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Night Lords 33rd Company - The Mongrels of the Eight


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I find the lack of kneepad kinda cool since Night Lords have been more or less forced to scavenge to survive (or at least Talos and his lot have).


Not too sure how come I haven't commented here before. You've got some quality kitbashing going on here with decent paint jobs to boot :tu:

Cheers fellas! Thanks for the kind words.



Looking good, but the right kneepad seems to be missig.


Well, there is an explanation for that... :wink:


I find the lack of kneepad kinda cool since Night Lords have been more or less forced to scavenge to survive (or at least Talos and his lot have).


Not too sure how come I haven't commented here before. You've got some quality kitbashing going on here with decent paint jobs to boot :thumbsup:


Kitbashing is the way to go for CSM, a warband consisting of just the ordinary kit would be quite restricting and very boring, my guys scavange gear here and there as things wear out (just as you say). :smile.:


He is looking Badass!!!!! MrB. Who needs Knee pads!!!!:tongue.:


Even badasses can use two kneepads though :tongue.:


Truth be told, he's going to have two kneepads. Even though the idea of him missing one due to lack of resources isn't a bad one the 33rd are in a better situation than Talos and the 10th were. They are far from the biggest or 'richest' warband out there but since Captain Justinian isn't in the market of doing crazy stunts just to impress the Warmaster they aren't as 'run-down', he is in fact trying to increase their strength even though it's a slow process. He's been Captain of the 33rd for a very long time and isn't going to waste them for something as fickle as the approval of other warlords, especially as they're in a 'winning streak' at the moment. They might have run into some minor 'trouble' at the moment but he's sure that they will overcome that without any major problems. :cool.:


Biggest reason for not having the kneepad is a narrative one, I'm doing something slightly different with it and doesn't want to spoil it until I'm ready for the final update with background and everything. :smile.:


Work continues on him though, pretty bad light conditions combined with my ineptitude with a camera pretty much assures it's not the best of photos but here goes anyway:




I'm not very good at free-handing either but I will try to make it look a little tidier...

Yes looking very good. I would advocate the use of micron pens. They make freehanding letters so much easier, either tat or use a mechanical pencil, dip the tip in pain and use it to literally write on your text.


I look forward to seeing the final update the dreadnought is shaping up rather nicely. :thumbsup:

Yes looking very good. I would advocate the use of micron pens. They make freehanding letters so much easier, either tat or use a mechanical pencil, dip the tip in pain and use it to literally write on your text.


I look forward to seeing the final update the dreadnought is shaping up rather nicely. :thumbsup:


Great tip there mate! We don't have such 'fancy schmancy' writing tools here in the boondocks but I will be going to the nearest city in 4 or 5 days so I'll be keeping my eyes open. Don't expect very readable writing though, I generally have to 'translate' whatever comments I have written whenever I hand back an assignment to my students. :tongue.:


Work continues on the big guy despite the lack of micron pens, I've tacked him together again to see how posing him will work with trophies and such.




I've also given him some 'wear and tear' so that he doesn't look pristine. I've kept it quite minor though as I figure that as he's a 'Legion relic' he's going to be first in the queue for maintenance after battles. What's left to do? Well, the other bunch of trophies, some lightning bolts,  the base + some mud on his feet and lower legs, minor touch ups and then finishing his background. Having him fully finished at the beginning of next week is starting to sound more and more realistic. :smile.:


C&C always welcome of course.

Nothing new to report regarding the Contemptor, barely done anything with it since last time. Partly because of Christmas, celebrated on the 24th here in Sweden (as is proper :tongue.: ), and partly because tradition pretty much dictates that we go out and drink plenty of alcohol on the 25th. While the hangover was largly absent today I haven't had the energy to do anything about the big guy. I did get another idea though...


As Captain Justinian have made the Inquisition notice him and earned the status of a 'priority target' it would be be interesting to let Inquisitor Kalyne Goyle enter the stage sometime. It would be quite a while from now as I already have other things planned but I rummaged through my bits and tacked together what could be a member of the Inquisitor's retinue:




Should work quite well for the Ordo Hereticus don't you think? 



If the kneepad surprise will be that it reads XLVII I will come to your house and flay you myself. :wink:


Wouldn't that have been a surprise? :tongue.: You don't have to worry though mate, I've planned something else entirely...




If the kneepad surprise will be that it reads XLVII I will come to your house and flay you myself. ;)


Wouldn't that have been a surprise? :P You don't have to worry though mate, I've planned something else entirely...
Good. I don't like surprises.


The henchman looks great, but, but... Contemptor? Hangovers are no excuse. :p


Good. I don't like surprises.


The henchman looks great, but, but... Contemptor? Hangovers are no excuse. :tongue.:



Ah, well... I've run late as always. I've got a better excuse than normally though, I did develop an 'internal stye' which made painting a bit less practical as it blurred my vision a bit and was generally uncomfortable. Back on track again though so it shouldn't take too long to finish. :smile.:


There was a hangover or two to take into account aswell to be totally honest but as I'm the designated driver at New Year's Eve that won't affect the Contemptor any more. :tongue.:



The dreadnought looks very good. 



Thanks brother! It will hopefully won't take long to finish now.

A few days later than I had first estimated but managing to get things done in the same week is good enough when it comes me. So here goes:






”The mood onboard the ship was more subdued than usual. While laughter was always rare aboard the Darkest Hour it had never been forbidden, but the darkness of the halls and corridors seemed to enter the minds of the mortals and subdue most bursts of happiness. Though in recent days the rumours about how the war on the surface was going had seemed to make things look darker still. Everyone onboard knew that by serving masters that the Imperium had branded as traitors they had damned themselves, and as their souls therefore were already forfeit anything that seemed to make things harder for the Astartes was ill news for them aswell. Added to that was the whispered fear that frivolous behaviour would somehow disturb their masters, a rumor that made many of the Astartes grin for different reasons. Most simply didn't not care though, with a war to fight they had other things on their minds.


The Primus Pilus were among those not smiling behind their helmets as they walked through the corridors, moving deeper and deeper into the ship. There were three reasons for this, first but not least was the fact that the Black Legion had lured them into what was growing more and more into a full-scale war instead of their usual raids. As such they needed weapons seldom used, which was why they followed Condeon as a honour guard into the least visited parts of the ship, his presence being the second reason not to smile. The third one... A source of shame, a reminder of history and mortality, of lost ideals and of madness. Waking him might be necessary but they could feel no joy over having to do the act.




”The mind of a dead man was on drift between the world of dreams and that of those awake. He was vaguely aware of the rites that were conducted in order to wake him but for the moment he choose to ignore them. He had never wished for this existence and felt no rush to awake. Sleep was a bliss, an escape from coherrent thoughts and memories, almost like being an innocent child again. He'd had a name once but most of the time he did not remember it, in this state his memories were almost as shattered as his body and often things eluded him when he tried to recall them. There were fragments haunting his dreams, sometimes clearly of the past but at times he could almost swear that they showed him the future. Just like the father I never met, he thought. But the thought itself confused him, he HAD met his father. The memory was faint but he dimly recalled a man with a grizzled face smiling as he held him in his arms. How could he remember this if they had never met eachother?


Other memories were connected to his childhood aswell, he remembered himself as a young boy standing on the battlements of his home as the forces of the city marched out to battle an upstart warlord. It was a bitter memory as he knew that it would eventuelly lead to Albia's surrender to the 'Emperor'. That he could remember these things was a sign that his sleep was nearing an end, it was like his mind when left alone sought refuge in his childhood and only acknowledged the rest of his life when it had to.


He started to remember other things aswell, the great physical pain as he was made into more, and less, than a mortal man. The battles he had fought in, bled in and finally fallen in. Especially the latter was among the clearer pictures of his frayed memories, fighting across an alien world and grinding it's reptilian inhabitants into the ground, ensuring that the world would belong to man, only for him to be laid low just as the last resistance was being destroyed. For him to remember this meant that whatever his brothers were doing to wake him was on the verge of being succesful.


Brothers? Most of them had not been even born when he had stood among the living. Few even remembered his name and fewer still cared to speak to him when he was awakened. Talaxin who had endured wounds almost as grave as his own would come to his hold, and Justinian who had been his closest comrade when they were both young and still had held hope of honor in their minds. The others? Only those rare times when the tattered remnants of brotherhood haunted them did the oldest of them come, those he had not seen with his own eyes never did.


He heard the youngsters whisper and joke among themselves upon the battlefields though, in that tounge that was as dead as him. That brotherhood, their comraderie and rivalries was denied to him. He could break armies with his weapon and bathe in the blood of slain enemies but win no more acceptence than before, being treated just like some piece of battle-automata. Though unlike those he was kept at safe distance in case the madness overtook him. But even if they kept him at arms length and more when awake, they had used his sleep to turn his walking tomb into a memorial to their long gone world, despite him never setting his feet upon it. In his more lucid moments he didn't know whether he should laugh or cry because of this, even though both were denied him as his shattered corpse lacked eyes for crying and the cables down his throat choked the voice he had once had.


It was seen as an unspoken truth that an Astartes did not know any fear, though like so many other 'truths' in the galaxy it was a lie. While it was true that those that had been made into more than ordinary men had minds as enduring as adamantium, it was less known that there were things that could break even them. Unlike the thin-blood Chapters that saw the interment into the sarcophagus as almost a kind of ascension, he had no faith to console him. So he met his limits whenever the walls of his tomb felt like they were getting closer and closer or when his mind dwelt to long on the fact that he was forever drowning yet still kept alive by the arcance fluids filling his tortured lungs. At those times fear would overcome him, all rational thought fleeing his brain as he tried to break out of his prison. That was why he was so often kept in stasis as the movements of his corpse-like body would make his metal-form destroy or kill anything that was around him. If the others were aware of when such feelings were creeping upon him he could find himself cut of in the middle of a scream as they would use a stasis field to stop him in his tracks. Such a sensation tended to bring his mind back under his control when released again but there were times when such tactics could not be used.


His 'hands' were red because of this, another tradition adopted from dead Nostramo while he slept. It was something he had earned himself in contrast to the runes and trophies that they had fastened upon him though. The Company had been clashing with some spawns of Lorgar on some forsaken world within the Maelstorm when madness had struck him and he had become lost to the preseent. 'Fourth Claw' had been falling back from an enemy counter attack, but in his mind he had seen the sons of the Raven-Lord upon Istvaan V and attacked them with all his fury. They had been torn to bloody pieces before he proceeded to destroy an entire flank of their enemies and finally calmed down. Justinian had told him that only the fact that he had won the battle for them had made the others accept the decision not terminate him as a danger to all, the crimson markings were something they would not bulge from though.


He wished for death whenever he was awake and coherent, but bitter pride kept him from simply throwing this joke of a life away. If he was to fall a second time it would have to be to a worthy enemy, otherwise he would have to console himself to the deep sleep between battles.


The ritual of awakening was nearing it's completion and he could hardly resist it any longer, however much he would like to. His memories were starting to fall into place and he could find refuge in sleep no longer. With a mental sigh he gave in to the wishes of his brothers.  Augustus Dallo, born of Albia, once Sergeant of the Primus Pilus, XXXIIIrd Company, VIIIth Legion woke to go into battle alongside the rest of the Company once more.”















So here he is at last, the 'surprise' with the kneepad being that it has the same symbol he wore in life. You see, when the Crusade era background on 'Sgt. Augustus Dallo' a.k.a. 'Haelim Lev/ The Death Spectre' mentioned conflicting statements regarding whether he fell in battle or not they were both right. He did fall but was put into a Contemptor instead and continued to fight with the Company.


Needless to say that his mind is a bit... 'deteriorated' by now so he's pretty much only awoken when the Captain needs the extra muscle, it's a bit too risky to have him running around all the time you see. 


What's next? Well, I do like regular marines so I'll start to build a new squad. Might be some pictures of that in a day or two...


Any C&C on the 'big guy' above is always welcome of course. :smile.:

I was enjoying reading your fluff, then I got to the last paragraph. It really made me smile. Thanks man.


The painting is great, I agree with the others that the base is looking awesome, but you might want to tidy up around the rim a little? Just a thought. Your freehand's looking pretty good too.


So what have you got planned hobby-wise for the new year MrBear?



Reply and minor update time:


Oh he looks good, also really like the base!


Thanks man! I was a little bit worried about how I would manage the base (never been a strong side) but it ended up feeling neither empty nor cluttered so I'm pleased myself. :smile.:


You did a great job on him. Thumbs up on the fluff also.


Glad you liked the continued cameo mate.:biggrin.:


I was enjoying reading your fluff, then I got to the last paragraph. It really made me smile. Thanks man.


The painting is great, I agree with the others that the base is looking awesome, but you might want to tidy up around the rim a little? Just a thought. Your freehand's looking pretty good too.


So what have you got planned hobby-wise for the new year MrBear?




You're quite welcome mate! I felt like giving a couple of the people who've been active in the thread a cameo (there will be future ones aswell) so I came up with this idea. There's a Great Crusade era version of the Sergeant a page or two back aswell in case you missed it the first time. :smile.:


The base has been given some more attention, I hadn't noticed the thing with the rim until I saw the photo on my computer. 



It's not so many things planned at the moment, at least not planned in the 'set in stone' sense of things. Another group of 'ordinary' Night Lords to begin with and perhaps some Raptors following them. Then there's the BaC-set I've bought but I can't swear an oath on what's coming after the next Claw, and as I'm speaking about them...




Yes looking very good. I would advocate the use of micron pens. They make freehanding letters so much easier, either tat or use a mechanical pencil, dip the tip in pain and use it to literally write on your text.

Why have i never heard of this! Time to get out from under this rock!


Nice work MrBear. Your NL are impressive.

I was enjoying reading your fluff, then I got to the last paragraph. It really made me smile. Thanks man.

You and me both, brother ;)


Great fluff and painted stuff as always, MrBear! I particularly like the bloody skulls - just enough blood to make them gruesome, without going ott. Great base too, btw. AS you know I'm a big fan of contemptors, so I'm very honoured my name graces this beauty. Cheers!


Cool looking cquad there, too! Glad to see you in the zone!

Replies first, progress second:


They look Badass . You should see the Brace on my foot and then look at the Dreads.:ohmy.: mirror mirror.


Glad you like them mate, regarding the brace and dread... Sometimes art imitates life without knowing it. :wink:



Yes looking very good. I would advocate the use of micron pens. They make freehanding letters so much easier, either tat or use a mechanical pencil, dip the tip in pain and use it to literally write on your text.

Why have i never heard of this! Time to get out from under this rock!


Nice work MrBear. Your NL are impressive.



Thanks man, always nice to hear. :smile.:



I was enjoying reading your fluff, then I got to the last paragraph. It really made me smile. Thanks man.

You and me both, brother :wink:


Great fluff and painted stuff as always, MrBear! I particularly like the bloody skulls - just enough blood to make them gruesome, without going ott. Great base too, btw. AS you know I'm a big fan of contemptors, so I'm very honoured my name graces this beauty. Cheers!


Cool looking cquad there, too! Glad to see you in the zone!



Some parts of the skulls turned out to be a little bit glossier than I like to be honest (doesn't really show in the pictures) but I'll get me some matte varnish and eliminate that, other than that I'm quite pleased with them myself. Regarding the cameo... I actually planned the 'historical piece' and the Contemptor at the same time and was going to wait for both being finished before posting them, the 'Kantor Blue-burnout' after the Rhino made me do the marine first though. 


I'm kind of in the 'no students and no work'-zone atm, makes it easier to get hobby stuff done. :wink:  Next semester starts in a couple of days though...




Not that much progress to be honest, but at least these guys have now taken their first steps towards standing in midnight clad. 

It's always nice when someone renders you in resin/plastic/metal (or even finecast). I'm glad to see that Rambo is progressing nicely. 


Keep up the good work.




Thanks mate, work will soon slow things down a bit again I'm afraid... Got some minor things done today though:




Very rough still, moving in the right direction though.



I've also started with some basic ideas for the next guys in the Claw




Two beakies in the same squad might be one to many but I'll try some filing and gs-work on that Blood Angel drop one of these days, it might make those two look more distinct... 


Work has begun again and both I and the students have survived the first day of the semester. When it comes to hobby time things have slowed down a bit but there is some more progress:




Fairly bad light (as is normal here this time of year) so not the most representative picture but the bronze is pretty much done by now. Moving on to the other metal parts and then the other details next before trying to tidy things up a bit. 


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