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Impressive. Is "Ratty the twist" a kitbashed Skaven, from the Fantasy line?

Thanks Bjorn!

- Yes, Ratty is a converted Skaven Engineer from the Spires of Dawn set


Nice crewmen! The Kroot has a bit too bright green for me (too orkish for me personally)  but still very good!

Thanks LordVelype!

- I used yellow oils over the initial green and it went a lot darker and more orkish than my previous Kroot... but he does blend in with the crew he runs with :)


Love the crew! So much creativity in this thread.

Thanks sockwithaticket!




So here's the attempt at the gas mask - not sure yet if it's going to work, needs some more detailing in the middle I think... thoughts?

And some final detailing on the pistol:
Pistol in hand - a better view of the upper arm cuff - and also added a new neck part, as the previous one was a) too small, and b) wouldn't stay glued in:
Thanks for looking!
The female Inquisitor looks promising. As for detailing the mask, the most obvious answer is to carve a nasal cavity and teeth to form a skull mask. If you think that's too cliché, how about luscious lips and a Roman nose to unnerve her opponents with an Stepford smile?

So here's the attempt at the gas mask - not sure yet if it's going to work, needs some more detailing in the middle I think... thoughts?


I think you are right, looks good so far, but not yet perfect. Some little holes maybe in it to make certain it´s a gas mask.

Edited by LordVelype

The problem I think with the mask is that it is too flat and too thin on her face. Only way to wear a mask that flat is if you removed your nose and remodelled your mouth and chin. If you bulk it out forwards it would look more practical.


It could be a newer model. Inquisitors would have access to the best tech after all. :smile.:

Edited by LordVelype
  • 4 weeks later...

This thread is just nuts! Fantastic conversion work, very true to the spirit of 40k. I especially liked the crazy bulk of the Wild Child model. Keep it up. :smile.:

Thanks Markus!

The female Inquisitor looks promising. As for detailing the mask, the most obvious answer is to carve a nasal cavity and teeth to form a skull mask. If you think that's too cliché, how about luscious lips and a Roman nose to unnerve her opponents with an Stepford smile?

Thanks Bjorn!

The problem I think with the mask is that it is too flat and too thin on her face. Only way to wear a mask that flat is if you removed your nose and remodelled your mouth and chin. If you bulk it out forwards it would look more practical.

Thanks Heru - see below, I took your advice about the 'thinness'


So here's the attempt at the gas mask - not sure yet if it's going to work, needs some more detailing in the middle I think... thoughts?


I think you are right, looks good so far, but not yet perfect. Some little holes maybe in it to make certain it´s a gas mask.




The problem I think with the mask is that it is too flat and too thin on her face. Only way to wear a mask that flat is if you removed your nose and remodelled your mouth and chin. If you bulk it out forwards it would look more practical.


It could be a newer model. Inquisitors would have access to the best tech after all. :smile.:


Thanks Lord Velype!


WIP work on a new character, the Scout - kind of threw her together over the last few days and didn't take a lot of pics, so these are basically end-of-construction pics, with only green-stuff patch-up work to go.

Took a rifle/arm from a Necromunda sprue (similar to this one):
And an Admech rifle (again, similar to this one):
And the boring Necromunda rifle becomes a much cooler Scout rifle:
Torso is from an old Dark Elf Cold One Knights, left arm is the now-staple Admech 'bionic' to attach to the left hand on the rifle:
Made the kneeling legs from a Tau Fire Warrior and some Dark Eldar legs various, with a bit of choppy-chop on the back foot to get it into position:
And yes - that is a Witch Elf screaming face as a (hopefully) cool shoulder pauldron - belt from the Necromunda sprue:
And with rifle in position:
Still hunting around for a decent head for the Scout - we'll get back to that later...
Speaking of heads - the on-going saga of the Witch Finder's gas-mask continues:
Pretty sure I'm done with the mask - now just to green-stuff that last hair strand:
Thanks for looking!
  • 2 weeks later...

Amazing work, very inspirational!

Thanks Ahistorian!

New gas-mask looks promising! :yes:

Thanks LordVelype!

That scout and the witch finder. I just had to sit back away from the computer and calm my heart.


oh man.


These are excellent!

Thanks hushrong!


Challenged by some Dakka users to add detail and make a change to the strap on the Scout's rifle, here's the (admittedly better looking) result (although it looks like I'll need to sand the new strap bit down a little thinner):

Meanwhile; took a Sisters of Silence body, added the bare back of a Daemonette, and did some cut-n-sand sculpting to give her a proper butt to get this:
The head is a Daemonette head with the weird hair cut off and the skull sanded bald, and an Eldar Wyches hair part added:
As usual, it's about this point in construction where I start to wonder what load-out she's going to get...
Thanks for looking!

The Pirate Queen on my ][nq28 thread shows how well Escher arms can look on a Sister

Thanks Ahistorian - timely advice, as I just used an Escher arm on the Scout, and see below...


And so: thanks to Lysimachus, the new Witchfinder retinue member has found her calling - as a Gladiatrix!
And with that - and the new GW Custodes release - came the idea for her weapon: the Gun-Spear!
Started with the coolest gun ever designed by GW:
Some careful knife work (to retain that wonderful detailing) and some re-gluing brings us to this:
Added a Sisters of Silence right forearm to the right upper arm and drilled through the fist to insert the brass rod for the basic 'spear' haft:
Drilled through the magazine-well and power-thingy to position the gun then trimmed and oh-so-very-carefully drilled into that Sister's blade to get the basic concept sorted for the Gun-Spear:
And an Escher arm combined with the Sister's open hand gives us the left arm:
Next up - a firing mechanism for the Gun on the Spear haft,  some sort of power-source, maybe some cabling, and clean up the gun-to-blade transition.
Still working up the nerve to resculpt the Daemonette forehead and nose...
Thanks for looking!

Good job on the gunblade.

Thanks Bjorn!


Still looking awesome! I have to say you've got a great vision for conversions and the skills to make it happen. Everything you've made is fantastic and your lastest samplings are still making my jaw drop.

Thanks hushrong!


Just wanted to drop a line letting you know that your conversions are very well done. I spent the last couple of days going through this entire thread. Plenty of inspiration to be found here. Thank you for sharing your work.

Thanks Shovellovin!


Sorry, I didn´t read all you wrote, but... This woman with the big sword/gun weapon (and the demonette head) looks pretty badass! :biggrin.:

Thanks Kyknos!






Detailing ideas for the Gun Spear - might add a skull above the firing handle...

And I take it back - the little detail on the Scout's gun is not the smallest thing I've ever sculpted - this new nose for the Gladiatrix is!
Needs a bit more careful sanding with some super-fine paper - it wasn't until I took these pics I noticed it's a bit crooked at the bottom but I think I'll leave it like that cos it looks like it's been broken - and she's a Gladiatrix after all!
Thanks for looking!

Working on a Guardian Spear? Or is that term reserved for the Custodes' power spears with integral boltguns?

Hi Bjorn - I think I'll leave that term alone, and just call it a Gun Spear  - though it is obviously heavily influenced by the Custodes' weaponry


Looking very nice!

Thanks hushrong!


Cool face! Are you aware, that every update from you is like a new episode of a good TV-show to me? Like Breaking Bad- good... :happy.:

Hahaha thanks Kyknos!!!


For those who wanted to know - concerning the scultping of noses:

- Version 1 - drilled through her weird septum and sculpted over the pre-existing end of her nose

- Version 2 - ended up cutting away her original nose entirely and sculpted in the new nose as one piece - which was then scraped down even smaller with a blade
- And: I won't be doing that ever again ;)
The Witch Hunter and the Gladiatrix are done (only some minor clean up required before spraying.)
Here's the Witch Hunter with hair and coat-tails complete:
Ah crap - just noticed the hole in her left shin :) whoops!
And the Gladiatrix, nose surgery and Gun Spear complete, left arm and belt kit added:
One retinue member to go - I wonder who/what she will be...
Thanks for looking!
  • 2 months later...

Nice! :yes:

What exactly is the "gun" part on her weapon meant to be, actually? 

Flechette blaster? 


Thanks Kyknos!

- it's an Admech flechette blaster so I guess so... I went for cool rather than rules :wink:



Yes, yet again, a return... and of course, rather than finishing anything -  returning with a new character!

A quick explanation in  my defence: since my last post the Witch Hunter suffered a calamitous casualty at the teeth of Chaos - otherwise known as my cat :( - the only portions that survived were the arms and the head, as they were detached at the time of the creature's assault
I started rebuilding her - hopefully even better than before - but the motivation soured a little, so to breathe life back into my mojo, I've started on another character - though I'm not quite sure where she fits in the cantos of either the Rogue Traders, Kallatar's retinue, or the Witch Hunters... or possibly even something new.
Anyways - since I have quite a few of these old Daemonette bodies lying around, I started with one them:
And with the long skirts of Neferata from the Mortachs of Nagash:
Off with her legs!
Working on getting rid of the hanging jewel-things - sometimes over-exuberant knife work means greenstuff/milliput repairs:
And here's the body and the skirt together - took a bit of knife-work to get the torso to sit facing forward rather than sideways like Neferata's torso sits:
And here's the components of the left arm and sword - I set the Dremel up as a lathe to turn the greenstuff/milliput hilt:
And all attached:
Hopefully there'll be much more to come in a better timeframe than previously!
And as always - thanks for looking!

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