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They're coming along really nicely! Not normally a big fan of the lightning, but you've done yours pretty well! 's all about shapr thin lines, and yours certainly meet that criteria msn-wink.gif

On another non-NL related note, how do you change the title of your thread? Because I swear "First NL Tactical Squad" wasn't there last time I checked in here!

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Well thanks all, I have been having to go back and thin out lines when I can.  


To change the title of the thread go back to your very first post, edit it and select the full editor and you can change your title.  Which I need to do too, but I have to get going to work, will update later tonight!

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Annnd finally what I am working on right now, a single model, plus I still have two apothecaries to do up as well..  Also, the full squad shots coming in as well.


Praetor or my "Counts-as-Sevatar"


First Squad


Second Squad



Both Squads together




Almost done with the first ETL vow!  Woot!

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Thanks, I will be going back and cleaning up details a bit later, especially the lightning.  I like to do things in assembly line style minus characters.  So they are all at the same stage pretty much.  

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Only two wear the sinners red.


The one with the single crimson gauntlet failed to obey the commands of his Captain, and instead undermined his authority in a forced compliance action. He purposely "misinterpreted" the commands, which in turn put his Demi-squad in combat actions against a softer target, greatly reducing the chance of death but causing the death of three of his brothers.


The one with a pair of crimson was Terran-born who refused to execute children during an extermination action, the refusal was brought before the notice of the Primarch. His prowess and skill in the chaos of combat is what prevented his immediate death.

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Very nice putty work and painting, they all look very scary, the single most important thing for a Night Lord.The skeletal markings are awesome.Snow bases too... Maybe our 2 companies fight in the same crusade. thumbsup.gif

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Thanks glad you approve! I certainly dont want them appearing cute and cuddly. The skeletal markings were a scary endeavor, but I feel pretty good about them.


I have a long history of doing snow bases, plus I am in Alaska, I figured it was a bit appropriate. Who knows we may just be in the same, campaign, just a different part of the world? ;) I am still looking to kill some IFs and IWs.

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So my first ETL vow will be counted as complete, I am done with them for this!  Onward to the second vow!


First Squad(5 at a time)



Second squad(five at a time)



Praetor and Apothecaries10312618_10154148301070249_1657869293834



And the entire First vow


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Glad you like!  I am super proud of my Praetor, will be looking to build a 9-man Terror Squad w/Volkites and murderous goodies!  I also plan on making each one relatively dynamic, maybe not as explosive in movement as the Praetor, but definitely with some pep in their step, afterall, they are a more HtH oriented unit.

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Words can not describe the awesome work you've put in here. I'm a glacially slow painter, so seeing you turn these out so quickly while keeping such a high standard makes me super jelly. Especially since every single marine has unique little details!


...but keep up the amazing work. thumbsup.gif

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Hey, thanks Flint!  Don't worry I will do my best to keep it up.  Should see some fun stuff with the Terror Squad once I get started on them.  Keep your eyes open!

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Thanks, that is right.  Terror Squad is next, along with Cataphractii and a Javelin.


Of course my second vow is the heavy support squad, contemptor, and the master of signal.  So that has to be done first, but of course I will be working on converting/assembling what will be my third vow.  Keep your eyes peeled, or we can always get one of the VIII Legion to peel them for you.

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