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Update, woot.


Nothing crazy.  I decided to make a diversion marine.  Brother Meraklis, with his custom Multi-Melta of unknown pattern.  Hope you like.  And yes, the holes are all drilled out.  Also, the backpack is a custom build, something he improved upon.  He spent a little time with the Inquisition under the umbrella of Inquisitor Royce of the Ordos Xenos, bringing melted faces to Tyranids everywhere.








Brother Staffos, another member of my Sternguard, with his drum-fed bolter.






This guy is unnamed, mostly because I am unsure if I want to keep the face.  To me it looks like he is looking in the mirror and grimacing, now that I see the pictures.  I am thinking, "Change the head!"  Anyway, he has a stripped down power pack, for Void warfare.  The decreased weight is a point of argument when asked why he doesn't use a standard power pack when in gravity's safe embrace.  He is also armed with the Sternguard-style bolter, built for special ammo.





Group Shot...  None of them are 100%, some of them are held together with bits of putty to test the pose and seek out C&C.  Thanks for looking!



Thanks for the visit heathens! No worries, once the models get here I will be workin on those! They haven't showed up yet, tracking shows them en route from Washington State! I should have them this week, well that is what I thought last week as well. Once I get them I will post a goodies picture lol!


Glad you like he multi-melts, I don't even have a squad for him yet. Probably a future devastator squad, or maybe the mid range squad once I free up points.


I really need my NLs so I can try to catch up!

This guy is the Sgt for the Tactical Squad.  He has a MkV helmet, SoH Reaver body(will file the SoH stuff off), MkIV shoulder pads and arms, and a Chainglaive.  I do believe he can have it.  I read Independent Characters can switch out their power weapon for a chainglaive for the price of the power weapon.


Top bag is 10 MkIII Heavy Support Squad with Autocannons waiting to be cleaned in warm soapy water, the bottom is 14 MkIV Tactical Squad waiting for the bath and wash as well.  The Sgt for the Autocannon squad will have a different helm and a different backpack to denote his status.




Annnnnnd I am working on my Star Phantoms, priming the Sternguard, Dreadnought, and the first 5 members of the first Tactical Squad.

No doubt, I will be filing off all non-Night Lord-like symbols msn-wink.gif

I need to decide on the darkness of blue I want.

Thinking prime black, but not sure which color to use as a base, then wash over it of course. Anyone tried Drakenhof Nightshade?

Also, I am doing my groups of models based on Marks. I do plan on mixing the models in different squads, that way they are not too uniform. I figure these NLs would be representing a period way before the Horus Heresy, so they won't be too crazy covered in grotesque trophies, except for Terror Squads and Raptors(I believe these guys were around before the HH, but didn't get added to be selected because the guys at FW were trying to come up with some unique units). Lightning marks will be present, but not covering them like crazy. They will have terror markings, seeing as it fits the Psy Ops mission of my Company(9th Company of the 37th Chapter(The Shadow Sworn) of the VIII Legion).

I was thinking instead of crimson/red wings on their Legion symbol, I would do blackened/charcoal wings/shoulder pads, kind of like a head nod towards their training/mission preference.


So I am going to do some test schemes, I have a Vexilla built here and the Sergeant of the same squad.  Here are the WIP of them.  No bases done yet, have to decide how I want to do it and what type of environment.  I was thinking someplace cold, mostly because it would contrast well with the darker blue.  


The Vexilla, bolter is not glued on so I can paint beneath it.1392099_10154019435405249_204876270_n.jp





Sergeant, with Chainglaive and a nice bolter with a different backpack.  He also has a gladius, so it shows the additional ccw.





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