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Grey Knights 7e Codex Rumor


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Rest assured, halberds are an unconditional +1S. They are specified as two-handed though it makes no difference for GKs (probably to stop people using a Halberd with the Soul Glaive on a Grand master for +1 attack).
I just double-checked Draigo and uh... Yeah. S4, T4. That's a bit of a downer :(

BHCs still can't deepstrike or take PTs, Strands of Fate is the same, but Stern himself went down 15pts and Zone of Banishment changes his Banishment power from affecting one Daemon unit within 24" to all Daemon units within 12". 


Razorbacks went up in line with the vanilla SM codex, there's no non-chart powers in the book, Crowe went up 25pts but for what it's worth, he has 3 base attacks to go with benefiting from both stances during challenges.

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I hate that Brotherhood Champions still can't Deep Strike.  Real missed opportunity there to allow them to deploy with half or more of the units in the codex.

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Can the Brotherhood Champion take the relic terminator armor? If so Deep Strike away biggrin.png

This would be glorious, and would make attaching him to a captain and terminator squad less weird looking so he can actually be a bodyguard like in the fluff

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Can the Brotherhood Champion take the relic terminator armor? If so Deep Strike away biggrin.png

Ooh - I like it!

EDIT: Also, not that it was at all required, or even asked for, I can independently confirm that our good Brother Brovius does indeed have access to the actual codex.


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The Brotherhood formation is the models/units listed. No more, no less. Squad size is not specified, so you can squeeze them in at lower points by taking all 5-man units.
Anyway it's getting close to midnight in my part of the world, and I have work in the morning. I'll try answer your questions tomorrow.


Draigo has Daemon-slayer and Stern has Unyielding Anvil (I really wish he had Daemon-Slayer instead to tie with Zone of Banishment).
BHC doesn't have options at all, only the BC, GM, Librarian (surprisingly) Techmarine have access to Relics.

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BHC doesn't have options at all, only the BC, GM, Librarian (surprisingly) Techmarine have access to Relics.


Oh well.  I was likely going to stick with Grand Master and Librarian HQ combination anyway.

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Quickly before I go, NDK hammer is just a Nemesis Daemon Hammer (so only gets Concussion, as I said before, the weapon options are cheaper but aren't really worth it anymore. Greatsword is debatable at 10pts because it's mastercrafted though.)

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Thanks Brovius, I (and it seems most of the commmunity) appreciate what you're doing. I have a few of questions:


1) You mention that the NDK has power fists now. Are they by chance, force power fists? Or are they still called doomfists and the description changed to power fists with force?


2) Any changes to our dreadnoughts? Are they the same point cost as the leaked army builder thing? Any reason that you can see for the increase from the C:SM dreadnought? Does it at least have force weapons still?


3) Is psychic pilot still around? Do all vehicles still know sanctuary?


Thanks again Brovius!

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Quickly before I go, NDK hammer is just a Nemesis Daemon Hammer (so only gets Concussion, as I said before, the weapon options are cheaper but aren't really worth it anymore. Greatsword is debatable at 10pts because it's mastercrafted though.)


Which just happens to be the standard cost for Master-crafting for every other character, so it's fair enough.

Oh yeah, shoot good question IJ.  Forgot to ask why our Dreadnoughts are 30 points more base than the Space Wolves' Dreadnought, for example.  It can't just be Reinforced Aegis.

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I swear every time I try to leave the PC I refresh the page and feel compelled to answer another question tongue.png

Doomfists are no more, that goes for both the NDK and the Dread. Dreads are still psychic pilots, but everything else is just a normal vehicle (and received the appropriate price change). The Dread still has Sanctuary and Banishment.The higher price from C:SM is likely to accomodate the Aegis and Psychic Pilot (Reinforced Aegis is gone, not that it really did much after the FAQ).

EDIT: Homers are available for all Justicars, Paladins, and HQs that aren't BHCs or Crowe. Teleport Homer is limited to TDA and PT-armed models though. Strikes can't benefit from the homer for some odd reason.

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Doomfists are no more, that goes for both the NDK and the Dread. Dreads are still psychic pilots, but everything else is just a normal vehicle (and received the appropriate price change). The Dread still has Sanctuary and Banishment.The higher price from C:SM is likely to accomodate the Aegis and Psychic Pilot (Reinforced Aegis is gone, not that it really did much after the FAQ).

So you're saying that NDKS and dreadnoughts don't come with force weapons any more? Do the upgraded weapon to the NDK at least have force? The loss of force would be huuuug on NDKs since they've become our best bet for handling wraithknights now.

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One more question:


Who can take teleport homers?

So you're saying that NDKS and dreadnoughts don't come with force weapons any more? Do the upgraded weapon to the NDK at least have force? The loss of force would be huuuug on NDKs since they've become our best bet for handling wraithknights now.


Last questions until tomorrow: 

Nemesis Greatswords and Daemonhammers are the upgrades for it, so both are Force weapons. The default power fists are exactly that though.


Cuirass of Sacrifice has an asterisk point in the armoury that says it replaces Terminator armour, so we might need to wait on a FAQ before we start modelling Conversion Beamer Terminators :)

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Greatswords are mandatory on NDKs now then.  Not such a great deal the reduced cost on the PT. :/


The more we dig into the new Codex, the less appealing it is.


And not a single new special character.  That blows.  Space Wolfs not only kept all of theirs, but got extra ones as well.

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Honestly this so far has turned out better than I was expecting, we now have a reason to mix up our weapons a bit more, both melee and shooting. Plus the relics look pretty nice. We didn't really get stronger, but I don't think we are gonna be worse off (apart from inquisition)
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