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Grey Knights 7e Codex Rumor


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Yup, 'n I have 4. Just not sure on the weapons for my 4th one yet, but from reading this, I have a pretty good idea now. I wonder Why  they show the  thyphon missile launcher, we'll know soon enough I guess.

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I like the relics, esp as they are not that expensive.

Domina liber daemonica: Roll an additional power on sanctic? Plus reroll of 1's for powers in 6'' Awesome! We could get cleansing flame or vortex in our terminator / pala blob. Our gate of infinity which isnt too shabby either. Same for the warlord trait if you are lucky enough to roll it. Btw. if you roll for an additional power do you get the primaris power too? Its banishment but why not.


Armor of matyrs is handy but depends on who can take it. Soulgleeve I like too.

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Presumably taking the the book that gives a bonus sanctic power will means you cant get the free primaris power of any other disciplines so it only makes the relic worthwhile if you are taking a santic psyker which is a shame because most of the sanctic discipline is crap compared to divination for the grey knights

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You really aren't going to miss free Terminator weapons - not when the base costs for the Terminators themselves are so much lower.  35 points for every Terminator with a Halberd?  Heck yeah.

And what use is a Halberd? Upgrading my S6 to S7? Why bother. Better to have more S6 attacks than to upgrade them to S7 (ie: Falchions are now better than Halberds, which means I have to go and snap all the Halberds off my beautifully painted models and then glue Falchions on. Really confused as to why GW would do that. It wasn't broke, why did they feel like they had to fix it? And no +1 to invul saves for the sword? golly gee? There's more weapons getting snapped off my models. I'm very disappointed, GW. Very disappointed.


At least I can just leave the sword on my Grandmaster and call it a Soulglaive, I guess.


We didn't really get stronger, but I don't think we are gonna be worse off (apart from inquisition)

Which, speaking as a pure knights player, is flat out frakked. We needed to get better.

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Well having just read the codex from the leaks I'm really disappointed.  Id say its probably worse than the ork codex in terms of being boring.   I don't get my strength 5 storm bolters needed to go,   basic Tau foot troopers have strength 5 and better range,   normal marines have sternguard,  we get nothing.  I like that TDA is now cheaper,  but being honest I would of prefered it be made better rather than cheaper,   spamming terminators goes against the fluff.   A unit of 5 terminators should be most of your army,  and in second edition was,  lol,   they are now along the lines of Nobz mobs.   


Nemesis dreadknights I really didn't think were that badly costed but are now probably OP.  


I never liked the idea of power armor grey knights but why they didn't get a points drop I don't know,   they also now seem to of been given a bit of a nerf with the loss of strength 5 and also the psycannon nerf.  


Also why are our dreads still expensive compared to space wolves? 


I'm really disappointed being honest,  outside of improved deepstrike,  which I was hoping for,   deep strike is still problematic and not a fun way of playing with your models,  ie,  leaving them off the table and hoping that eventually they do make it onto the board,   isn't great.  


Overall its a lot of negative,   outside of spam I don't see many builds in this codex. 

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I just wish I'd thought to magnetize my models when I bought them. I've got 8 or 9 Halberds and Swords to snap off so I can put Falchions on them. Very disappointed in the Nemesis weapon changes. I'll definitely be magnetising them this time around.
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HATE this new dex. The only viable gun we have for power armour is a Flamer template...


And as we have no accurate deepstrike still, or cheap assault vehicles, then the Flamer templates will probably only see action against another assault armies (because why else would someone run towards what's now essentially a Flamer army?)


So as incinerators are going to be the only guns given to our CC specialist (purifiers) the mass soul blaze powers they put out are going to be semi wasted because a unit can only have 1 soul blaze active at a time.


Our only anti tank are no longer very anti tank, and more expensive even though they got worse... (psydreads)


Purgation squad are still utterly useless. Why have night vision when they only have a 24" range?



This whole update seem to be due to a lack of terminator box set sales. They have nerfed power armour to hell, and made terminators cheaper AND In the process made them our only effective heavy weapons guys.

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The Cuirass of Sacrifice replaces the models terminator armour and as the techmarine doesn't have terminator armour then it cannot be taken by a techmarine.

Although, if you buy Nemesis Falchions then you do have two CCW which you could replace one for the Soul Glaive, effectively giving you an extra attack for two CCW tongue.png

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The Cuirass of Sacrifice replaces the models terminator armour and as the techmarine doesn't have terminator armour then it cannot be taken by a techmarine.

Although, if you buy Nemesis Falchions then you do have two CCW which you could replace one for the Soul Glaive, effectively giving you an extra attack for two CCW tongue.png

Not when the Soulglaive is a Two-handed weapon, and Falchions are Specialist Weapons.

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Dunno why you'd ever take the Soulglaive. It has a lot of fancy re-rolls, but AP3 is the real kicker. On Grandmasters and even Librarians, hammer is just so much more efficient and effective at killing enemy heroes in challenges. You're in TDA already, so they need AP2 to kill you as well. 

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Interceptors are ok,   but thats it,   from a £30 codex that used to include everything from henchmen,  inquisitors and even SoB.  Its heading toward Codex: Grey Knight Strike Squad,  which can ally with a special detachment of a £30 supplement for Codex:  Grey Knight terminators with separate datasheets for each wargear option.  


Im sure people will find some good builds but its really is a very uninteresting codex even by the latest lowering standards.  

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They are standardising the rules all across the board.

Expect some of the cheesy combos in Deamon, Eldar and Tau codecies to be nerfed next update.

It's what most want to make the game more balanced....

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Making it more boring more like.


Lots of interesting and unique builds are what make 40k, well, interesting.


Mono tone blandness, is mono tone blandness.


We (and every other imperial Codex) might just as well be rolled into a single 'dex.


Come on.  We're all being forced to 'out pick' the best units anyway.  Is there really *anyone* who wants to Deep Strike Grey Knights that won't take Space Wolf Drop Pods?

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Unless you use the Nemesis Strikeforce that is.  Which doesn't give you Objective Secured.


Or you play Unbound, so you can more easily out pick SW Drop Pods and SM Devs/Cents.


Because we've been designed around *needing* to out pick other units to shore up our glaring weaknesses.


We had access to Melta, Plasma and Stormshields on our Henchmen last Codex.  So you could forgive not having access to them on the GK themselves.  But now that option has been removed, and we get nothing.

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