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Please step right this way, Silver Phoenix. Yes, that's right, third chamber on the left, number 42. What's that? You left the oven on? Not to worry Silver Phoenix, I'll send a servitor to deal with it. Please just take a seat and make yourself... comfortable. The chair looks like a porta-rack? Funny you should say that... Now, tell me about these Templars... ;)

  On 3/20/2014 at 2:17 AM, Silver Phoenix said:

Well I have always made my home over in the Liber but with circumstances changing in my life (first born child on the way) as well as deciding its time I re-invent myself in the hobby I think this is a good way to go.  Combining my new ideas with my old so to speak and to get such a awesome reward at the end (Tasty looking PDF) I think its time to start this thing...


I, Silver Phoenix, vow to re-awaken the great Scriptorium servitors and chant the Litany of Purification upon the ancient cogitators that have lain silent for so long to provide a detailed telling of a Chapter of the Unforgiven (Chapter name pending). A Chapter whom stand apart from their brethren and Primogenitors. A Chapter whose own dark secret rivals that of the Fallen.  I shall tell of their history and bring glory to these honoured brothers...


Happy, Capt Semper.  You told me last year I should abandon the Liber and come over to the Dark (Angel) Side...


Excellent...number ten!! That is a fantastic set of oath makers. Looking forward to seeing your entries!:)



... just remember SIlver Phoenix.... you just exposed yourself to the Unforgiven...and once in...never out..... not even in death!!:whistling:


  On 3/20/2014 at 10:30 PM, Grand Master Belial said:

A good start with all these new chapters being created. Hopefully people are drawing up some parts of their submission already.

Okay okay. I'll stop playing so much with the marine painter. I'm working on my submission now. :whistling:


(click picture for larger view)

Edited by Archangel

Great stuff guys!!! This is gaining momentum! :tu:


@ Brule: How did you make this? It's coolness incarnate!


@ Archangel: I really want to see what the name of this Chapter is! I see color coded shoulder pad rims and a white helmet... Are these guys Codex adherent? :o

  On 3/24/2014 at 7:32 AM, Captain Semper said:

@ Brule: How did you make this? It's coolness incarnate!

Thanks, I'm glad you like it. :smile.:


I found an image of a battle barge online (I'm pretty sure it's from the BFG rulebook). I then used Microsoft Paint to rough out the basic areas (the main hull, the spars and antennae, the lights, the colored panels, and the embellishments) as different images. Then, setting Paint so that white is transparent, I simply colored each of the area images in the colors I wanted, using the color scheme of my chapter. I then copied and pasted all of the images together (the white transparency allowing them to merge without covering the various images). Then I used Adobe Photoshop to have multiple layers of the original schematic image and the fully colored version, applying varying opacity/transparency and filters. I also copied the chapter badge onto one of the colored panels. It didn't come out as good as I would have liked, but my skills in Photoshop are pretty limited.

Still working on my submission. Just saving it here while I'm at work. Take a peek if you'd like.

  Reveal hidden contents
Edited by Archangel

For Grand Master Belial:


You can find the image at http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/gallery/image/125287-img-8375-zps5fbcd5b2jpg320x480/ .

I took yours and traced over it, then increased it in size by a factor of 5 (I always make my images larger than I need so that I can shrink them down to varying sizes, allowing a single image to be used in a variety of applications).

So far some excellent promise coming through.


To all participants: I am happy to provide an image of your home world. I had a plug in for Photoshop which creates worlds and planets.... can't remember the name now and not sure if it's still on my computer but I do have about 50 ready made worlds from verdant green ones to sand dunes or oceans.... So when you complete your submission I am happy to plop one of those images that resembles your description of the world/worlds... in the meantime I shall go looking for my plug-in!! :)


Brule: That battlebarge is just superb. I would love to see that incorporated in to the SM Painter.....  Not sure what the technical limitations are but if you are okay with it. I am happy to ask the admins to ave a look?



Hmmm not sure that was what it was called.... There were two or three..one to make planets, one made starfields and one made stars.... I had two of three... but given the state of my brain.... well... you are likely to be right...


BTW.... I am looking forward to your submission to the BHoA .... long time memory has some flash backs of the Angels of Vigilance..... and being linked to Brother Tyler.... I remember a character submission to the Fortress site Master Lesage.... What say you???  :)



Oh, is the gauntlet being thrown?

I'm fairly busy in RL, but I reckon I can do something. I actually considered fleshing the Angels of Veneration out, but I much prefer the Angels of Vigilance for this year.

Why don't we make it a challenge? I'll write about the Angels of Vigilance if you do something for the Shadow Guards.

Is that a deal?:pirate:

  On 3/30/2014 at 12:14 PM, Brother Tyler said:

Oh, is the gauntlet being thrown?


I'm fairly busy in RL, but I reckon I can do something. I actually considered fleshing the Angels of Veneration out, but I much prefer the Angels of Vigilance for this year.


Why don't we make it a challenge? I'll write about the Angels of Vigilance if you do something for the Shadow Guards.


Is that a deal?:pirate:


Damn it BT..... I am not busy in real life! I am drowning in it! That isn't a gauntlet you've thrown down...it's the entire bloody suit of armour!!! :cry: Well, as they say, a challenge is a challenge is indeed a challenge....  so here goes...


I, Shadow Guard, make this oath of moment to delve in to the cogitators of the librarium and re-write the history of the brave warriors of the chapters of the emperor's warriors know now as the Knights Revenant..... formerly known to all as the Shadow Guards Chapter in the hope of seeing Grand Master Tyler do the same for his much beloved brothers from the world of Pervigilium, the Angels of Vigilance!


.... how was that? tied your oath in to mine.... :devil:


Just as a note the Shadow Guards Chapter was always going to be renamed based on the back story I created but the chapter name I chose was Angels Revenant...unfortunately in the last FW Book.... GW decided to flesh out Angels of Revenant ...just a page of info but scuttle my plans for using the name... SO here come the Knights Revenant Chapter...:)



I, Brother Tyler, Inquisitor Lord of the Ordo Tyrannus, in the name of the Lion, make this oath of moment to submit a complete history of the Angels of Vigilance Chapter and its honoured brothers; in hopes that The Shadow Guard will enlighten us with the history of the Knights Revenant without weaseling out due to so-called "drowning" in real life or some other lame excuse.:devil:
  On 3/30/2014 at 10:40 PM, Brother Tyler said:

I, Brother Tyler, Inquisitor Lord of the Ordo Tyrannus, in the name of the Lion, make this oath of moment to submit a complete history of the Angels of Vigilance Chapter and its honoured brothers; in hopes that The Shadow Guard will enlighten us with the history of the Knights Revenant without weaseling out due to so-called "drowning" in real life or some other lame excuse.:devil:


Touche' :blush.: 



Ah... and so it does...... but it hasn't ended yet!!! Soon... very soon...... :devil:


I am sure you'll do the Angels of Vigilance justice BT, I was very disappointed that they were not included in our most recent codex.... Look forward to it.... 



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