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ETL III is coming...

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Yeah, I have to agree on the Heresy forums going crazy this year.  Most of my bionic brethren have up and moved over to the Heresy (as I will too some day) thanks to the moronic fluff changes from the Raukaan supplement.  So that's going to be a big buff for them.  Maybe I can afford it next year...


OT but what happened in raukaan supplement. How is it even possible to mess up IH? Got a link? 

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This thread has actually made me very happy because of all the excitement coming from everyone. For once chaos players are coming together in a positive way and preparing to smash the loyalist, while normally we are just bitter and divide about everything. So who ready? we only have 91 days till this is over, and we obtain victory!

Don't worry Uprising I've heard from an extremely reliable source that GW are planning to release another Codex Chaos Space Marine supplement in July. Its entitled Nasty Boys and features another renegade chapter and no mention whatsoever about any of the original legions. This will see your painting time consumed by the usual need to rage and moan, allowing the Angels of Death faction to kick your little heathen arses.


HH forum will likely crush us all. And the heart of a chaos player is black and shattered, it beats a slow tattoo powered by cynicism and hate. No codex release can alter the rhythm, for codex glory is a myth held onto by fools and madman. Your disregard of the Codex Astartes does you credit, I consider you a count as traitor.

If the Black Templars smash it out, I'm sure you can ride their coattails. lel.

Hahaha nice one. That's the spirit Yogi. I like to think of it as getting a piggy back from the Templars teehee.gif

Don't worry about the HH forum. The amount of resin and its cost needed to win the ETL will most likely lead to them all starving to death during the competition, either that or getting arrested for selling their children so they can fund their projects.

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This thread has actually made me very happy because of all the excitement coming from everyone. For once chaos players are coming together in a positive way and preparing to smash the loyalist, while normally we are just bitter and divide about everything. So who ready? we only have 91 days till this is over, and we obtain victory!

Don't worry Uprising I've heard from an extremely reliable source that GW are planning to release another Codex Chaos Space Marine supplement in July. Its entitled Nasty Boys and features another renegade chapter and no mention whatsoever about any of the original legions. This will see your painting time consumed by the usual need to rage and moan, allowing the Angels of Death faction to kick your little heathen arses.


We thrive off of bitterness, hatred, and chance of cruel vengeance while you mewling sycophants of the false-emperor cower around Terra and cling to the glory days of generations longs since dead, days that we virulently remember and loathe you for as they denied us our rightful glory.

Besides, Sentinels of Terra was not a Chaos supplement. I mean it does describe the Black Templars rather well, but wait it is all about Imperial Fists who suddenly forgot the lesson of being pragmatic that Dorn taught them following the Iron Cage incident and are now suddenly the most prideful Chapter, constantly seeing their plans go awry and great losses because of it. Then there's the bit about the theft of the broke down and ill maintained Phalanx during an invasion of Terra that was somehow made possible by a mustache twirling Warsmith who always seemed thwarted by Lysander (I can almost hear Shon'tu saying "next time Gadget, Lysander, next time...") that prior to this book was entirely unheard of, but somehow managed to outdo all of Chaos in M41. So yeah, nothing they could possibly throw at us in a Chaos supplement could be that bad. Hope I didn't just crush some Imperial Fist player's desire to paint his models tongue.png.

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Yeah, I have to agree on the Heresy forums going crazy this year.  Most of my bionic brethren have up and moved over to the Heresy (as I will too some day) thanks to the moronic fluff changes from the Raukaan supplement.  So that's going to be a big buff for them.  Maybe I can afford it next year...


OT but what happened in raukaan supplement. How is it even possible to mess up IH? Got a link? 


I would direct you here, so as to not derail the thread: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/281678-clan-raukaan-iron-hands-supplement/

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I have a converted (should I perhaps say desecrated?) ex-Imperial Knight that has been built as a centerpiece model for my Word Bearers cohort. Even though it's not officially a usable model for Chaos, and I really only bought it for the chance to convert and paint it, can I include it in my vows for ETL?


Also, this would be my first time participating in ETL, so would it be better to make one large vow for all the 3-4k points of combined unpainted Daemons and CSM (75% daemons), or a series of smaller vows in 500-1,000 point blocks?

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I would say it's better to vow in small batches. After all the points only count if you complete all your vow. That way you can always be sure of completion and last year I believe we had 5 vows available?


I'll be doing batches of 500 points, not certain how much time I will have to paint this time around so I'll stay on the safe side.

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Yeah, smaller vows is probably better. I know I'd rather vow 200 points and finish it than 2000 points and fail at the last minute because of an unexpected shift at work or something equally out of my control.



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@Semper. If I do a Slaanesh Sorcerer that is made from 85% Ahriman. Can I submit it as a 'counts as Ahriman'?

You should be fine, count as has never really been an issue for ETL.  Beside no one can say no to your beautifully painted csm. 

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So, when does ETL start?


As it stands now, I have 7k of unpainted CSMs/Daemons. Even more if I can count models that I have blocked out some of color areas, or if I can count models I intend to repaint.


Can I count those models? Or only ones bare or simply primed?

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ETL starts on May 1st.


The models should be either unpainted or under coated or in very early stages of painting (the latter is subjective and I give a ruling on a case by case basis). Obviously if you plan to re-paint them they are a perfectly legit entry...

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So, when does ETL start?


As it stands now, I have 7k of unpainted CSMs/Daemons. Even more if I can count models that I have blocked out some of color areas, or if I can count models I intend to repaint.


Can I count those models? Or only ones bare or simply primed?


Don't tease us - do it!

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