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The Renegade Legion


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That S10 Power Fist at initiative though...


This is true, but there's extremely few heroes that have AP2 weaponry and only Power Armor. 


Every time this updates I feel guilty about my negligence of the Berserkers. Goddamn you.



Ha! And I feel guilty for not maintaining my earlier pace, and a little annoyed that I don't have the funds to start the army proper or get some artwork here like Athrawes can.

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That S10 Power Fist at initiative though...


This is true, but there's extremely few heroes that have AP2 weaponry and only Power Armor. 


Every time this updates I feel guilty about my negligence of the Berserkers. Goddamn you.



Ha! And I feel guilty for not maintaining my earlier pace, and a little annoyed that I don't have the funds to start the army proper or get some artwork here like Athrawes can.


True, but his Saves are 3+/3++ due to him having a Vigil Pattern Storm Shield. So him having a 2+ is kinda irrelevant due to his 3++


We'll see when you actually get them to fight eachother.

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Good points. Ah well, Irvin was never supposed to be a duelist, but a generalist, which leads me to question whether or not I should have the other two have duels. Mathva is built to take on hordes, while Pyrrhicles is supposed to be a buffer.
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Despite the nicknames, the Cohorts' official designations listed only their numerations. Unlike the Cohorts, companies and squads/squadrons received two designations. First was simple simple numeration and, once given by Alexandros, never changed. The second designation was a name or title chosen by the current leader. For example, one of the oldest named companies within the IInd legion is the Thunder of Taranis, commanded by Prefect Nisveil. Nisveil had served as a tank commander during the Battle of Mount Ararat, and when presented the opportunity to rename his unit, chose to honor the famous Thunder Warrior. Next to their name stands their other designation: Seventh Company, Second Cohort. Since the name was chosen by the current leader, they had a choice to either keep the original name or to choose a new one upon taking command. In one unfortunate case, Ninth Squad, Fourteenth Company, Fourth Cohort (or 9-14-4) lost six sergeants over a single campaign and was renamed each time. Hence, why both designations are important. One to allow personal expression and generating esprit de corps, while their numeral designation made it easier for logistics to track the unit.

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While cohorts are known by numeration alone, standing opposite to them are brigades. Due to their temporary nature, brigades are only known by the title chosen by the Brigade Commander (otherwise known as a Brigadier) upon formation. Most brigades eventually disband and their titles become part of honor rolls attached to those who served and led. One of the few exceptions are the Crimson Crusaders. Formed from eight companies, the Crimson Crusader's mission was to exterminate an Ork empire on the border between Segmentums Solar and Ultima. Two years into the campaign the Wardens painted their armors in reverse colors, red highlighted by purple, to act as a psychological ploy against the greenskins and their strange superstitions. The campaign lasted six years and only ended when the legion was expunged, meaning the brigade never concluded its campaign and disbanded before fleeing into the unknown.

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Okay, I think I finally have enough material to conclude the first section. Next up is Legion Command Hierarchy, which will hopefully go much smoother. 

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Irvin gritted his teeth in frustration. "I should've obeyed," he muttered to himself as another explosion shook his ship. In front of him, tactical information filtered in and was a constant reminder of his mistake.


The disaster engulfing him had its roots in the decision of his Primarch. Alexandros had discovered a terrible truth and been confronted by the Emperor. Irvin wasn't there when it happened and only later heard the two had argued and fought until Alex cut off communications. Only a day later, he made an announcement. The Halcyon Wardens were to exile themselves into the xenos' strange Webway and fight a different war than the Great Crusade with the possibility of never returning to the Imperium. Everyone, from space marine to ship slave, was given a choice to leave. 


Irvin was among a third who refused to abandon the Imperium. After the fleet was divided between the two camps, Alexandros had given him a set of directions that would safely seem them arrive in Ultramar space where Guilliman would accept them. Before saying their good-byes, his gene-father warned him that if he had faltered at any point, he could not guarantee their safety.


And he had faltered, unwittingly leading his men into an Imperial Fists' fleet who had promptly attacked them. Although they were masters of void warfare, the Warden outnumbered them and victory could easily be Irvin's if he pressed the attack. But how could he order an offensive against his own kind? He had try to outmaneuver and disengage from the battle, but the Fists' infamous determination refused to release him.


Now, many of his battle brothers were dead, his fleet crippled, and the Fists closing in. Another explosion caused his flagship to shudder.


"Void shields down!" 


Not a moment passed before the familiar flash of teleportation appeared, depositing a boarding party on the bridge. No choice left to him, Irvin charged the only officer he saw, his rage overcoming his despair.


Irvin wins the first roll. Charging forward, he opens fire and scores the first wound.


Alexis fires his combi-melta, scores a hit, wound, but Irvin's invul save keeps him alive. Alexis makes the charge, while Irvin misses on Overwatch. Here comes the Hammer Blow, but both strike at the same time. Alexis outright misses but master-crafted turns it into a hit which kills Irvin, while Irvin scores another wound before death takes him. 



His charge is countered. His blows fail to defeat his enemy. And a power fist crushes his chest, ignoring his forcefield. Irvin steps back from his opponent who doesn't attack again, both realizing the lethality of Irvin's wounds. Irvin ignores the few full organs sliding out of his chest as he calmly sits down. He looks up at his killer and mumbles, "I always thought the Imperial Fists were the true example of how the Great Crusade was to be executed." The Fist officer says nothing as Irvin is embraced by death. 

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When I noticed Alexis' combi-melta, I couldn't help but imagine Irvin getting taken down before any chance of close combat occurs. How close that almost happened.


I'm going to do a couple of fights off the grid and see if Irvin actually stands a chance.


And this is why I did not throw Irvin at Sigismund.

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Also, there's been an update to the Myrmidon entry. Since fielding them last time, I've run into a lot of resistance on the Toughness 5 bit and admit that the Toughness and Strength ratings for any model usually require either a huge upgrade (like a space marine bike) or warp powers to change these stats. So, there was a bit of a conversation over at Heresy30k, and I've made the following adjustments.


Veterans of the Maelstrom

Placing themselves between danger and their charges, they absorb the worst the enemy can unleash before retaliating in kind. By standing together, shields are overlapped as the Myrmidon coordinate with each other to conjure a nigh-impenetrable defense.


Any model in base contact with another model with this special rule may reroll Invulnerable saves. 




Unit Composition

  • 4 Myrmidon Terminators
  • 1 Nikanor

Unit Type

  • Myrmidon Terminators: Infantry 
  • Nikanor: Infantry (Character)



·         The Nikanor may exchange his Siren Grenade Launcher for a:

o   Cyclone Missile Launcher……………………………………………15 points each

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So, I ran the Irvin vs Alexis tests.


4 deaths by combi-melta

4 deaths by Power fist


After 9 consecutive defeats, I think I'm going to call it there. 

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"If you'd just stop walking into my fist, Irvin..."

Hilarious. *wry smile*


Ah well, I did get the opportunity to drop a bit of canon.


I'm not starting the next section until I've read through the other 11 ones (except Alphas cause of their ninja nature). Have an outline in my head and started thinking ahead about which famous battles to write up. Unfortunately, due to the nature of the remembrancer POV, I don't think I can write in the infamous last battle between the Wardens and the Space Wolves. So, where and when should I write it?

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For the Wardens vs Space Wolves you could do it in snippets of recovered data/vid/pict logs format and have them be reviewed by one of the Emperors personal scribes before being locked away in the Palace?

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But that would still put it beyond the purview of the book's remembrancer, who wouldn't have access to that. I can certainly make that work in a different medium, but it won't fit into the Appendix.

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I guess a more basic question is where I post it? Should I post it in a new thread on this board? Put it in this thread? Or perhaps a new thread in the Fanfiction board? 

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I guess it depends on what form I craft the battle. I could go the FW battle analysis, like Isstvan III & the Massacre. Or I could write it like a BL ...short story? Novella? Something. 

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That depends on you, if its as a story, you can include different narratives, show the emotional effects of the battle. Or the analytical version which can cover more then a story but is devoid of the emotion of it. If you post elsewhere please provide a link!
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I can definitely guarantee that much, Hydra. 


Also, with a little help from the 30kheresy forums, I've completed the Warden's Unique RoW. It's a combination of mine and Slipstreams' with some tweaking. 



The Bastion of Humanity



•The Right Moment: All units with LA:HW gain +1 to combat resolution if the unit in question was not the one to commence combat. 

•Battlefield Solidarity: Allied units within 12" of a HQ choice with LA:HW gain stubborn

•Masters of Retribution: All Infantry units with LA:HW gain the Fleet and Counter Attack Special Rules.

•The Shield Masters: Myrmidon Terminators can be taken as Heavy Support choices in addition to Elites (and/or Troops if Alex is present).



•Must take an Allied Detachment

•Must take 2 squad of Myrmidon Terminators within the army composition.

•May never seize the initiative at the start of a game 

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Legion Command Hierarchy


While Alexandros was renowned for his friendly personality and one-on-one audiences, when acting in his official capacity, he was the undisputed Lord of the Halcyon Wardens. Not only was his authority beyond reproach, but he was held up as a living icon to his sons. Upon ascending to Master of the IInd Legion, Alexandros enacted a series of reforms on his officer corps. The overall structure remained the same. Ten legates were only outranked by Alexandros himself and his council. Beneath them were the Three-Hundred Captains with their lieutenants beneath them. Sergeants were the only non-commissioned officers, while the simple warrior formed the foundation of the legion. While the numbers of legates and captains were fixed, the number of lieutenants and sergeants were in near-constant flux depending on the company's situation. While the ranks changed little, for the sake of efficiency, Alexandros allowed and encouraged a personal touch. As a leader may choose a secondary name of his unit, so too was he given the option to choose a secondary title. Legates could also be known as Rajas, Lochagos was synonymous with captain, and so on. 

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The one rank not allowed a secondary title was the Brigadier. While a temporary rank, after the disbandment of a brigade, the Brigadier became a permanent title to the honored commander. For example, during the Liberation of the Zemio system, Captain Dyomideze was given command of five companies as they eliminated the Zan Consortium. After the completion of the campaign, Dyomideze held the rank of Brigadier-Captain.


To become a sergeant merely required an excellent service record and a desire for a leadership role. Being promoted to a lieutenant required additional training in low-level strategic and tactical instructional courses, but time of service in the Vth Cohort to be exposed to other legion styles of war. Which brother legion the lieutenant-in-training served with was typically a matter of availability followed by preference. If enough Wardens were serving with the desired host legion, the cadet was given a command assignment or apprenticed to the current Warden officer. Thus, fortunate Wardens received command experience before accepting a command within the IInd Legion proper.

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Quick note before I forget. The Xth Cohort is also a single Brigade called the Kindred Guardians and is the only permanent Brigade in the entire legion.


Also, I've thought about it more, and I don't like the IXth Cohort as it is. I've thought about turning them into a permanent station on Terra, but that feels like it's creeping in on Imperial Fists' territory. Does anyone have any suggestions?

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