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Hi B+C - Welcome to Inqu][sitor!
My current Ordo Malleus retinue:



The Brimstone Inquisitor:





Concerning the Brimstone Inquisitor:
The Brimstone Inquisitor Hugues de Ardens of the Ordo Malleus is pic-captured here in his bronzed plate-armour, wielding both his melta-pistol Infernus and the Relic-axe Sinslayer, just prior to the commencement of the final assault on the Cult of Skvorax.
The derogative name Brimstone was bestowed upon him early in his career thanks to his propensity for loudly preaching 'fire and brimstone' testaments as he rained furious vengeance upon his foes. Aware of the power of symbology, de Ardens adopted the name as a title, and often refers to himself on the third person as "Old Brimstone". It is also a reference to his use of his melta-pistol Infernus.
The Relic-axe Sinslayer is an ‘untouchable’ weapon that blunts psychic energy, and is thus a perfect match for de Ardens, who possess no psychic ability - a rareness for a Malleus Inquisitor - beyond an iron faith and force of will. Throughout most of his two hundred and three year career he had been an extrovert proponent of the Monodominants, having personally called down the cleansing fire of Exterminatus on thirteen worlds. However, twenty-five years ago - in the aftermath of the Xolomon Deviance, where ninety-nine Grey Knights of the one hundred and one of his strike force were killed by the daemonhost army of Quarrus Xolomon - de Ardens concluded that his strict adherence to Puritan methodology had contributed to the terrible loss, and perhaps if he had followed the more radical strategy of Inquisitor Kallatar, the victory over Xolomon may have been less hollow.  
Practical and pragmatic, de Ardens has always been unconcerned by what others think of him, and while he may still despise mutants and aliens, he retains his puritanical faith but on his own terms, rather than those presented by the Monodominants, and he is now known to employ at least one Sanctioned xenos within his retinue. 
Inqu][sitor is an encompassing blog that will be following the continuing build up of my Inquisitor retinues, which currently include the Ordo Malleus as shown above, a small mercenary force known as the Skeleton Crew, and a (very much WIP) Ordo Xenos retinue of femme fatales.
Inqu][sitor exists on some other forums and have been running for some time, so I will catch you all up to the current state over the next few posts.
As a small added extra, here's a WIP pic of my current build (either for this retinue or the Skeleton Crew - still undecided), Scarface the Swordsman:


Edited by lamby
Removed picture of Xenos
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Darth_Mustard - Thanks!



Kroot member's fluff below - go to my flickr (link in sig) to see him.



Concerning Blel Kadri:

Blel Kadri of the Klas Blel Brood served the Tau during many wars as a bound-mercenary, earning his freedom with three hundred kill notches carved into the wooden stock of his long-rifle. He returned from the Outside to the wandering rogue-moon that had been his home as a hatchling, and lived peacefully amongst the brood for a decade, until the Arch-Heretic Quarrus Xolomon came with his murdering cultists and began to hatch his army of Warped One. The lives of many Kroot were taken by the Warped Ones until the Bronze Man came with the giant warriors in silver and defeated the Arch-Heretic in the battle that would be known to the brood as the Cleansing, and which the Imperials called the Xolomon Deviance.


Defying the orders of the Bronze Man, the Klas Blel joined the Silver Giants in the Cleansing, and many Kroot died that day; those of the brood who lived would forever carry a debt of gratitude to the Silver Giants who died so well and the Bronze Man who crucified the Arch-Heretic, and rid the rogue-moon of its infestation.


Some years later - when the rogue-moon swung back on its orbit out of the warp-storm that kept it isolated for decades at a time - the old Pathfinder Blel Kadri volunteered to journey back to the Outside and find the Bronze Man, to offer blood-bound service as a mercenary again, and to tell the Bronze Man that the Klas Blel had recently discovered that one of the Warped Ones had survived the Cleansing and was loose in the Outside…

Edited by lamby
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Sorry lamby, the B&C rules are explicit on that front... We are already discussing Xenos - even in its absence.


For the PC&A forums, the rule is very strict: No Xenos. The Jokaero is an exception...


EDIT: also check you PM. ;)

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Moving on...
WIP - The Prosecutor


This pile of bits:

Turned into this:


Which eventually became this:


This was the last pic I took before painting commenced.


Yes, it's the mandatory Inquisitor Nurgle Lord conversion!


Thanks for looking!

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Very good conversions, brother. I have a lingering fascination with Inquisitor, both the 54mm and the 28mm depictions. Should you fancy taking a look - the Conclave forum might be a good place to talk to fellow enthusiasts. :wink:

Edited by Olisredan
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Very good conversions, brother. I have a lingering fascination with Inquisitor, both the 54mm and the 28mm depictions. Should you fancy taking a look - the Conclave forum might be a good place to talk to fellow enthusiasts. :wink:


Olisredan - Thanks!

- I lurk on the Conclave on occasions - that actually sounds illegal! - but have not joined there yet


These guys are looking awesome, like how the prosecutor is going, look forward to seeing morrreee!


Tommy - Thanks!

- just to be clear, the Prosecutor is actually done and painted - see below...


Nice man love the inquisitor and start of the retuine :wink:


Jaspcat - Thanks!




So here's the Prosecutor all painted up in his Ordo Malleus colours:

And a detail pic of the exo-skeleton arm I scratch-built for him, this was before he was based properly:
And from the other side:


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Olisredan, Squeaky - Thanks for the likes!




While the Prosecutor above was being worked on, I needed somewhere to use the little excess bits of GS you always have left over - so this NPC dude grew almost organically without much thought, mainly as sculpting practice piece... I think he's some kind of Eclessiarchy Redeemer or Chaplain or... I don't know, I had the arms lying around from the High Elf Dragon (I think), the head from a DA Terminator, chopped up body from a Cultist - whacked him together a few weeks back - not sure where he fits into the story, maybe just an NPC...

A few weeks later he gained a title - The Redeemer - and found himself with a new hand and stabby flaming torch to light his way:
And then another few weeks later, he was primed and painted:
Stage 1 - colour blocking:
Stage 2 - rough metallics and some spatter on the robe:
Stage 3 - flames (2nd attempt here) and some flesh:
Stage 4 - Oil-wash:
Next post, the completed Redeemer!


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I was kinda hoping this fella would be in Redemptionist colours. Ah well, nevermind. There can be only one real 'Redeemer', after all. :wink.:


(My avatar on B&C has, for a good long time, been a picture of the Redeemer. Perhaps different iterations every now and again but it's always the Redeemer. :D )

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I was kinda hoping this fella would be in Redemptionist colours. Ah well, nevermind. There can be only one real 'Redeemer', after all. :wink.:


(My avatar on B&C has, for a good long time, been a picture of the Redeemer. Perhaps different iterations every now and again but it's always the Redeemer. :biggrin.: )


Not sure who you're talking about, my fluff-fu is weak!

I named after a Marilyn Manson song :wink:


He became an exercise in painting cream/white, and of course, the flames.


Here he is, complete:


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Meanwhile, I started on the first bounty hunter/mercenary type...

Bounty Hunter WIP:
Which eventually morphed into this - the weapon underwent 2 transformations after a first failed painting attempt, ended up stripping him and giving him a tricked-out new weapon:

And eventually become Kruger, the Point Man:

Kruger runs with the Skeleton Crew, a loose band of ex-military mercenaries known for getting the hard jobs done without questions, so long as the pay is good. 
Kruger is the Point Man who walks softly and knows his way around the quiet weapons, and can sniff out a trail or trap where others see naught.
The Brimstone Inquisitor has been known to employ the Skeleton Crew when in need of additional muscle outside the scope of his retinue.
Kruger is pic-captured here about to commence the final assault on the Cult of Skvorax...


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I was kinda hoping this fella would be in Redemptionist colours. Ah well, nevermind. There can be only one real 'Redeemer', after all. :wink.:


(My avatar on B&C has, for a good long time, been a picture of the Redeemer. Perhaps different iterations every now and again but it's always the Redeemer. :biggrin.: )


Not sure who you're talking about, my fluff-fu is weak!


Wikipedia article.


Lexicanum article.


Obligatory image:


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I was kinda hoping this fella would be in Redemptionist colours. Ah well, nevermind. There can be only one real 'Redeemer', after all. :wink.:


(My avatar on B&C has, for a good long time, been a picture of the Redeemer. Perhaps different iterations every now and again but it's always the Redeemer. :biggrin.: )


Not sure who you're talking about, my fluff-fu is weak!


Wikipedia article.


Lexicanum article.


Obligatory image:


O man, why did you do that to me?

Now I want to pull him apart, put the flames on his head and give him a chainsaw!!! 

Or I could make a new Redeemer mmmm....


Thanks for the fluff lesson!


Some very cool pieces here.Will be watching.

deathspecterssgt7 - Thanks!

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This thread is full of inspiration for my inquisition will be watching intently, and stealing ideas where ever possible within my skills.

Cain21 - Thanks!


Moving on with the show, some DE bits, a Vampire Handmaiden torso and some Empire Pistols turned into this:
I decided I want more skin showing so I attacked the back of the corset and carved the hollow where the spine muscles would be:
Then GS'd the spine muscles into place... 
Added a belt and buckle and some pouches:

Detailed the guns, and she's good to go:
Frontal pic:
Butt pic...  I mean, rear pic:
Fury the Gunslinger is destined for my Ordo Xenos retinue, she currently awaits paint as I continue work on her sisters... and get side-tracked into other things...
Thanks for looking!
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The detail for those guns are cracking work, and I applaud your greenstuffing.


And the neck ruff, oh that neck ruff. :wub.:


So gothic. More models need that. 

Olisredan - Thanks!

- The ruff, torso and head are straight from the Vampire Counts Coven Throne handmaiden - all 3 ladies in the kit are gothic.



So in-between the nightmare of sculpting the teeny-weeny bits on the Gunslinger above, I took some 'breather' time to do a relatively simple conversion of the wonderful Vostroyan sniper (standing) for the Skeleton Crew:

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Nice work! If I ever turn from chaos again an inquisitor / grey knight band is on the horizon!

Eldrick - Thanks!

- Inq28 is the new black... or whatever colour you like - I like the divergence of character creation you can squeeze under it's banner, so it does't feel like just painting 'yet another army', which is where I was heading with 40k... plus my hobby ADD means I can never get more than 10-12 models into a force before I'm bored with a colour scheme!


Anyways... Presenting - Gunny Highway of the Skeleton Crew:

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