeing a return to Doctrines, or even anything as extensive as the new incarnation of Chapter Tactics. More likely, given that we'll soon be down to just Cadians and Catachans in terms of models(metal and finecast are phasing out, so bye-bye any remaining variety in Guard models), and that the current trend is for acres of supplements, we'll get the core book with rules focused on "generic" regiments ie those based on the Cadian ideal; if we're very lucky they'll throw in some Catachan-flavour sprinkles. Then comes the March of the Supplements; we know we're getting Storm Troopers right off the bat(no, I will not use the absolutely nonsensical pseudolatin name), and we're sure to get one for the Cadian 8th and one for Straken's regiment at some stage. Maybe in the grim darkness of the far future they'll have a gap in the schedule and we'll get a new regiment in plastics with a supplement.


Of course if we're unlucky, they'll use the name change as an excuse to roll out a major fluff retcon to make the Guard a far more uniform organisation with a lot less variation between regiments, as an excuse for the narrowing of the range to plastics-only.

The lack of models doesn't mean we're sure to only get Cadian themed rules, it could easily have good variety to represent many types especially since technically you could do them all with the Cadian range (not including Rough Riders...).

A pretty old rumour did mention having different armies as supplements (e.g. Tallarn) which is plausible enough. However if that was the case, surely GW would have to release new kits to go with them? As I said before it only takes 3 kits for an entirely new Guard regiment range... Don't give up hope just yet, it may be a time of change but that doesn't have to mean it has to be bad change smile.png

I just want the Leman Russ to see some redemption. I only started this hobby last summer and fell in love with IG as soon as I saw the models. After slapping together a couple of infantry platoons I couldn't wait to add a few tanks to my list. (I didn't know about tank company rules at the time.) It was such a let down the first time I rolled them out and they got merked right off the bat. The guys I play with even complain about how easy they are to take out, they feel like they should be scared of them and they aren't. If a tougher MBT is all I get out of the new book, I'll be a happy war gamer.

They could make Lumbering Behemoth give some more bonuses. They could also make it similar to Invincible Behemoth. There's a number of things it could be given that would help it out. They can durable and reliable, which is what the fluff wants them to be, but they're a million ways for other players now to just pummel them.


Personally, I'd love to be able to fire all my weapons at full BS regardless if I shot my ordnance. Snap firing my sponsons doesn't seem right for a Russ.

Hull Points changed how vehicles work that much is true but it's far from the death knell for the mighty Russ. Give it some infantry support and some friends and it'll do better. Sometimes luck doesn't go your way too of course but it's way too early to dismiss them. If you're truly worried about it start a topic here and we'll be more than happy to help you teach your impudent opponents a lesson!


The Heavy Vehicle rule is in the rulebook so unless we get another Lumbering Behemoth override I'm not sure if we'll get anything. At least not rules related?


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