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Emperor's Chosen 30k EC blog (Imperial knight WIP+Solomon)

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Welcome Horus heresy fans!


I will starting my Loyalist blog mainly focused on Emperor's Children plus Mechanicum forces.


Not having a large community of 30k around I have decided to start with a Imperial knight army with detachment of Emperor's Children as Allies..


They will be focused around the Istvann III time frame when they were betrayed by there brothers..


So as you will notice below my EC and Knights will be fighting Sons of Horus..

I ordered a lot of stuff from FW & managed to produce some stuff myself and I need lots of casualites ( which I intead to use for basing and objectives )


Well Enough talking! I am sure you are bored already so here are the pictures!

The Knight base is still WIP but you will get the general idea!


Saul Tarvitz







Emperor's Children Squad












Imperial Knight Base











Basic Imperial Knight Concept WIP








Comments and Suggestions Welcome!!!


Kill those traitor Sons of Horus!




That might just be the most insane, over the top and just crazily ambitious base project I've ever seen... Is that Abbadon and Loken's scenic base under the contemptor? No, scratch what I saidearlier , that is easily THE most insane, over the top and crazily ambitious base project I've seen.


PS: I also love how you depicted Saul, the model just oozes presence, from his pose to the selected bling that his peers lack.

Tarvitz looks great; replacing the field of the stock Mk 2 pad with one from a puppetswar shoulderpad must have been a difficult hack job, but it has been executed extremely well.  Your Emperor's Children squad look characterful.


But as others have stated, dear god emperor that imperial knight base.  That is just friggin' crazy! 


Very excited to see what comes out of this blog!

Simply put: You've got balls having that base.
I absolutely LOVE the concept.

And I pray that the execution (ie: paint job) matches the effort put in so far.

Good Luck! I think all of the B&C regulars are watching this with bated breath.


I never get tired of looking at Mk. III armor. I don't know why. It doesn't matter who's doing it, it always looks awesome. Bravo on Tarvitz!


Your titan base.............................................................................................................................................SERIOUSLY?!!!


<pulls out popcorn> I am definitely looking forward to this.


Play on!



First of I would like to thank you all for your inspiring comments that give me courage to continue this project to completion!


So the Most expensive base in the warhammer universe continues hehe!


It wasnt as easy as I thought and I struggled to get it to look correct and nice but finally I think I am happy with the result.

I still have to but some more basing around the left leg of the knight to make it like he is crushing the earth and its sinking under him a little.


Also as suggested I did put the Contemptor's Claw under his foot so there struggle continues!

Although I am prettty sure the Contemptor will meet his fate for forsaking the Emperor!


Here is a general Overview :





It was hard to glue plastic on basing so and the leg pose was a little unstable.

So I put a screw on the bottom of the left leg like I did with my Crusader leviathan on my other blog.





Here are the casualties of war! A loyalist emperor's children and a traitorous scum!





Here are pictures of the current state of the most expensive base in the warhammer universe hehe !!!
















From the sheer force of the stomp the Contemptor's leg has ripped apart!

I intend to put some cables and green stuff there make the severing of the connection more realistic.





How do you think I can improve the base to make it even more realistic as being in the Istvann III planet ??


As Always Comments and Suggestions most welcome!


Next I have almost finished Solomon Dementer and finishing the Despoiler squad!





Thanks to everyone for the comments! Was away from home on work so progress is a bit slow!

I have also started to paint a Emperor's Champion squad with bolters


How is the rest of the pose planned to be? is he looking to blast the contemptor point black now that it is pinned under his foot? Or saw?


I am not sure Reinhard.. Considering that both of the Imperial Knight's weapons are large blast would is be wise to blast at his leg and obliterate the contemptor?

Maybe better to crush him with his stomp  or slice him with his Chainsword?


Or maybe the Contemptor is insignificant for the Imperial knight and I pose him looking in the distance for a worthy foe?


Either way I plan to magnetize his waist for easier transport so I should be able to make multiple poses..


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