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Numerican Night Watch (PLOG)


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Thanks, the picture isn't great but you can just about make out the highlighting :P Keep an eye out for more vehicles for the ETL, they're my speciality ;)


Yours is coming along very nicely, the missing part isn't really noticeable from that shot but if it does annoy you I'm sure you can fashion a replacement bit easily enough.

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I certainly can see the highlighting...it's a bit tougher in mine, with three shades of gray...the hellstrike missiles are on, as is the nose landing gear, just working up the two wing-mounted landing gear, then it's on to more kasrkin


/edit/  Or should I start on my Avenger Strike Fighter?

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Hmmm...good call! And the Valkyrie is done! I actually messed up and put the flying stand interface piece where the rear landing gear goes, so it tips backward when I take it off the stand...grr...won't make that mistake again! Now, on to some more glory boys!


Oh, yeah...here are the shoulder markings...I guess I'll finish putting those on before I start new models!


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Well...eight will be is done tonight, and I might finish nine and ten tomorrow, a full day early, their bases are done and all of the prep, like clipping the tabs and such, is done, as well as a start on basecoating their uniforms. I had considered doing this next:


...but Pask in a Vanquisher sounds like a great way to kick of ETLIII, so I may wait and just do more stormtroopers instead.

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Yay...the stormtrooper squad was done a few days ago, I've been amusing myself with a chaos knight (I bought a box of chaos warriors about three years ago, I've painted about 15 models since then...maybe they'll be playable before I die of old age) waiting to start pask for ETL:


And I've begun work on Pask for ETL:


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And two...now I can get the hull together!


I'm thinking my second vow will be an avenger, a valkyrie, and a tempestus platoon (one line squad and one command squad)...


And, cruising along:


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Okay, off to slaughter someone with chimera spam...here's my end of day status:


I'm ecstatic. Digging through my bitz, I found the upper half of a tallarn mukkali rider commander. Yep, that's my Pask!

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Well, I didn't set eyes on my painting table till 7PM today, so not much progress, in stark contrast to yesterday, when I was a total paint-bum. I'm done but for the turret, commander, and camo:


I also primed part of the next vow, which will probably consist of:

an avenger with dual missile launchers 190

ten stormies with dual melta 150

stormie command squad with four plasma 145

two valkyries 250

an autocannon heavy weapons squad 75

For a total of 810...

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Not much progress, but it is some...I still need to paint the underside of the turret, the commander, and the camo. Oh, and the turret hatch and gun shield, lol


...started on the camo, Pask is done except for his arms.

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Well, it's been a few days, and I haven't gotten a terrible amount done. My shadowsword has arrived at the FLGS, but I haven't picked it up. I've finished one model out of the next 10x stormtroopers, and two more are in the progressive stages, while the other seven are cleaned, clipped,and have a little bit of the basecoat applied. I also got a few bases done (I need more...grrrr...stupid tabs!), and primed the avenger and bought the next valkyrie...sounds like a lot, but the real painting consists of...maybe the equivalent of two complete models in three days...not good!


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Kinda got stuff done today. I've decided to do the first five out of the stormie squad, then the avenger, then the other five...and I got started with piecing together sub-assemblies of the avenger, with the inner part of each wing mounted to the fuselage, the engines and outer part of each wing forming a separate assembly. They'll be mated after painting. I haven't done anything with the tail, landing gear, weapons, or cockpit interiors (frighteningly detailed!) yet, and some bits that came in a separate bag, plus the missile launchers, are in the "releasing agent releasing solution" for a looooong soak ATM.


Two stormtroopers done!


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Here's one side of the avenger's tail section...it looks like a lot of blue, but that's the tail, there's no blue at all on the fuselage, just the wings and the tail, and the wings'll have less than the tail...it'll be mostly gray, matching the valkyries (except I won't do the red edging on the blue here). I'm also down to the shoulder pad insignia on the third stormtrooper, he'll be done tonight, and progress on the other two, as well.


Status update on the 5 first members of the 2nd squad:



The sergeant is finished, and the second meltagunner needs some highlighting is all. I also continue to crank out the three layers of dawnstone needed on the avenger...it's slow and tedious, but worth the effort. The back 1/3 of the fuselage (easy) is done, the underside of the middle third is started, as is the other tail section.


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In preparation for a game next Tuesday, I've decided that it's critical for me to paint up five autocannons...happily, I've vowed three for ETL, so this diversion won't slow down the completion of my ETL vow too much. I'll finish knocking out the highlighting and shoulder pads on the second meltagunner in the squad I've been working on first, and I can report (wait, it's in the picture below) some progress on the other half of the avenger's tail section...but that will slow to a crawl until I get the five autocannons knocked out.


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