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4th Tarosian Regiment - Devildog

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All those Conscripts are going to be a real pain to paint. I'd love to be the type that dutifully refuses to buy more models until the ones I already have are painted, but I'm also the type that browses EBay a bit, and the combination of the two is not too good for me! D:

For example, I'm currently looking at an about-to-finish, very cheap lot of 7 Sentinels no-one else has bidded on, so...yeah, there's that. tongue.png

Spoke too soon there. Got outbit by £1 with 10 seconds to go. I cannot overstate how much I hate EBay's auction system.

Ah well. I've not done much painting lately, and my weekend of planned painting was taken up by going to see The Babadook and playing The Wolf Among Us, (I recommend both of these to everyone.)


Still, I managed to finish the Manticore, so bit-by-bit I am thinning the horde! Lovely model to paint and assemble. I have a crewman to finish painting and glue in the driver's cab as well later on.





Gunna aim to sit down and get on with my Infantry next. Tanks are much more fun to paint IMO, but the Infantry needs to be done!

Your work is inspiring me to stop sitting at my computer and paint something!


Great looking force.


Just a question though, how do you arm your conscripts? Do you give them any kit, or grenades or are the just plain?


I think mine may just get a water bottle and some rations

Thinning the horde is what the Manticore does ;) It's looking good, I like the lense on the missile array that came out well and the hazard stripes are a great touch :tu: Tanks are great and it's easy to get carried away with them (like me) :P

It doesn't help that I bought another Wyvern that's calling me to paint it, (need something to take the fight to these resurgents Nids!) Still, I think my car pool's painted up enough as it is, so it's on to Infantry for now to get them up to scratch.


My Conscripts are just spare Lasgun Guardsman models, I haven't really given them anything fancy as I got a load second-hand. They needed a lot of work as the person who assembled them used horribly cheap super glue which I could break the bonds of by hand. Had to rip a bunch of Guardsmen apart, shave it off, then glue them together properly. There's still the odd one that falls off the table and loses an arm or something, though, as I missed a few joints doing this.


I think I'll just model and paint them as normal Guardsmen, so I can use the models for a chunky Platoon whenever I need them. They're fantastic with a Commissar given their cheap price and fairly decent equipment, though.

I decided to make it even harder on myself, after getting a real itch to buy something given that I managed to wrap up Christmas prezzies earlier and cheaper than expected. After browsing Anvil Industries, I feel I have found some suitable Tempestus Scion counts-as which suit my look better than my existing models.




Republic Grenadiers


They just subtly tie in with Tau, like with the kneepads being reminiscent of the XV chassis kneepads and shoulder pads. That, and the fact they're about half the price of the same amount of Scions, are equally gorgeously detailed, and just look more the part of specialist soldiers rather than baroque carapace armour fashionistas. I'll probably end up selling off my Scions, as while the kit is nice, they just never fitted into the army, IMO.


It was either this, or a group of Arcadian Female Guard from Victoria Miniatures, but sadly the latter was just a little too pricey, and has to ship from Australia, so it'd probably arrive with something man-eating in the box.


I'll post some opinions on them when I'm done, as the vendor as a whole is very highly-regarded, has a tonne of cool conversion parts, and is based in the UK, (so quick and cheap shipping!) Also debating this guy from Kromlech, as he has a preacher look without being specifically Imperial, and so would fit in as well for letting me run the good ol' Fearless Conscript blob.


There really is an absurd wealth of third-party quality minis these days!

Hmm, those Grenadiers look like an excellent replacement for Scions, the armour definitely has that Tau high-tech feel but isn't so far removed from standard Guardsman armour as to appear out-of-place amongst your Gue'vesa troops.

Will you be giving them the Fire Warrior pauldrons? I reckon it would be a good way of showing their elite status among the Gue'vesa and that the Tau trust them enough to grant them the honour of wearing the symbol of the Empire.


Also, will the Sergeant (or whatever the Scion equivalent is called) have a Bonding Knife? Becuase that would be an awesome little detail IMHO. :)

do actually have a spare Bonding Knife from the Shas'O kit I could use, though it'd probably be comically large on them! Maybe I could get a katana or something similar to represent it. I'll look around until something inspires. I'll be using the pauldrons on these, just to tie them into 40K a little more. Sadly Anvil doesn't do special weapons for this scale, so it's just going to be the standard Hotshot loadout for now.


I received an email saying I should have these tomorrow along with one of the sweet Tri-Cannons from the Exo-Mech kit they make. It's a coo, tri-barreled autocannon design I really want to use on HWTs. I'll post pics of the models here for anyone interested.



Delivered today. Had a little play around with them to see what they were like. Compared to a GW kit, there isn't the same posability or customisation potential, but the detail is gorgeous and I'm really looking forward to assembling them. There's some customisation on the Sergeant, so I'll likely have him with the combat knife and pistol option in the kit. there's not much capacity for conversion into different weapons, as the torso, arms and weapon are all one piece.


I'll post more once they're assembled.




Went together like a breeze. In the end, I didn't modify them much aside from filing a Scions Vox to fit them, and a couple of grenades on their kitbelt here and there.These models are too packed with detail to really bother with adding things like shoulder pads, and they also don't have the best poses for mounting them onto.

They look good, I'll never understand why third parties seem allergic to have more weapon variation though. Surely have all the weapon types would increase sales as they tend to be mono-pose so many are put off by the prospect of extensive modding work to fit a special weapon on.

Although they have set poses they are worthy of addition to any Guard force as veteran or Scion alternatives. They are highly detailed and very well posed as they are without having to add fiddly grenades or pouches like the GW models. True you lose pose-ability due to this but unless you are planning to play large numbers of them in your army then I would not be worried about that.


I bought the Black ops models for my HH DA force and I am an Anvil convert :)


Nice Elmo! I havean idea for counts-as Ratlings - as I really don't like their models, or even the idea of them - which involves Skinks with Sniper Rifles as a Xenos client race of hunters hired in to aid the Tarosian forces. They suit the sneaky but weak profile of the Ratlings, as well as the keen eye.


Also weighing up whether I could use their Ajax mechs as Bullgryns...

I'm not sure, going to try it out first to see. Will probably require a bit of green stuff work to pull off properly. Going to give them camo cloaks for the Stealth look as well, so I'll be raiding third party bitz dealers for those! 


In the meantime, I finished painting my Gue'vesa squad posted a few pages ago at last. Just need some base work and the odd touch-up here and there. Quite chuffed with how they came out, though sadly my room only has one of those "energy efficient" bulbs and thus the lighting makes everything look a bit rubbish. Was going to get the above Anvil Grenadiers base-coated today, but a steady drizzle throughout the day put that hope to rest. 





Think I'll be getting onto the rank-and-file guys next!


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