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Night Lords 33rd Company - The Mongrels of the Eight


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Very much looking forward to seeing the results of the latest purchase! Can't believe i've neglected this thread for so long, you'll tempt me to do a few more Night Lords (I should at least get a whole squad and that Predator done!!)

Cheers fellas! Thanks for the encouragement! These last couple of days I've been suffering from a fairly nasty cold to be honest, but I've managed to get some painting done...




Curious to see what you have planned for the beakie marine.

Keep up the good work, MrBear.



Thanks buddy! The beakie will be a bit down the line to be honest, plenty of other guys I want to finish first. Not 100% sure how I want to paint him yet, he's a given to be used as a Vigilator though. :smile.:







Can't wait. :wink:



Going to be mighty hard to live up to those expectations mate, a very nice encouragement nonetheless. :thanks:



Very much looking forward to seeing the results of the latest purchase! Can't believe i've neglected this thread for so long, you'll tempt me to do a few more Night Lords (I should at least get a whole squad and that Predator done!!)


Thanks man! Considering my erratic updates there is usually not a lot of things to miss though :tongue.:, nice to hear about the Night Lords, there can never be to many sons of the VIIIth posted on the B&C. 





Oh, I said that i did do som painting didn't I? Almost forgot... There is a second test mini done! 




The light is pretty bad for photos this late at night but I gave it a try anyway. It might seem a bit 'off' compared to the previous one but the colours are almost identical, I used another method this time, but I'll see if I can do better tomorrow.

Any C&C on what you can see so far is always welcome of course. :smile.:

​looks Good , But how about some bolter impacts :tongue.: . the soh are famous for them on their armor :tongue.: . Where is the fluff ?


They are? Interesting... hadn't heard that before.


Nice work on the test mini. The skin tone looks pretty nice.


​looks Good , But how about some bolter impacts :tongue.: . the soh are famous for them on their armor :tongue.: . Where is the fluff ?


They are? Interesting... hadn't heard that before.


Nice work on the test mini. The skin tone looks pretty nice.


It was meant as a jab.

​looks Good , But how about some bolter impacts :tongue.: . the soh are famous for them on their armor :tongue.: . Where is the fluff ?




​looks Good , But how about some bolter impacts :tongue.: . the soh are famous for them on their armor :tongue.: . Where is the fluff ?


They are? Interesting... hadn't heard that before.


Nice work on the test mini. The skin tone looks pretty nice.






It was meant as a jab.





Sorry, I'm dense.




Ah, what a discussion! :biggrin.: :teehee:


I was actually contemplating to try out some battle damage on this guy... Decided against it in the end as I didn't want to 'ruin' him. I might paint just a couple of legs or so, and see if I can make some nice 'wear and tear' before I start with the project itself though.


Posted him without fluff as the cold kept my brain from functioning properly, but I've recovered enough to give him some short background today. It's a bit rushed though so I can't claim to have thought it through fully. :tongue.:




"The dream unfulfilled can be the harshest thing for a person to face. To see the success of the road never taken, when suffering in poverty, may give rise to envy, while seeing the happy life with one's lost love, long after your bitter breakup, can plunge someone into deep despair. As such, to seek the ”what if's” of the rivers of time is not for those of weak minds.


Even those with greater mental prowess can be overwhelmed however, as it is one thing to face more fortunate versions of oneself but  quite another to see a beam of light from a reality much less grim and dark? Such an experience may shatter even the strongest mind...



We see before us Ohcys Peht, a Veteran from the XXIInd Company, during the push through the semi-barren landscape of Soric V's main continent, following the successful landing of the Legion's main force after the initial attack.

Most of Ohcys' armour is standard Mk.VII, but his chestplate is of the much rarer Mk.VIII which indicates his Veteran status, and marks him as someone likely to rise through the ranks in the future.

Unlike Grishal Baar, he's equipped with a regular bolter, showing that he is among those of the Sons of Horus most able at keeping his aggression under control. He and other battle-brothers sharing the same temperament gather in ,so called, 'Anvil Squads', drawing their enemies attention and fire upon themselves, while their more furious bretheren strike at the flanks of the foe."




I didn't manage to take a picture where the coulours are right today either, but it shows him from a different angle at least.

I'll cut you some slack due to a cold. I've had surgery done a week ago so I know the limits. :smile.:


I think that surgery trumps a cold mate, I hope it's nothing serious you're suffering from. :smile.:


When it comes to fluff though...You'll be pleased to know that I prepared the background for my Sons of Horus months ago, at least the basics, so there won't be any updates without fluff on that project. :biggrin.:


I have begun work on a pair of legs to see if I can do some proper battle damage, but they're not ready yet. I managed to take a fairly decent picture of Ohcys Peht and Grishal Baar together though:




There is a slight difference between them when it comes to the armour since I painted them with different methods. On Grishal Baar it was Abaddon Black > Mechanicus Standard Grey >Dawnstone > Lahmian Medium + Biel-Tan Green > Dawnstone highlights. It didn't take much time and looks pretty nice so I was certain it was the way to go...


When I started on Ochys Peht he wasn't meant to be a complete miniature, it was only the legs to begin with. I used the same method as above but something went wrong with the glaze step, it look like snotling :censored: to be honest.  I swore quite a bit before deciding to see if I could do something about it. The solution? I used some Vallejo US Dark Green and then highlighted with Dawnstone, and it looked 99% similiar to the previous tester. So I put an upper body together aswell, and went through the same stages of different greys and then the glaze, but only in the recesses though, to provide some greenish shading before the Dark Green and Dawnstone were used.


The end result looks pretty good, is fairly quick, and it's much, much easier to cover up any mishaps with the Dark Green compared to the glaze method. It might be a bit darker than most Sons of Horus (even though the difference isn't as big IRL as on the pictures), but since not all Sons of Horus served with the Primarch's Expedition Fleet I'd say it's quite likely that different forces would end up with different shades of sea-green anyway.


I can imagine the following conversation taking place on the bridges of several fleets at roughly the same time:



Luna Wolves Captain: "So, Master of Signals. What news from the Warmaster?"


Master of Signals: "Well Captain... apparently we are now the 'Sons of Horus', and we are also supposed to re-paint our armour sea-green."


Confused Sons of Horus Captain: "Sea-green eh? I don't suppose he mentioned if we should use FS:34172,  FS:34092, FS:34226, or even FS:34095?"


Confused Master of Signals: "Afraid not Captain..."


Resigned Sons of Horus Captain: All right... Go talk to the Mechanicum Adepts, we'll use whatever they have the most of in their stocks."

Not much of an update to be honest, but I gave weathering a try while B&C was down...




It looks better than on this picture (crap light), but I'm not convinced either way. Might give photoing another go tomorrow again.

Looks good, Bear. Maybe some light sponge weathering would help too?


That was an interesting idea! The thought didn't even cross my mind to be honest, mainly because I've never used the method before. :biggrin.:  Gave it a try though, and the light was a bit better so here is the result:








It looks quite alright for a first try, it might actually be worth some further experimentation.  I'll see if I can get hold on some weathering powder this weekend, it won't hurt to try it out before deciding on how to do...

Lookking Good Mr B.


Thanks buddy, I will probably make a decison this weekend if I'm going to go for battle damage or not. There's a fair chance I do though. :smile.:


Anyway... I've started to play around a bit with the 'proper' Sons of Horus, or at least one of them:









There is nothing wrong with the bare head that comes with the miniature, but it doesn't really say 'slightly bitter, definitely a bit battered, Terran Sons of Horus Captain' in the same way as these two. While I'm a quite partial to the first one there is no denying that the second one would work as well. But what do you guys think?

Well I've gotten hold on some weathering powder, and I will try it out. Will hopefully have time for it later today.


When it comes to choosing which head to use... 



Ware you going for noble or grumpy? If noble pick head 1, if grumpy pick head 2.



Not exactly 'noble' as such, while this guy is a loyalist he's no Gavriel Loken. He's supposed to be 'stern',  'stubborn' and 'controlled' though. 



Head 1 works better with the more neutral pose, IMHO.


That's true, it makes him look like he's surveying the battlefield. Fits with his character as well.


I prefer the look of Beardy-head over Brock-head, personally. :happy.:


As do I, wanted to give the alternative a chance though. :smile.:


#2 my natural expression .


And what a great expression it is! :cool.:  I will definitely use it on some marine in this project, most likely not this guy though I'm afraid.



I was already leaning towards the bearded option, and most feedback here seems to favour it aswell. Therefore it is the one I will porbably use. But I've done some other tinkering as well:




Every proper commander needs a command squad, right? So I tacced together a rather Cthonian-looking lad to serve as a bodyguard. Why a chainaxe you might wonder? Well, why not? It just felt like a very SoH weapon to be honest, and I can always use it as a 'counts as' chainsword or power weapon if I like. :cool.:

Well the experiment with weathering powder went 'so-so' to be honest. Partly because I've never used it before, but mainly because I had managed to buy a noticeably lighter in tone than what I have in mind for my bases... I tried some slight 'mud' weathering, in the same way I did on the Night Lords, to try to salvage it, didn't look too impressive though. Will do some thinking about what to do. Might just skip weathering powders for now.


Played around some with my bits box instead:




Some variant of this guy will probably end up on the command squad, we're getting closer and closer to actually starting with the SoH...



  • 3 weeks later...

So, it's been rather quiet here the last couple of weeks. Not due to my occasional inactivity though, as I've definitely been painting. But time has come to put this log on pause for time being. The Sons of Horus will have my focus for a while, so I started a new log for them as I wanted this one to be focused on my Night Lords.  There will be be more to come for the Mongrels some day, I've got plenty of ideas in my head that I want to do. Don't expect any updates here until I've gotten a fair few Heresy marines done though.


And speaking of that, a little something of what I've been doing the last couple of weeks:




Head over to the new log if you want to see more. If not, see y'all the next time I've done some Night Lords instead. :smile.:






Looking Good MrB:thumbsup:  , that is the 1st time in months I went to that part of the forum :sick: . But as long as post a link I will check it out.:thumbsup:


Thanks buddy! I had actually forgotten about your 'feelings' for the Heresy era. Tell you what, in order to save you from having to check out 'The Age of Darkness'-section I'll just drop you a message when I manage to finish something that isn't set in the 41st millennium. :tongue.:

  • 1 year later...

*Clears away the accumulated dust and spider webs*



Any possibility you could reupload the pictures of first claw?


I'd love to help you out there mate, but there is a teeny, tiny problem... You see, I've never made any version of THE First Claw of ADB fame. Partly because I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to do them justice, and partly because there are already so many good versions of them (yours included).


'First Claw' in this log is simply the first squad of my 'Mongrels', a lovely bunch of psychos in their own way but not exactly as famous as their namesakes. I do have a couple of pictures of them here if it's any help or inspiration though:










I took them earlier this afternoon, and it's rather bad light this time of day during late autumn in the northern half of Sweden, but these pictures are ok at least.



I will have to take quite a lot of new pictures though. The Machine-Spirit in one of my hard drives kind of... 'gave up' a couple of months ago, and combined with photo bucket being delusional enough to think I will pay them large sums of money it means that I've lost most of my early pictures. As my intention is to paint something new for this log in a couple of months (or three)it wouldn't feel right to  leave all those... 'friendly messages' from photo bucket in place when that time comes, they will be replaced with new, fresh pictures instead. :yes:


There are still Sons of Horus to paint for now, but I have ideas for the Mongrels aswell so something new in December or January perhaps? :wink:


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