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​This is the outline of my custom chaos war band situated in Jericho Reach, tell me what you think! feel free to comment, criticise, and suggest ways to improve it! 


Hope you enjoy, Cheers in advance.




Bringers of Purgatory 


"For Hal and glory!"






Warband  Information:


Name= Bringers of Purgatory


Origin= Fists of Dorn 2nd Company


Geneseed= Imperial Fists


Founding= unknown


Leader= Chaos Lord Hal Hamar


Sector= Jericho Reach


Base of operations= fleet-based


Splinter factions= n/a


Chaos dedication= Chaos Undivided, Slaanesh


Colors= dark blue with gold trim


Specialty= close combat, daemon engines


Allies= Dark Mechanicus, various Chaos Warbands at convenience


Enemies= Space Marines, Imperium, Inquisition


Battle Cry= "For Hal and glory!", "Death to the Imperium!" or other such battle cry's


Strength= around 40 Chaos Space Marines






Fall to Chaos:


The Fists of Dorn are a a loyalist Codex Astardes Space Marine Chapter of Imperial Fists Geneseed lead by the Chapter Master Doren Greaves who adhere closely to the Imperial fists culture and traditions. The Chapter was part of a reclamation crusade that was later given the Korvar Sub-Sector in the Segmentum Ultima that was suffering repeated attacks from Orks and other Xenos, particularly the fledgling Ork Empire of Warboss Big Shoota. Each battle brother is recruited from the Chapters Homeworld Carakus, battle brothers share common culture and ties and while sharing close ties with their Homeworld had built their Fortress-Monastery Griphold on its biggest moon.




The downfall of The Fists of Dorn 2nd Company started during a battle against Xenos, due to miscommunication error in the chain of command an entire Imperial Guard regiment and much of the populous was destroyed by an Imperial Navy bombing, on another planet an extreme order of the Sisters of Battle deemed much of the planets population corrupted by the taint of chaos after a cultist uprising and billions upon billions were needlessly killed. Forced to whiteness or take part in events like these again and again throughout the decades the 2nd Company began to despair and loose faith in the Imperium they had fought so hard for, a trail of misery and death lay behind them wherever they went. This pattern unfortunate events continued throughout the years and this did not stop when a faint SOS call came from Cordar, a mining colony on the fringes of their territory. Believing that this call was the work of Warboss Big Shoota's Waaagh! The Fists of Dorn mobilised their entire 2nd Company lead by Hal Hamar for a swift and final blow to the Ork threat. The 2nd Company fought for weeks against the Ork Waaagh!, and when fighting in one of the planets Hive-citys encountered daemons summoned by a unknown Chaos Cult in an attempt to save themselves from the Orks, with both daemons and Orks, and Space Marines all fighting each other vast numbers of the population were slaughtered, body's mutilated and arranged in the blasphemous symbols of chaos or scorched, burned and hacked by the Orks. Because of overwhelming force the 2nd Company retreated to their ships shortly before bombarding the entire Hive-city, utterly destroying it. With this latest misfortune and the death of battle-brothers corruption started to worm its way into their desperate minds. The remainder of  the Waaagh! split-up and retreated upon the death of their Warboss. In the ensuing days the members of the 2nd Company who were exposed to the daemon incursion became increasingly reclusive, rarely taking of their armour and every time any of their number was assigned into combat they were reported to indulge in it with an unhealthy zeal uncommon for a Dorn successor Chapter.




This became an ever increasing worry for the Chapter Master Doren Greaves and summoned the 2nd Company's Captain Hal Hamar to a duel, to assess the possibility of taint for himself. The duel lasted a day and a night with neither opponent backing down nor gaining ground until suddenly while both locked in combat testing their strength against each other's, Hal Hamar in a crazed moment toppled the Chapter Master and scared his face, winning the duel. Doren Greaves knew then that his brother in arms had been tainted the day of the Daemon attack. He ordered the Captain be seized and the entirety of the 2nd Company be contained in their chambers under guard so the Chapters Librarians could fully assess the extent of the corruption, but at this time all but the Chapter Master, his personal guard and the 6th Company were all that remained at their Fortress-Monastery, the rest of the Chapter and almost all their combat staff were absent crusading or assisting the Deathwatch Chapter, the 6th had been left to guard their Fortress-Monastery and the Chapter Master with the Chapters oldest Librarians no longer fit for combat. As Doren Greaves was issuing the order the 2nd Company mobilised once more, not against the enemy's of the Imperium but instead against the Fists of Dorn Fortress-Monastery itself.




What ensued thereafter was a bloody battle between the 2nd Company and their unprepared brothers. With almost all of the Chapter away crusading or assisting the Deathwatch the 2nd Company fully clad in Power Armour, swept through their Fortress-Monastery with the element of surprise, killing their unprepared brothers, killing all in their path and stopping for none. All that could stop them now were the Librarians, the remainder of the 6th Company, the Chapter Master’s personal guard and the Chapter Master himself. As the 2nd Company fought and slaughtered their way into the Fortress-Monastery's great halls they found themselves confronted. Upon trying to reason with Hal Hamar and the 2nd Company he realised they were beyond reason and ordered his guard and the remainder of the 6th in a last resort attack, himself leading the charge against Hal Hamar and the tainted Marines.




With backup a Terran week away brother killed former brother. Once again Doren Greaves met Hal Hamar in a duel while the fighting raged around them. The combat was intense but brief, Doren Greaves knocked Hal Hamar to the ground and the weapon out of his hand, but Hal Hamar from a fallen Terminator picked up his Thunder Hammer and struck The Chapter Master across the helm, buying him enough time to stand and deliver a barrage of two handed Blows, again and again, finally killing the Chapter Master. Both sides suffered heavy casualties but it was the 2nd Company who were forced to retreat and make their escape in some of the Chapter's Battle-craft but not before crippling the shipyards to prevent any chance of pursuit or use of their weaponry and escaped to the Jericho Reach where they remain as the Chaos Warband of the Bringers of Purgatory. The Fists of Dorn rebuilt their lost numbers and ships over time and have never forgot or forgiven their fallen brethren for their treachery or the atrocities they committed. The Fists of Dorn have made it their duty to the Emperor above all to hunt down and bring to justice Hal Hamar and his fallen Marines.






The Warband Now:


The Bringers of Purgatory now exist as power-hungry followers of Chaos, aiming to bring down the Imperium. They are a Warband of Chaos Undivided but also pay homage to Slaanesh and no other god, some marines bearing Slaanesh's mark and others not. Wether this is because the Warband embraces Slaanesh but Slaanesh does not fully embrace them or that they are not wholly devoted to Slaanesh is not known, however the Warband does control large numbers of cultists on various worlds worshiping both Chaos undivided and Slaanesh. While the Warbands Chaos dedication is not wholly known the Warband still makes extensive use of narcotics and the unholy thrill of battle, pumping their body full of super-stimulating physco-active and phyisio-active drugs before battle. Existing as a fleet based force using the ships they have stolen they plague Imperial worlds in the Jericho Reach raiding and stealing ships, weapons armour and anything else they need to survive and grow stronger. They are influenced by the Dark Mechanicus, through uncertain series of events the Dark Mechanicus have wormed their influence into the Bringers of Purgatory, some say even controlling them. The Warband grows in strength and power, threatening Imperial worlds in the war blighted Sector of Jericho Reach, they seek only to destroy the false Emperor and his cursed Imperium believing it full of lies, deceit, treachery and corruption and that it must be razed to the ground no matter the cost. 






Dark Mechanicus:


As Hal Hamar's lust for power grew he inevitably came to encounter one of the many cults of the Dark Mechanicus and fall under its influence. How this came to be is uncertain but it is believed that it started slowly, trading slaves, resources and transportation for equipment and wargear trade by trade. And so trade by trade the Dark Mechanicus wormed their influence into the Warband, striking bargains in the Dark Mechanicus's favour and gaining more and more control. Wether the Dark Mechanicus actually control the Bringers of Purgatory or they are in alliance is unknown, however their influence cannot be denied.






Combat Doctrine:


Tactics= Rip and tear, savage attack, lay the trap, bring them hell




Details: Rip and tear- Warband specialises in close combat tactics and weapons, such as Lightning Claws and Power Weapons and Chain Swords with savage ferocity for melee combat




Details: Savage attack- Warband prefers to drive the enemy back in massive sweeping advances using the ferocity of their attack




Details: Lay the trap- Warband ambushes it's targets using planned attacks and traps against small fleets and on the ground 




Details: Bring them hell- Warband makes use of daemon engines and the like in their attacks






Warband Beliefs:


Death to the False Emperor- The Marines despise the carrion lord and his false empire. They hate every aspect of the Imperium and fight to bring it apart.




Power Demands Sacrifice- The Marines of this force understand that in order to gain you must first give something in return. They're willing to sacrifice anything to advance themselves, even their lives or the lives of others.




The Imperium must fall- The Imperium is full of lies and deceit, it must be razed to the ground.




Battle is Glory- To fight on the battlefield is the greatest thing in life. The best warriors are held above all others, and to fight without grandeur is pathetic.








Hal's Wrath- Retaliator-class Grand Cruiser, Hal Hamar's Flagship 


Hall of Torment- unknown-class Cruiser


Purgatory of the Sinful- Hellbringer-class Cruiser






Notable Characters:


Hal Hamar (Chaos Lord)- Captain of the traitorous 2nd Company of The Fists of Dorn and leader of the Bringers of Purgatory Chaos Warband, Hal Hamar is an arrogant and powerful champion of Chaos, Hal wields a massive customised lightning claw and power axe. With Hal is a strange creature aiding him in combat and granting him random physic ability, some say it is a corrupted Xenos, others the manifestation of a powerful warriors soul, either way it serves it's master with an unwavering and dark purpose.




Haalos (Chaos Sorcerer)- The most powerful Sorcerer within the Bringers of Purgatory he has become a Chaos Sorcerer of Chaos Undivided and a vital part of the Bringers of Purgatory and Hal Hamar's right hand. Hallos personally led the raid against Issus IV using information supplied by the traitor Cornillius.




Salamis Corbin (Warpsmith)- Salamis is a renegade Techmarine that joined the Dark Mechanicus and works with the Bringers of Purgatory 




Cornillius (traitor marine)- Cornillius was once a Battle-Brother of the Red Vesper's Space Marine Chapter. Being the only Marine left of his squad after a bloody encounter between the Bringers of Purgatory and a small number of Red Vesper's, to save his life he pledged allegiance to Hal Hamar and the Bringers of Purgatory and later revealed information on the Red Vesper's movements and plans, giving Haalos the information he needed to successfully ambush a small detachment of the Chapter and gain wargear and Geneseed. 




Talarin (Chief Apothecary) - Talarin is responsible for the enhancement and experimentation upon the Warband marines.








"I have seen billions slaughtered, planets destroyed and entire chapters lain low, all needlessly in the name of your god emperor. You worship a corpse rotting from within on a throne built on lies and deceit, you do not know how to fight chaos and so you kill all who would try to make sense of your confusion and yet you accuse me of being the traitor! Now tell me brother, is it I, or you who has betrayed humanity?"


- Chaos Lord Hal Hamar




"Life is so impermanent, it can change and fluctuate at a whim, but death, death is the only constant and simple truth."


Chief Apothecary Talarin






- Chaos Sorcerer Haalos




Notable Battles:


The battle of Griphold- the treachery of the 2nd Company of The Fists of Dorn


Raid of Issus IV- raid on Issus IV led by Chaos Sorcerer Hallos 

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