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The Triumvirate. Death Guard with Khorne allies

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Hi everyone, back again from another break. My last project was http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/245316-my-badab-war-stuff-crimson-fists-reboot/ But now I'm tackling The Death Guard.

Little background. I haven't got much tongue.png

Morbidus and his Plague marine followers.
Kain, the Khorne warlord, with his Berzerkers and Bloodpact followers.
And Pestilis, the black death (Typhus ) and his army of abominations. Plague rats (zombies), Spawn and the daemon engines.
All three command their respective forces and often fight together for their own goals. The pact was created by Morbidus and Kain when they realized they could use each others strengths to fill the weaknesses in their own armies.
Pestilis: The Black Death.
Morbidus: Death Guard chaos lord.
Death Guard Terminators.
These guys still need a lot of work.
Plague Marine squad 1.
Plague Marine Squad 2.
These guys also still need some greenstuffing.
Death Guard Dreadnought;
Berzerker lord Kain:
His Berzerker Squad:
Still have a few left to build.
Berzerker Rhino:
I added a small diorama to the inside.
And full army shots so far:
Sorry about the image quality, I'm using my phone.
Oh and here is the colour scheme biggrin.png
This army follows the theme rules for the old, old codex. So no Nurgle bikes, raptors or Warptalons, I can only use them if they're Khornate troops. Also because the army is Nurgle/Khorne I won't be including any Tzeench or Slaanesh units due to the old hatred rule.
I'm having trouble working out what to use for regular CSM troops, I'm thinking or having the Purge or Iron Warriors.
Thanks for looking smile.png

Thanks Darth Mustard and Forte!


I finished painting my Plague Lord and wrote a small backstory for him, it also explains the scabby looking orange areas of the bases.


Plague Lord Morbidus. 
When the Death Guard fell to Nurgle’s corruption, Morbidus embraced his new found God. Eagerly accepting the rot and other gifts bestowed by Father Nurgle. Although still a regular marine in stature his looks bely a more sinister truth, his strength was proven when he bested an Emperor’s Champion in single combat. Tearing the champion’s sword from his lifeless fingers to take as his prize. Since then the sword has been blessed by Father Nurgle to carry all manner of diseases, one strike able to bring down the toughest foes and cause them to rot in mere seconds.
He has since rallied other warbands to his cause, including the Berzerker Lord Kain and his Berzerkers and Bloodpact. And a small force of the Purge.
Morbidus leads his Death Guard on a crusade to rot the Imperium and infect it’s citizens with every imaginable plague possible. He has taken a liking to chemical warfare, bombarding planets with seeding bombs, when the bomb reaches a low altitude it explodes. Releasing it’s payload of encroaching rust. One drop able to spread like wildfire and infect the ground, the resulting scab like growth across a planets ground rots and rusts anything that it touches.
- Bam.

Thanks Firestorm40k :D


I've decided that The Purge will provide regular CSM for the army since every Death Guard will be either a plague marine or terminator.


During the siege of Medusa V before the planets fall, Morbidus and his Death Guard were fighting alongside a company of The Purge chaos marines. Their rampant use of chemical weapons pleased him, so when their Lord fell in battle against the defending forces of a hive city he assimilated the remaining Purge troops into his force, using them as fodder to ensure his Plague marines survivability in battle. Since his original company has been dwindled down to a core of Veterans from the millenia of war against the Imperium, assimilating other smaller warbands and creating alliances has kept his forces strong enough to continue his crusade.


The Purge troops will be fairly mutation and gift free to represent their preference of chemicals. Aspiring champions may have mutations here and there but most will be built to look as uncorrupted as possible, and convert to give them more of a tactical marine look.

Thanks Forte, Might I say the same for you! I had a look at your EC's and they are beautiful.



I ended up adding some chains to a Berzerker and their transport.






And I finally got around to getting some Guitar wire as a new musical instrument store opened up in town, luckily the owner had just finished cutting some old strings from a guitar so I scored them for free!


Thank you Noctus Cornix.


I dropped the Purge in the end and went with Iron Warriors as the third part of the Triumvirate, here's the test model. I'll need to get better pictures of him in the sun as my light reflecting the metallics way too much.




Edit: Wow that I've seens the pics blown up on the computer, there are a lot of mistakes.


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