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You paint weathering effects in an impressively detailed and realistic manner.


Why is there so much rust? Is acid rain common on the world where your vehicle operates?

Thanks Bjorn!

As to why, I never really thought beyond matching the ship with my usual rusty bases...


And that's the spraying of the hull finished!

Next up - detailing the metallics (silver and brass), maybe some hazard striping, then oils and pastel-powders - oh, and the engine parts, mustn't forget those!
Thanks for looking!
  • 2 weeks later...

Stupendous effort!



This rusting is absolutely phenomenal, looks real!


Thanks All!


Painting test on some scrap, trying out a recipe for dirty old brass:

Added verdigris made from GW hawk turquoise and a drop of VJ pale green 50/50 with VJ glaze medium:
Also repainted the upper turret the same blue as the hull rather than the white as it was throwing off the balance of the model as a whole:
Next up: back to the Gun Skiff and onto oils!
  • 5 weeks later...

I absolutely love all the different colors in your aged brass and is some of the most realistic weathering of that type I've seen. Fantastic work. 

Thanks so much BCK!


And here goes 2019...

In an effort to actually finish a model this year, just rebuilt some bases for the Rogue Trader crew:
Used some leftover decking from the Gun Skiff build to better match the crew with the craft.
Thanks for looking!
  • 2 weeks later...

That is superb, looks right at home in 40k and amazing weathering.


Thanks Doghouse!




And rrrrrusty:

And that's all since real life kicked in again 2 weeks ago ...
Thanks for looking!
Edited by lamby
  • 7 months later...

It's been a while...


At the end January this year I reached a point where I just couldn't sit at the hobby desk to paint or build anymore - basic lack of free time when at home, too many hours at work, and hobby exhaustion took its toll, and for while I couldn't see myself ever modelling again...


As you can see, not the case - while I've yet to get enough time to start building again, I've managed a few hours here and there in recent weeks to get the Rogue Trader crew onto their new bases (as seen in the previous post) and also complete the acrylic painting on the last two, which means everyone is now ready for oils - Insert deliberately obscure pic:




Hopefully it won't be 8 months again before the next post!


Thanks for looking!

  • 2 weeks later...

The converted Karadron sky ship is inspired!

Thanks Marshal Rohr! - I do plan to finish painting it soon.


I've struggled with oils on minis too, I tried to blend them on a priests robes, but...yeah. I'm interested to see what you do, because I think the medium has great potential for miniature painting.

Thanks Son of Sacrifice!


Glad to see you posting again!

Thanks hushrong! Me too!



Oils Ain't Oils...


Mmmm... so I'm calling this oils experiment a non-success, primarily due to the time it takes to achieve effects that I can achieve faster with acrylics.


Here's the result anyway, the lower portion of the Captain's jacket with green and white oils:




And here's the Hard Girl, with a comparison of Ratty's robes in acrylics - Vallejo Dark Sea Blue with added White, and purple in the shadows; you can clearly see the Blue oils are a completely different tinge, and don't match the retinue colors at all:




I'm not calling the oils experiment a failure, it has been interesting though frustrating - the learning curve for oils is a lot steeper than I envisaged, and as I have so little time for any hobby these days I need to stick with what I know.


Full pics of the Rogue Traders coming soon!

After a wait of nearly a year, here's the fifth member of the Rogue Trader Crew - The Hard Girl:














And, in case you'd forgotten what the remainder of the crew looked like, here's some links:


The Kroot: https://mebelamby.wordpress.com/2017/03/17/rogue-trader-crew-the-kroot/


Nails the Gunner: https://mebelamby.wordpress.com/2017/03/18/rogue-trader-crew-2-the-gunner/


The Operator: https://mebelamby.wordpress.com/2017/05/07/rogue-trader-crew-the-operator/


The Death Maus (formerly Ratty): https://mebelamby.wordpress.com/2017/05/28/rogue-trader-crew-ratty/


Thanks for looking!

Edited by lamby

Excellent work on the Hard Girl.

Thanks Bjorn!


So, now she’s been completed, here's a little painting WIP of the Hard Girl from my oils experiment.


In pic 1 her hair is lacking definition:




Pic 2 shows the palette:



Pic 3 shows the darkened oil wash - I applied this thick wash over gloss varnish to the hair, dried it somewhat with a hair dryer, then using a clean brush and white spirits, cleaned the dark wash from the upper surfaces to regain highlights.




Pic 4 shows the results after one application - ultimately I went back with another oil wash and then carefully dry brushed GW Uthulan Grey over the upper area and some edges, but in this case I’m calling the oils successful - despite the drying time.



The previous post shows the end result - I also did a brown and purple wash over the pants, with the same clean-up routine to keep the wash under control.


Thanks for looking!

Holy hell man some truly inspiring work there. After returning to the hobby after more that a 15 year break and wanting to get back into the building painting and maybe eventually learning to play it. Your Sir are making it very hard for me to choose what army I want to start back with lol! Great job man I love the creativity of your work, it's stunning.

Holy hell man some truly inspiring work there. After returning to the hobby after more that a 15 year break and wanting to get back into the building painting and maybe eventually learning to play it. Your Sir are making it very hard for me to choose what army I want to start back with lol! Great job man I love the creativity of your work, it's stunning.

Thank you Kolgrim!

Choose Necromunda or Kill Team :wink:






One hundred years before today…


On a glass platform suspended above the desert, Illyria watches the pre-dawn illuminate the Rust Yards.


In her black-metal hand is the precious Warrant: freedom freshly inked on ancient paper, stamped with the Imperial seal.






Beside her stands the Inquisitor whose life she saved a year ago.






Illyria’s father had been starship crew, retired into the Administratum of the Winter Hive; tales of intergalactic adventure, wondrous planets and exotic xenos fuelled Illyria’s young imagination, as unknowingly the creeping lung rot seeping through the ventilation from the sump-gas pools slowly killed her parents. On the day her father died - a week after her mother, and a week before Illyria’s twenty third birthday - Illyria decided no matter the cost, she would escape Hive life to the stars. Her parents had owned their small hab, so she had a place to live, though it was borrowed time now; every breathe in Winter Hive was killing her. She found herself a job at the docks driving mech-loaders, started looking for ship-crew work, though the story was always the same: no-one wanted to hire an inexperienced girl with no spacer skills. Her search for escape grew more and more frustrating, until the day she saved the life of a stranger.


Walking home from the docks, she turned a corner and - snapshot image: ghost-light smouldering off a golden sword cast aside on the deck plates; a dying woman in blood-drenched gold armour straining to reach the fallen sword, intestines trailing from her like tentacles; and the creature that had done the damage rising above them both, wreathed in fire and shadow and the stench of the warp.


A moment’s non-decision, a tableau of weird; a point in time where fates are changed.


Because she had no reason not to, Illyria stepped forward and picked up the sword.


At the time, it only cost her an arm.








Desert wind catches the long tails of the Inquisitor’s coat, reveals the sheathed ghost-light sword.


(Ever since she touched it, Illyria hears its whispers in her dreams).


“So,” the Inquisitor says. “The Warrant is yours.”


Illyria nods. “Your debt is repaid.”


“Let me be the judge of that.”


Scattered across the desert in front of them are ten million abandoned starship hulls, surrounded by ten billion scattered starship parts. Overhead, Rust Mechanicus factory-platforms drift, cyber-tentacles and servo-claws reaching down to pluck treasure from the junk, those parts evolving into engines, weapons and hulls back up on the platform decks.


Across the local sector, the Rust Yards are known as the place where broken things are reborn.


The Inquisitor says: “Choose.”


Illyria frowns. “I don’t understand.”


“A Rogue Trader captain is useless without a ship; so choose one.” Before Illyria can say anything, the Inquisitor holds up a warning hand. “However; don’t thank me, Illyria of Winter Hive - one day you may regret picking up my sword.”


At the time, as Illyria flexes her new bio-mech arm and dreams of her own ship that will take her away from the Hive and this world, she thinks she understands the Inquisitor’s words well enough.


It is only today, the day of the assault on the hive of Skovarax, this day a century later - the day she loses her face - that Illyria Winter understands the true price of saving Inquisitor Kallatar.











Edited by lamby

Wow, I need to give oil washes a go, the results you've gotten are superb! Need to get some oils first though. I've heard they can be thinned with enamel thinner (which I have)- is that true or do I need to get myself some turpentine? Also, do I need to worry about them damaging the paint underneath?

Heck yea this is all amazing stuff :wub:

Thanks PeteySodes!


Wow, I need to give oil washes a go, the results you've gotten are superb! Need to get some oils first though. I've heard they can be thinned with enamel thinner (which I have)- is that true or do I need to get myself some turpentine? Also, do I need to worry about them damaging the paint underneath?

Thanks Evil Eye!

- I only use white spirits for thinning /cleaning oils

- As to damaging the paint underneath - I always spray the acrylic layers with a gloss varnish, though I've seen people on youtube who use oils without a spray coating - I have noticed that while oil washes don't seem to damage the acrylics, I have noticed if you rub too hard with an earbud you can start to lift the acrylic

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