Aqui Posted May 1, 2014 Share Posted May 1, 2014 "What I did that day was for the Imperium. The destruction of another Chapter to help preserve the God-Emperor's realm was a simple equation. Their lives in exchange for keeping the filth of Chaos at bay. If I had another chance, I would not hesitate. Logic will always triumph. "The Ravens of Bahltimyr were Chimeric, their Founding cursed. Who am I to mourn their passing?"- Iron Lord Hubros on the events leading up to planet Ghiberti's destruction Not my usual taste in music (it is a cool song however, ), but it gets the point across Welcome to what I hope will be a complete reboot (haha!) of my oldest DIY Chapter. I originally conceived them about twenty five years ago, back when the idea of merely having 18(20) Primarchs was not fully established in 40k lore. The Steel Wings had a Primarch (Aquilanus - yes, it's rather conceited to have taken up the name, but I'm not ashamed in this case! ), who had literal steel wings. I kitbashed a mini for him (with wings from a Wood Elf Eagle), now long gone. Their colours were dark blue with black trim with a yellow skull and wings Most of the models for that army were RTB01's with metal Mark VII and Terminators etc. I had around 100 models in total for them, and I wish I hadn't sold them all, but at the time (19 years old and no one to play against as friends had moved on, both hobby and location wise) I had no further use for them. Oh well Any way. Fast forward to 2009 and my discovery of this site. I pondered on starting a Blood Angel force, Imperial Fists amongst others, but I then stumbled upon the Liber, and the bampots within changed my hobby life forever The left picture is the previous incarnation, the one on the right is the new one. The pauldron and knee trim on the new version denotes Company affiliation. I also swapped the eye and eagle colours over. The left pauldron trim colour denotes which Company the Marine belongs to. Chapter badge: I have tried painting the symbol freehand, but my hands aren't steady enough. If I knew how to use GIMP better I'd make a decal sheet of it in varying sizes, but for now, I'll have to accept my limitations. When I start a new army, I always start with the main HQ, in this case Iron Lord Hubros, of the Second Clan (Company). Reputed to succeed the current Steel Liege, his demeanour is one of cold logic. The top picture shows the old mini, the one below, the new. The new version is waiting for a bionic leg from the FW Character upgrade set, the Space Wolf riding legs shown are just to give a vague idea of how he'll look. The jump pack is to tie Hubros in with the fluff for the Chapter. The servitor skull(s) will denote the presence of an Iron Halo. Petracco, their homeworld is a former Mechanicus world, abandoned after millennia because the Mechanicus had plundered every resource it had. The natives were left to fend for themselves, the pollution created from centuries of mining made the various settlements isolated high above the clouds of toxins. Over time, the populations created crude flying machines to defend themselves from other settlements and vast flying creatures that eventually provided them with an untapped food source. They also took to exploring their ruined world for the one piece of hope left to them. Unpolluted lands. Mythic lands far away, free of dirty air, free of suspicious neighbours. It is a lie. One perpetuated to a greater extent to prevent the massively overcrowded populations from rioting. It is a lie that even those who know the truth cling to, otherwise, what else is there? Eventually, every native of Petracco can fly with great skill. It is a necessity to survive. The Chapter favours assaults using flying vehicles in part because of their heritage. That is not to say that they can not or will not use whatever means is necessary to win a battle. Like their parent Chapter, they show little regard for those who are weak, and indeed are suspicious of most the Imperium at large, in no small part due to the way the Mechanicus treated their home world. That does not stop them from keeping close ties to the Scions of Mars. After all, it is a favourite saying on Petracco that translates roughly as "Keep your enemies close." Hopefully, the FW parts will arrive by the end of the week, or Monday at latest, so I can do a dry run at assembling him. Hopefully I haven't rambled too much Thanks for looking! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BassWave Posted May 1, 2014 Share Posted May 1, 2014 Yay! Steel wings are back! :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aqui Posted May 1, 2014 Author Share Posted May 1, 2014 Yay! Steel wings are back! I took a long hard look at my older models and whilst they aren't terrible, my painting has come a long way since I did them It didn't help that I'd more or less ignored the fluff I'd come up for them (Renaissance style setting, with loads of steampunk-eque imagery, deep mistrust of others), and of course Bionics, or lack of them Not much point in having an Iron Hands successor if they can't be distinguished as such! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BassWave Posted May 1, 2014 Share Posted May 1, 2014 Well I'm glad you've come back to these guys. I've always really liked the fluff you came up with for them :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted May 4, 2014 Share Posted May 4, 2014 Ah, it's good to see the Steel Wings rise again. The new colours look pretty darn good! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Argent Posted May 4, 2014 Share Posted May 4, 2014 I must say, however, that that first version of Hubros just screams bad- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted May 4, 2014 Share Posted May 4, 2014 Looking forward to seeing the revamp .So I would assume a Story coming soon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aqui Posted May 4, 2014 Author Share Posted May 4, 2014 Ah, it's good to see the Steel Wings rise again. The new colours look pretty darn good! Thanks! I did consider leaving the colours as they were, but I can paint a better blue than red for some reason I must say, however, that that first version of Hubros just screams bad- I do like the pose of the original, but in retrospect, he isn't "Iron Handsy" enough - i.e. not enough bionics. The new one will have the replacement eye, left arm and left leg. The existing Steel Wings will get recycled somehow, but as they are glued together with plastic cement rather than superglue, they are "locked in" their load outs and poses. Oh well. Looking forward to seeing the revamp .So I would assume a Story coming soon I've been busy with various things, and like "And we all fall down", the story "Rayvens feather, Reavers dagger" kinda hit a dead end/brick wall. I will get a story out for them at some point, but I really need to establish their background far more. Because I kept adding and taking stuff away, the story didn't have much consistency. Soon, I promise (along with the others) I had forgotten that it's bank holiday in the UK tomorrow, so the earliest Hubros' legs will arrive will be Tuesday now. I've been looking into the Amber Dragons lately as well as they're the only DIY Chapter/Warband/Order that doesn't have at least one mini painted for. I need to remedy that... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aqui Posted May 8, 2014 Author Share Posted May 8, 2014 Well, the Character upgrade set has arrived! A very nice kit. Five bolt pistols, one plasma pistol, a heavily augmented head, a power sword, a powerfist, combat knife, augmetic leg, three augmetic arms, and a flamer combi weapon I want a lot of the legs and arms for the Steel Wings, but I'd prefer not to have to buy lots of this kit. I've considered the Iron Hands upgrade set, which would tie in nicely. However, I do have a magic mold kit that I haven't tried out yet, so I will eventually get around to trying it out on a few bitz that I can live without if they get damaged. I'm currently pondering on his base. I'm rather lazy when it comes to them, despite the fact that I got the GW desert basing kit some time ago. I'd prefer to make a special effort on his, but in such a way that whatever I give him ties in with more "generic" bases for the rest of the army. Current thinking is leaning towards an industrial/steampunk-y theme (gears, wires etc), but I'm not fixed on it yet. I have this weekend off, and besides getting some of my Chaos ETL vow done, some writing (okay, Deathspectre? ) I want to get him assembled at the least! After ordering twice from FW, I'm impressed enough (despite the miscast Conversion Beamer for my Rainbow Warriors Contemptor Dread, which was rectified in short order ) to want more. A lot more. I've been eyeing the FW Mark VI kit. As many know, I love Beakies! And their "old school" missile launchers will do just the job for the Tactical squads I want However, that is something I need to calculate the cost of... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted May 9, 2014 Share Posted May 9, 2014 That is a good kit be careful with the sword. Anvil Industry has bionic legs and arms at a good price. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aqui Posted May 10, 2014 Author Share Posted May 10, 2014 That is a good kit be careful with the sword. Anvil Industry has bionic legs and arms at a good price.I've seen the Anvil Industry legs, and quite like them but as I'd be playing games in the local GW, I'd prefer to use bitz that wouldn't potentially cause a fuss And so it is that I assembled him. I decided to use the same pose as the last version. I would have like it to be a little more dynamic seeing as he has a jump pack, but as the leg parts are static, thus so is the pose. I really love the left shoulder guard, so much so that I might just adopt it as the offical Chapter symbol (Steel Wings - check. Skull that ties in their tenuous links with the Adeptus Mechanicus - Check) It also harkens back to the original symbol, except it won't be a yellow and black blob this time! I'm looking forward to painting him, but I've decided to leave that until I get a few other hobby related things done first. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted May 10, 2014 Share Posted May 10, 2014 raise a fuss raise a fuss raise a fuss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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