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I thought of something similar but at that point it feels too exploitative for me. Perhaps if the Cent was a Master of Signal, Vigilator or something and a heavy Support squad or Plasmas Support squad or a rhino he could hop in was next to him that he could join when the bikes left. Like they snuck the bikes in, kept them covered and used the area as a staging place to launch an ambush from. Even then I'd probably rather outflank them and limit their initial exposure, especially if I'm going second, and save points from that poor Cent that will end up left behind.


Same with the terminators, unless they're in a LR or a smaller game, put them them in a Darkwing or Ram or something to limit exposure and maximize their alpha potential.


Ahh the reminder text got moved to the back instead of under the Warlord Traits like in book 1. Even so, lances aren't that great without Hit and Run anyway.

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I mean if you are going down this path of ICs infiltrating units, i don't think you need to go much deeper than terminators...


With a character with cameomline they are basically 2+ 3++ to shooting in cover.


As for alpha strike you just give them combi weapons. 


With some infiltrating rhino units you can easily protect them from most shooting. 


It's a good spot for maun to hang

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Actually. Just realized mechanica and sworn brothers of Raven Guard. 


So you can just go RG with 5 Castellex. 20 T7 wounds sound crazy good.


Thallax would be good with lightning guns in some side armor as well. 

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Actually. Just realized mechanica and sworn brothers of Raven Guard. 


So you can just go RG with 5 Castellex. 20 T7 wounds sound crazy good.


Thallax would be good with lightning guns in some side armor as well. 


 Thallax perhaps but ICs can't join MCs.


can't you just take the master of the forge with cortex controller? 5 castellex for the decap-strike's 1 heavy might be good.


You can if you want some heavy hitters, but allying makes them scoring. It's a matter of preference. If you just need some Castellax to back up a list and not spent points you don't want on an HQ or if you want more as allies.

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Been thinking about Zone Mortalis and Mor Deythan. They would shine in it. Especially any missions with void warfare. Fatal Strike with 5+ rending on flamers and blasts from MLs(with pinning from void warfare), and both with shred? Sounds devastating.


I also just realized how deadly Nex is in ZM. His super infiltrate move that bypasses Augery Scanners and the like can put him in position to win the game turn one if you're fortunate enough.


Calling it now: "Raven Guard: Best Zone Mortalis Legion"

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The new Consul type, Legion Praevian, is amazing for Raven Guard. He not only forms a unit Castellax or Vorax that he joins, but also grants them Infiltrate and Fleet. Infiltrating Castellax!? Plus give him Cameleoline for stealth? That's brutal. Vorax might be worth it now too.


The other new Consul, Legion Delegatus, is a centurion that can take a RoW. You save points from taking a Praetor, can choose a Strategic Warlord Trait, and he has no limit on what gear he can take. Nifty if you don't want to take Maun.

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Where does the Praevian give fleet to the MC's? IIRC, it requires all models within the unit to have that rule to benefit (one of the few which do). However, Infilrate and stealth is fine. It also brings with it defensive grenades (Boarding Shield).


It's just a shame that the Cortex Designator doesn't effect shooting, or else a Preferred Enemy BS5 Darkfire Lance unit could be horrendously powerful.


Bear in mind it's a Support Officer however, so requires another HQ tax (which may not join the Praevian).

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It says under the RG section at the very bottom.


Having PF on a model affects shooting too. It's also apparent it for shooting since the Consul's shooting triggers it and it's when the automata "target" a unit.


Then I'll take Maun for a Decapitation Strike, it's a win-win.

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Where does the Praevian give fleet to the MC's? IIRC, it requires all models within the unit to have that rule to benefit (one of the few which do). However, Infilrate and stealth is fine. It also brings with it defensive grenades (Boarding Shield).


It's just a shame that the Cortex Designator doesn't effect shooting, or else a Preferred Enemy BS5 Darkfire Lance unit could be horrendously powerful.


Bear in mind it's a Support Officer however, so requires another HQ tax (which may not join the Praevian).

Actually I believe it does provide preferred enemy to the Castellax.


I took a closer look and it say: "when a model with the cortex designator makes a successful shooting attack against an enemy unit (whether or not it wounds), any automata in the unit gets favored [preferred, sic] enemy special rule WHEN TARGETING that enemy unit until the end of the controlling player's current turn."


Say hello to 2+ rerollable darkfire lances boys. Slap some terminator armor on the guy and put him at the front of the unit. Now you have majority toughness 7 and a 2+/4++ save.

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He won't have infiltrate if he's in termi armour, he'll have Furious Charge and can't infiltrate with them. Edit: He can't take termi armor anyway. That's sort-of fixed by AA and a refractor. I also wouldn't put him out front, Castellax draw S8+ shooting and I would rather keep him alive to grant PF to them(even with a 2+LoS/4++).

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As far as I can tell, just by finding pics from the event on the net, the new type is included with the profiles for the two new event-only characters. It has their profile and the details on how to take a generic one/


Did some more thinking: Take a Delegatus and Maun. Put Maun in a Proteus with Seekers or Destroyers. Choose the -1 to enemy reserve rolls and use the jam mode n the Augury for a total of -2 to enemy reserves. Or take forget the Proteus and choose Strategic Genius and take Decap Strike and start Maun on the table. Reroll to see who goes first and a rerollable 5+ Seize.


The Delegatus not only has a decent unique RoW he can take specially made for Zone Mortalis, but he gives us a cheaper way to take Decapitation Strike in ZM without wasting points on Mauns rules you won't use. Plus you can equip him with things like the Nanyte Blaster and throw him in with some Mor Deythan.

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The new Consul type, Legion Praevian, is amazing for Raven Guard. He not only forms a unit Castellax or Vorax that he joins, but also grants them Infiltrate and Fleet. Infiltrating Castellax!? Plus give him Cameleoline for stealth? That's brutal. Vorax might be worth it now too.


The other new Consul, Legion Delegatus, is a centurion that can take a RoW. You save points from taking a Praetor, can choose a Strategic Warlord Trait, and he has no limit on what gear he can take. Nifty if you don't want to take Maun.

Can you choose WL traits with a generic delegatus? I thought that was particular to Skorr.

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If you look at the Pictures posted of their rules in the Weekender Thread, there is a section that goes into detail about the consul type in and of itself.


Such as their cost and the rules they bring. The two exclusives are just Characters of both new Sub-Types in the way that Maun in a Uber-Preator version of the Master Of Signal, Sigismund is the Be-all-end-all for Legion Champions, etc. Except they're still consul-level and can thus be taken much more easily in lower points games; The Delegatus being the best example since he permits the taking of a RoW on a ~90 point model instead of investing 150+ into a preator.

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The new Consul type, Legion Praevian, is amazing for Raven Guard. He not only forms a unit Castellax or Vorax that he joins, but also grants them Infiltrate and Fleet. Infiltrating Castellax!? Plus give him Cameleoline for stealth? That's brutal. Vorax might be worth it now too.


The other new Consul, Legion Delegatus, is a centurion that can take a RoW. You save points from taking a Praetor, can choose a Strategic Warlord Trait, and he has no limit on what gear he can take. Nifty if you don't want to take Maun.

Can you choose WL traits with a generic delegatus? I thought that was particular to Skorr.



Ahh you're right, blurry picture and my excitement got the better of me. Still a solid sub-Praetor for smaller games.

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Another interesting thought about infiltrating ICs giving infiltrate to their squads. You now have infiltrating assault squads and dark fury. So you can hit turn 2 (or bottom of 1) instead of turn 3 or later. 


Makes the assault units pretty nasty. 

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Hmmm... Good point... doesn't really work with decapitating strike well then. Termies at least get to alpha strike with combi plasmas or something. Jumpers don't really have anything to do for awhile unless you give them a nanyte blaster or something. 

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Just realized that since the Automata from the Praevians unit have his Legiones Astartes(In our case Legiones Astartes: Raven Guard) rules that RoWs have can affect them too. The Designator already gives the automata PF of whatever he shoots, but with the RG RoW they keep the PF beyond the first round of combat or if the IC is ever alone. Food for thought.


I also looked at this compilation of whats in book 5. "Updated rules for all Characters". I wonder if they'll fix Corax so he isn't nerf'd so bad with new blind. He's still good, but blind and shadow walk were brutal before.

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