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Night Lords 33rd Company - The Mongrels of the Eight


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Extremely minor progress at the moment as I'm in the middle of a rather nasty cold, maybe because winter is finally here (- 27 degrees during the weekend) but most likely because the students at my school act like proper disciples of Nurgle and spreads viruses all around them...


No pictures then as I haven't got the energy trying to take decent pictures of what little I have done. I thought I'd do a couple of replies though.



I love the poses you've created. Mean looking and arrogant. Nice work Mr Bear!


Thanks man! Glad you liked them, they are supposed to be a bunch of mean and arrogant bastards. It will hopefully show in their fluff when I get to that.


Is that... first claw? :biggrin.: I'm asking because I can see them in the poses, helmets, and weaponry.... :thumbsup:


Also: where's the body of the second guy from the left from?


Nah mate, just a 'regular' Claw. I can see what you mean now when you mention it though, there is something a bit First Claw-ish about them. I didn't have those guys in mind but I guess I'm such a fan of the trilogy that it has to show in the models sooner or later. :biggrin.:


I don't think I'll do the First Claw as I'd probably just mess them up, to do them proper justice I'd have to become quite a bit better at using gs for example. I know... 'never say never' but it's at least very unlikely at the moment. I'd have to improve a lot in order to stand up to your representation.:tongue.:



Second guy, a.k.a. 'Sgt. I-keep-changing-his-name-in-my-head-all-the-darn-time' has the chest of a Blood Angel Death Company, the legs of a Havocs Aspiring Champion, a bionic arm from a FW character conversion kit and the other arm from their Mk. IV weapon kit. This guy is all resin beside from the chest and head.

Still battling the plague daemons but they seem to be in retreat as I had enough energy to get at least some painting done, I didn't feel like being logical and doing something that would push all four guys closer to being finished though so instead I did some work on just 'Gordon Rambo'




Some minor touch ups to do on it, not much though as I have to say that I'm pretty pleased with it as it is. Hopefully the cold will be gone soon so that I can get a proper shot at finishing these guys. :unsure.:

  • 4 weeks later...

I know I've said it before but 'time flies'... Let me tell you that it's not a good idea for a teacher to get sick for a week when a new semester starts, the backlog at work tends to take a while to correct. The first four guys of 'Fourth Claw' are finished though so it's time for an update:






”A drizzling rain fell over the ruined city, adding even more misery for the mortals trying to survive in it. It didn't really matter for Glotka crouching in his armour, in a partly collapsed hab-unit. It was made to shield him even from vacum and mere rain was something he normally barely registered, this time it suited his mood though. How fitting, he thought. Miserable weather for a miserable campaign on a miserable world. He knew that his brothers would have muttered that he was a miserable bastard himself if they could have heard his thoughts and that almost made him smile, he couldn't deny that he had a gloomy personality after all. This time the joke was on them though as the whole company was getting a bigger fight than most had envisioned.

He couldn't claim any particular closeness with the Captain so he didn't know if the rumours were true, that they were doing a 'favour' for the Black Legion and that they had been played for fools. What he did know was that fighting was heavier than they had first been led to belive as the uprising they were supposed to aid was weaker than expected and PDF stronger as preperations for the founding of a Guard Regiment was being prepared.


Still, the Captain was no fool and if he had been duped it would be the first time that Glotka knew about. Hathsin and his cronies in Second Claw were trying to spin it that way though, just as First Claw were backing Justinian. Not that he really cared, as getting off this world with what remained of his body in one piece was his main priority, the way he saw it the Terrans and Nostramans could cut eachother to pieces if they liked. If he had to make a guess though he'd say that the Captain had an agenda of his own, something unknown to the rest of them. Not that such a fact would make him any happier, it was only luck that they hadn't suffered any losses so far. One mortal with a lasgun might be a laughing matter, but back him up with thousand of others, some tanks and heavy weapons and that laughter would die as the Astartes making it would be turned into little pieces.

The fighting had been so heavy that the Captain had awoken that mad bastard Dallo from his sleep. The thought made him want to spit, that thing had cost him an arm, a foot and half a leg when it went crazy and compared with the rest of old Fourth Claw he could consider himself lucky as he was still breathing, being given command over a bunch of 'younglings' as they rebuilt the Claw was small conselation. Jezal and the rest would be howling with laughter at the mere thought of 'Old Sourface' in command of a Claw, he thought.

He couldn't deny that rank didn't come with it's privileges though, it had given him the opportunity to tell Captain Justinian that if he deployed the madman anywhere near Fourth Claw he could expect either a destroyed Dreadnought or a dead Glotka. The Captain had seemed as unsurprised over the statement as if Glotka had just told him that the False Emperor still sat upon his throne, he had just nodded and said that he had made arrangements so that such a situation wouldn't arise.


There was also the fact that the 'younglings' had reminded him of something he hadn't realised he was missing with the old Claw, the sense of being part of a military unit again instead of a pack of predators. These new brothers might wear the same haphazard suits of armour as the rest of the Company but they didn't carry the legacy of Nostramo upon their shoulders or in their veins. Camon had done his best to mould them in the image of the 'Old Legion' instead, cold and efficient killers without an ounce of mercy. While the result might be sligthy flawed compared to the intention they did remind Glotka of his own induction into the Legion, in the time just prior to the discovery of the Night Haunter. They have proved adept at the type of raiding the Company usually conducted but even though this was their first 'proper' campaign they had lived up to his expectations. That was the reason why he'd decided to split them up for two simultaneous ambushes.

They had sent their cultist 'friends' forward in an attack, knowing that they would break and flee. The hope was that the PDF would take the bait and follow their fleeing enemies right to where Glotka wanted them. While the nearly collapsed hab-unit wasn't the perfect spot for an ambush, with so many open spaces and lines of retreat around it, it would make the mortals less suspicious and they'd be dead before they knew it.


He had chosen to take just three brothers with him, but heavily armed ones as the position 'his' cultists had attacked was defended by mechanised platoons. He had Drephos with his heavy bolter, Yilling with a melta gun and added Malacus for his marksmanship.

It would have been fitting if they carried the gene-seed of his fallen brothers but there was no way for him to know, it did not matter as Fourth Claw was becoming known as 'the Reborn' either way.

It was lucky for the 'younglings' that Dallo had done his rampage at the time he did though, so that they could build their own bonds of brotherhood together from the beginning instead of being the odd one out in an existing squad. Throne in flames, he thought. Most of them would fit into one of the other Claws as well as a square peg in a round hole.

Drephos for example, the 'boy' was arrogant enough to make the IIIrd seem humble and almost good enough with his heavy bolter to justify it. Cold as ice most of the time aswell but a terrible rage hid behind the calm surface, he had the greatest turnover of slaves that Glotka had heard about. He demanded perfection from them and anything less could easily prove fatal for the unlucky mortals. To be fair, he set the same standards for himself and would probably go far, at least if he started to wear his helmet. It would not only shield him from enemies but from his brothers aswell, there were times when Glotka himself wanted to put a bolter round through that contemptuous sneer and the others probably felt the same.


Yilling was almost the opposite of Drephos, which would have created problems in it's own ways. He was bright-faced, always wore a big grin on his face and nothing was sacred to him or his wicked sense of humour. While a certain sense of morbidity wasn't unkown to the Legion as a whole, he often went beyond what most brothers would have seen as proper and would have been a constant source of friction for any established Claw. Besides, there was something about the way that 'Bright' Yilling smiled that made even the most depraved Nostraman cautious around him. In addition, a melta-gun was an indiction in itself of a willingness of fighting up-close and the brutal sword he carried only confirmed it. The fact that he had been found trying to hide, curled up in the stomach of a grox he'd slaughtered himself when they had raided his homeworld told the rest of the Company that he was to be watched. A sharp mind and a sharp knife could be as dangerous to a 'friend' as to the enemy.


Malacus on the other hand was just 'strange' when compared with most others. Reserved and melancholic, with a haunted look in his eyes and rarely speaking. He was always meticulous in his duties, to the point that he avoided most social interaction with the rest of the Claw. Instead he spent most of his time either training or in his cell playing the music of his homeworld on a giant harp. A master marksman though but hardly someone that would have fitted among the other Claws.

All in all they were a strange bunch but they followed Glotka's orders perfectly, he just had to hope that they would grow into 'proper brothers' over time. He snapped out of his musings as Malacus' sad voice was heard over their vox-net:

”I hear our fleeing allies Brother-Sergeant, and the sound of engines following them aswell. Our enemies are nearing.”

”Acknowledged.” he said as he activated his thunder hammer. ”They've had their fun with our rebel 'friends', it's our time to return the favour now.”



First out is Malacus and Glotka:











Then it's time for Yilling and Drephos:











*Insert my usual rant about not being very pleased with most of the pictures*  :tongue.:


I've discovered some minor imperfections that I've corrected but I couldn't quite find the energy to try to take new photos so these ones will have to do, some wip-pictures of the next guys might be arranged if I get the time in the next couple of days though.


Oh, and C&C is always welcome of course. :smile.:


Good health to you, buddy.


'Gordon Rambo'? What does he do? Blow you up with an explosive arrow when you store your food unhygienically? :tongue.:


Thanks mate.


Well he just might... :wink: 

To be honest there was this discussion where some thought that he looked like Rambo and some thought that he looked like Gordon Ramsay so his 'working title' was Gordon Rambo/John Ramsay :tongue.:

Just read this through from the start (I'm new on here) and seriously impressed with what ive seen, every model has its own character to it, something I hope to be able to do with my own Night Lords project.


Looking forward to more updates

Another excellent post MrBear. Keep up the good work.




Glad you liked it mate, even in the face of Glotka's feelings about former Sergeant Dallo.  :tongue.:


Just read this through from the start (I'm new on here) and seriously impressed with what ive seen, every model has its own character to it, something I hope to be able to do with my own Night Lords project.


Looking forward to more updates


Thanks man! And welcome to both the forum and the Night Lords! If you haven't already checked it out we of the VIIIth legion have our own topic in the Chaos subsection, the activity there lapses from time to time but it's an excellent place to discuss things with some swell guys and gals and to find inspiration. It's the place where I found much of the inspiration for when I started out. 


It would be interesting to see your take on the Night Lords so post some pictures and/or a link to your project there when you start it.  :smile.:


Updates here tend to be a bit erratic, depending on how much hobby time my work allows, but here is a w.i.p.-picture of the next couple of guys



A somewhat hectic period at work this last week combined with a minor cold is certainly not good for getting much done hobby wise. Minor progress have been done though so here is a somewhat suboptimal picture of where I stand at the moment:






Ooooh, these are really nice :biggrin.: Mixing of parts adds plenty of character, as do the nice stories! Look forward to seeing more 


Thanks man! :smile.: I like trying to make them into individuals and mixing parts is a major part of that as I see no reason for why any renegades should be identical. A bit time consuming but as I have no deadline for finishing them it's definitely worth it.


Like the Mix .


Thanks buddy, I've already chosen the parts for the next bunch. Expect some new parts there. :wink:


Thanks very much, I'll make sure to check that out now.

I'll get some pictures up of my own legion as soon as I work out my colour scheme for them


Looking forward to them. Oh, forgot to say the name for the Night Lords thread: The Murderer's Call


What can I say? I just get really happy when people include me in their own personal head-canon. Even if I am a little grumpy. :tongue.:




Well, 10K years of heresy can do that to a guy :tongue.:

Just a minor update as I've granted myself some time for painting as a reward for grading 20 writing assignments. Everything is a bit rough still (and in some cases not even begun) but it's progress. :smile.:



The next guys are finished, but as I haven't had the time to write their background scene yet posting them will have to wait for a couple days more. I have started some work on the next bunch of guys though...



These guys will make Fourth Claw complete. After them? I haven't totally decided yet but I have a few ideas...

Coming along nicely .


Thanks mate, the final result should be up sometime during the weekend. :smile.:

Update time is here!





”Seran looked out over the corpse-strewn street where cultists and PDF lay where they had fallen, the ambush had almost been embarrassingly easy. Their 'allies' had, in their panic, fled into what had, twice over, turned out to be a perfect killing ground. First when the PDF annihilated the cultists and then when the Night Lords attacked the mortals when they thought themselves the victors of the engagement. God-Em... he started to think before he corrected himself. Throne in flames that was easy! He continued instead. That small part of him that still remembered the life he'd had before becoming an Astartes felt something close to pity for both sets of corpses in front of him, neither had really had any chance after all. It didn't matter though, he had been learned that everyone not an Astarters was insignificant in any case. Only their own serfs could claim some small importance and that only for as long as they could fulfill thir duties.


With eyes not yet fully adapted to darkness he was glad for the auto-senses of his helmet, without it the lack of light would have hindered him almost as much as it had the mortals. Sometimes it made him miss the life he'd had, where there had sunshine and other normal things, not just death and suffering. Most of the time though, it was just all too easy to get caught up in the killing and destuction. He'd heard his mother complain to a neighbour once, about the difference between raising boys and girls and how the former seemed to find relish in chaos and destruction. You won't ever know how right you were mother, he thought. I wonder what you'd do first, cry over what's been done to me or curse me for what I've done? A meaningless question though, his mother had been killed in the same raid in which he'd been captured. Ironically enough she'd neither cried nor cursed in the end, she'd been shocked mute instead.


Razal and Aradel was bickering in their usual friendly way over the vox channel, both of them trying to outdo the other when it came to kills. Both of them agreeing that Razal had more kills but arguing instead wether Aradel's kills had shown more 'skill' or 'artistery'. The good nature of their argument was quite different from most of the Company, they had no past failures hanging over them, no lost causes filling them with bitterness. They were a new breed let loose upon the galaxy. If one knew what to look for, it was clearly visible how young they were. Razal ever being enthusiastic for every new experience, volountering even when something needed to be done and Aradel always being on the move, full with energy and yet radiating a vague form of nervousness, like a child knowing he'd done something bad and just waited for a parent to punish him.


Another way showing how different they were from most of their 'elder brothers' was the corpses lying around them, none of them mutilated or put on display as a warning to others. He knew that the Nostramans had the most difficulties with grasping why they didn't follow that 'Legion tradition' but even some of the other 'old ones' couldn't quite understand. The arrogant bastards haven't been victims of a raid themselves, he thought. With giant killers roaming around, slaying everyone and everything they come across, flayed and mutilated corpses won't make people more afraid than they already are. He knew this from his own experiences, that mind and body simply couldn't register any more fear after a certain point. From Fourth Claw's point of view fear was a weapon to use just as any other, it had to be used in an efficent way though. Luckily for them, their Sergeant agreed with their opinion. Old Glotka might be a mean bastard but he's got his head screwed on the right way. Most other parts aswell, he thought with a smile. The veteran's many bionic parts being a constant source of amusement for the more spryer members of the squad. Behind his back mostly as no one wanted to risk angering someone with a power maul. He was alright though, do as he said and he would show some respect back unlike some others. Especially the Nostramans seemed to look down on anyone that didn't share their background. The other 'old ones' were somewhat better even though some of them were so stiff that it seemed like they've had adamantium rods shoved up their backsides.


As they were preparing to move one an impulse made him pick up a lasgun that lay by his feet. A scroll was fastened on it but he couldn't read the local tounge and he didn't care either, instead he looked upon the Imperial Eagle. As a boy he'd been taught to respect that symbol, fear it even as it represented not only the God-Emperor's might but also his wrath. He might have worn such a weapon himself as younger sons were heavily encouraged to sign up for military service, he could have fought for the Imperium instead of against it. His brothers' voices on the vox snapped him out of those thoughts though and he dropped the lasgun, shrugged and moved on into the night.”





Aradel to the left, Seran in the middle and Razal to the right.







I will tidy up some minor things I noticed after taking the photos and then move on the next guys. In the meanwhile any C&C is as always welcome. :smile.:

The most basic of work on the next guys have been done. I had to replace the left arm on the guy with the IW-head though, the orginal shoulder pad just didn't look good on him.





Iron Maiden would have been better:tongue.: . They look great as always .


Ha! Thanks mate! I won't argue with you regarding Maiden as I'm a fan myself (with tickets for their Gothemburg show in June :devil: ), none of their songs really fitted the background though so I went with Nirvana instead. :laugh.:  

Surprise update! I should have been painting Night Lords but an idea crept into my mind and I couldn't get it out of there without some painting...



"The Warp corrupts you say? Aye, it does but that is not the only thing it does though. Before that inevitable loss of sanity those gifted enough can use it to search for 'wisdom' in it's many guises. Most seek to know their future and to steer the winds of fortune to their own benefits, some look to the past, trying to find long lost secrets in order to gain power. A rare few may seek, or stumble upon, other visions still, the truths of what could have been.


The Favoured Son listened to the whispers of the Dark Gods and when he fell the bright future of the Imperium died with the Father he slew. But what of the other paths that history could have taken? In some rare few of them He stays true, never tasting corruption. In most He still falls, though in some cases not in the damning meaning of the word..."



















"Seen here is Legionary Grishal Baar of the Sons of Horus at the beginning of the Sorican campaign. He is part of a Despoiler Squad from the XXIth Company clearing Soric V's main starport so that heavy transports can land the Legion's siege equipment.


His armour is mainly composed of Mk.VII parts, introduced after the conclusion of the Great Heresy. It is worn with pride by the Loyalists as it distinguishes them from the Traitor Legions and the sons of Martyred Horus are especially proud as it was their Father's sacrifice that allowed the Emperor to defeat the Arch-Heretic. Grishal's helmet is topped with a common modification among the Sons of Horus, the so called 'Cthonian Plume'. This is a tradition dating back to the Legion's former homeworld Cthonia, abandoned after the Heresy as First Captain Abaddon swore that the Legion would not rest until the Traitors had been brought to justice, thus starting the 'Eternal Crusade' still in motion after almost ten millennia.


Grishal's 'Oath of Moment' on his left leg is most likely linked to the weapons chained to him before the battle, a common tradition among the warriors of the Legion. It shows that he will not lay down his arms until all his enemies are slain, that not even in his own eventual death will he dishonour the Emperor or his Gene-Father by letting go of his weapons."







You see, I have this BaC-box that I bought last year and I have been heavily contemplating what legion I'll paint them as and while I have a soft spot for the Blood Angels I've also been severly tempted to do loyalist Sons of Horus. Last day I gave into that temptation in the sense that I had to try their colour scheme (I blame reading an old WD with a way of doing their colours that I could easily try to replicate). He is a bit 'messy' as this was the first atempt of the technique but I think it shows some promise and that it wouldn't be to hard to get it smoother in the future. The lack of basing is because I would like to try something new there aswell but haven't got the material. So what do you say brothers and sisters? Am I on to something with this guy? Should I go: 'Kill for the living! Kill for the Dead! Lupercal! LUPERCAL!" later this year?

P.S. The fluff is not indicative for what I would be doing with the XVIth if I start them, it's just something I made up to justify the use of some Templar arms and other 'modern' armour parts I've had lying around for the last decade.  :biggrin.:



The SoH looks great man! You should totally join the Heresy with the XVI Legion as your dudes! You know you want to... :P


Part of the ship, part of the crew. Part of the ship, part of the crew. Part of the ship, part of the crew.

Time to get back to the primary reason for this plog, Night Lords. Some more minor work has been done on the three final guys of Fourth Claw, very much to do still but there is a good chance that I can have them finished by the end of the week.




And regarding the SoH and the positive feedback, time for some replies:



The SoH looks great man! You should totally join the Heresy with the XVI Legion as your dudes! You know you want to... :tongue.:


Part of the ship, part of the crew. Part of the ship, part of the crew. Part of the ship, part of the crew.



I do plan to "board that train that knows no brakes", biggest question is what I'm going to do there. SoH are strong contenders, only thing that makes me hesitate is that the Blood Angels got tons of nice bits while some of the SoH-parts are a bit 'meh'. Planning a FW-order sometime this month though so it might very well tip over to SoH by then. :cool.:


Just don't fall slave to that 30k baloney. I was thinking about doing something similar with Loyal EC set in the 41st.



No worries mate, I still have plenty of things I want to do with my NL. I'll reach a point in their story soon where a 'pause' might be right though, I've been painting them for close to two years now so some variation is perhaps needed. It would be interesting to see your take on the EC either way. :yes:



It would be cool to see some "alternate history" space marines, but I think you'd do some Heresy era Sons of Horus justice. Either way the choice is yours, just go with what you feel is right.



Alternate history could probably be both fun and interesting to do but I'm hardly very knowledgeable regarding the 'proper' Heresy so doing a good work on an alternate one would be hard. Worth thinking about though so even if the OTL 30K is most likely I might change my mind on that... :smile.:



Oooh! Dormian Heresy? Looks cool. :smile.:


Thanks mate! It's probably 'Dornish" Heresy rather than Dorninan though as AFAIK the SoH becomes that timeline's version of the Black Templars instead of keeping their colour scheme, so an alternate of an alternate Heresy in that sense. I kept the details rather vague so that people could interpret things the way they wanted, probably just a one-off piece of background any way. :tongue.:


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