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When you don't seem to be making progress, make bases...

Doing a lot of minor fiddle bits on a few new models gets me frustrated because at times you just can't see real progress being made - so to keep the mojo high, I often just make bases!
The Necromunda bases are nice but you know by now I can't leave any model unconverted, so this:
Became this:
Which then became this:
More to follow - thanks for looking!

A lot of nice things here, I'll keep looking from now on...

Thanks ranulf!


I am very impressed with the conversions and have inspired me to start on my own. I will start my own thread when I start.

Thanks Cadius! Look forward to seeing your thread.




Something new is coming...

Having taken the better part of four years to complete both the Ordo Xenos and Rogue Trader crews, and with the Ordo Hereticus crew almost ready for paint, I was recently writing fluff vignettes when the inter-linked story took off on its own in a direction I'd not ever envisaged - but am now really excited by.
I'll do a fluff reveal in a bit - after the Witch Hunters - but here's a little taste of someone new - the Hoplite:
She's so far made of a Melusai torso and the leftover head from one of the Splintered Fang.
I've forgotten to take a pic of the new left forearm, it's from the Witch Elves banner bearer, but it's now a spear.
The spearhead started life as an old Blood Angels sword:
Which - after much faffing about with knives and files and brass and a hacksaw and metal files and epoxy became this:
Need to fill in the teardrop and file the brass a little, but I'm pretty happy with it so far.
Thanks for looking!
  • 2 weeks later...

Nice to see your back at it, can't wait to see more!

Thanks Kolgrim!


where did you get the hoplite helmet?

Hi Cadius - it's from the Warcry Splintered Fang warband.



Working on multiple stuff can get a little confusing - both for me and you

The over the shoulder conversion is nicely done, I wanted to do one back in like 2000 of a Space Wolf picture in that codex where he had the axe over his shoulder, but I could never get it to look very good. Was pretty new to the hobby then so sculpting something like that was out of the question of things I could do.

I like the thinking of the power pole girl, but instead of a gun maybe make her purely close combat with just the power pole and maybe a stiletto dagger in the top of her boot. 

Thanks Cadius - I think you're right, a gun might not fit her vibe.


The over the shoulder conversion is nicely done, I wanted to do one back in like 2000 of a Space Wolf picture in that codex where he had the axe over his shoulder, but I could never get it to look very good. Was pretty new to the hobby then so sculpting something like that was out of the question of things I could do.

Thanks Kolgrim - the GW female arms are not quite long enough to drop the hand low enough, so there's a fair bit of trickery going on with that arm - you can't see it in these pics, but at the moment she has two elbows! nothing some sculpting can't fix...



Which segues back to:


I realised there's two distinct concepts going on with the same base model, so decision made - the Witch Hunter Interrogator will be wearing the coat.

Of course if you've been following along for a while you know nothing in my modelling is ever quite that simple...
You see, since I'd adapted the coat from its proper Escher to fit this one with the straighter stance, it didn't fit over the right shoulder properly... and so this happened:
Which then meant this had to happen:
Milliput paste to the rescue!
Note the weird emblem is gone too - might be a nice space for some freehand... if I ever get around to painting them

I dig the cloak looking good so far!

Thanks Kolgrim!


just thinking for the power pole girl maybe a holstered pistol on her hip, having one in her hand wouldn't look right. That way she can at least used for ranged attacks as the pistol would be present for wysiwyg games.

Thanks Cadius!

Stellar idea, I even have the holstered weapon to fit her aesthetic too!






Made a new head for the Interrogator.
Took the goggle-mask head from the Genestealer Cult Brood Brothers and cut away the gas mask portion.
Then cut free the lower half of an AoS Witch Elf face and mashed the upper and lower together:
Came out pretty well I think!
I might add a hair-tail later but for now she is done.

Wow it almost looks like it was made that way, think it turned out pretty rad!

Thanks Kolgrim!





Assass][n-Executioner - W][P

Away back - after completing the retinue of Inquisitor Kallatar - I posted this bridging piece of the story:
At the time it was only an introduction for the Rogue Trader Captain Illyria Winter and her crew, but the idea of an Assassin-Inquisitor and a little band of murderers took hold, so I did some work on Imadeus back  here:
While Imadeus hasn't progressed much further (soon to be rectified, hopefully) I have done a few simple changes to the excellent 'Knosso Prond, Death Cult Executioner' model from the Rogue Trader boxset, to create the start of an Assassin-Executioner - one rung up the Ordo Sicarius training ladder from an Assassin-Apprentice.
Took the leading arm and head of Knosso and this warfan from the 'Warcry Cypher Lords Thrallmaster':
Sharp-eyed readers will note the warfan is held by a left hand, so I cut it off carefully, reduced the fan by one blade, and added a random right hand from the Melusai kit:
It sounds so easy when you type it it - but it wasn't...
Connecting that hand to the cut-away forearm of Knosso was also not an easy thing, but eventually I managed it - also cut off one of her weird triple Leia-buns, and added a pony-tail from a Sisters of Silence head - here she is so far:
There is a thumb on the back of the fan, it's currently hidden by that black-goop which is Loctite Instant Adhesive 481 - usually I only use for bonding metal to styrene, but here it has strengthened the tiny wrist joint.
I also shaved off those grenades on her left shoulder armour, which meant some repair work where the white styrene strip can be seen - I have also damaged her left arm down near the armour-plate, and her left breast, all of which will need a sculpting/sanding fix too (sigh).
The pod-shaped unit on her back will get a little mod, and I'm going to do some mods to her head, just unsure exactly what yet - I don't like her eyes, so possibly some form of vision-tech maybe wrapping around from the side of her head, and will fill in the love-heart symbol on her forehead too.
As always, thanks for looking!

just saw your daemonette conversion, in my opinion maybe leave her with one breast and and paint her clothes and armour in white and pink to honour strong women warriors that battle breast cancer which many get a mastectomy leaving one breast.

Thanks Cadius - nice idea however 40k has already established one breast as a Slaneeshi trait, so as an Inquisitor she'll have a standard torso.


I really like this model so far!

Thanks Kolgrim!


Inspiration is a strange thing.
Found this image on Pinterest - 'Commando' by artist Jomaro Kindred:
Not very Inquisitor or 40k, right?
Apparently, my mind disagrees.
Take an Eldar jetbike, some Atalan Jackal bits, some brass and styrene tubing sizes various, some pins, some Superfine milliput (and apparently some cat hair, too).
Add the two-sword-wielding Warcy Corvus Cabal femme, swap out her sandal-wearing legs for some Harlequin thigh-high boots.
Mash it all together with a lot of different glues and swearing, and you get this:
Of course, her name is Harley, right?
Couple of W][p pics - not many cos I was in the zone.



Ah yes, glue and swearing; the foundation of all my conversions. 


I'd been thinking of a bike conversion similar to this and you beat me to it. I may have to borrow from this when I get to it. 

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